Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by michaelsuave »

Just read the chapter again, wonderful as usual fel, thanks for making my day! :wink:
Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

Fel, Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Ahhh, its done... dang, now what am I going to read???
New books! Yay! let the nagging begin! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do! Is it done yet? Probably not, but I don't have anything better to do!...

True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by Andygal »

thank you FEL you just made my day!
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by canisd »

up on site
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The ending has not yet been written
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by Fawks »

/me is too sick to care about reading. :(
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by Lochar »

Fawks wrote:/me is too sick to care about reading. :(
Blasphemy! You can NEVER be too sick to care. Even on your death bed, you could have someone read it to you!
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by Starstryker »

Thnx, Thnx, Thnx , thxn, ah what the hell, thnx man, must read now.

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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by matrix »

This was really worth the wait and it is worth its weight in gold.
Thanks Fel. :)
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by khyranleander »

Yep, thanks bunches! Was another really great read. Spent the afternoon rereading eight first to remind me where things were, then dove right into nine. Time WELL spent!

((Hmm, BTW, just how much gold does a digital file weigh...??))
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by Journeywoman »

Thank you Fel :D! Another great chapter!
khyranleander wrote:((Hmm, BTW, just how much gold does a digital file weigh...??))
None. Fel isn't exactly asking for any gold anyway, so 0 (shock horror) equals 0... lol.
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by fickle-godling »

YAY!!! YAAAAYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHHOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Fel, I've rea;;y been looking forward to this!!!! I'm so happy i feel like crying! hahahah :cry:
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by Mizriath »

Ok, Time to catch up with the stories. Thanks Fel for making my day after a whole week of dealing with TERMITES in my place.

What a pest! I wonder how this pest work without sleep.
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by Spec8472 »

khyranleander wrote:Yep, thanks bunches! Was another really great read. Spent the afternoon rereading eight first to remind me where things were, then dove right into nine. Time WELL spent!

((Hmm, BTW, just how much gold does a digital file weigh...??))
Well, for you to get the file it had to go through about 3 servers... So, several kilos :)
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by afrigeek »

misery, misery, misery! Imagine my only "discovering" that a new chapter has been psoted, DAYS after it was actually posted!!!

Oh! This is so sad. But now I am really charged up.....and reading........
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Re: Demon's Bane, chapter 9. SEE, I REALLY WAS WORKING ON IT!

Post by Sancria »

But here I am and I am loving it!

Thank you so much Fel, you made my insomniac night bearable.
I'd gladly travel back in time, except I would have to wait longer for the next chapter of Fel's work...sorry, pass.