Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by negativecow »

fel wrote: (not "evil", but Chaos. This isn't a good vs. evil story, it's a kind of law vs. chaos story).
law vs chaos alway remindes me of babilon 5 with the swados and the umm angel dudes

i allwayes love their 2 questions what do you want , who are you
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Hearly »

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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by negativecow »


long time since i saw babilon 5
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by straechav »

lol, don't worry Tyl, they can imagine all they want, but I already know what Jason invents.  ;)
You plan ahead? How boring ;)
Strae:  yah, there are some similarities between Were-cats and the Faey, but I promise that it's not completely intentional.  The similarity is there because of the concept of gender dominance.  Females are dominant in Faey society due to the fact that they are stronger telepaths, thus they are the "aggressors," acting much as human males do in our society.  Were-cats have no dominant gender, since it's a matter of instinct.  They do what they want to do, and to hell with what anyone thinks.
Wellllll.... I was also struck with the similiarities of some personalities, but it is something I noticed within the first few chapters and chose to ignore. I was just voicing my opinions and giving some "feedback" (you know; the thing that happens whenever I put my guitar too close to the amp).
Alpha project:  I'm glad you like that one.  After I get tired of Subjugation, I'll finish Sword of Fire, then I might start to work on one of the other projects.  I know you like Alpha Project, but I'm not sure if I'll work on it or Dragon Star.  That story has a lot of potential too, mainly because the first chapter really in no way touches on the actual plot of the story.  It's much more about a naive, somewhat bewildered young man's travels through the spacefaring world than it is about the war between him and the megacorp over the mecha.  But you have to set up the background, you know.  ;)
Yeah, but the Dragon Star promises to be more cheeky as opposed to the more realistic approach of Alpha Project.  Although if it's about his travels, it could be very good. I think he'd be rather impressive in fights with that black mecha... Hmm.. the more I think about it, the better it sounds. I wasn't too fond of the idea him going against megacorp, it's a bit too combat oriented. But, you'll do as you will, anyway.

But there is something alluring about occasional realism, since it makes easier to "Suspend Disbelief" as american film indistry is fond of repeating.

I have no real problem with Dragon Star, it's just that I find Subjugation (Alpha Project even more) refreshing after Tarrin's adventures that seem to never end. I would have thought that the death and rebirth as a demi-god would have been nice place to put a definitive stop to the stories. But as it keeps going on and going on I'm starting to wonder if I am watching Dragon Ball Z...  things just keep getting bigger, and bigger and bigger and more drawn out. AND larger than larger than life. If you know what I mean. That is not my Real Problem(tm) with Tarrin, it's just that these new stories after his resurrection have this feeling of ... aimless wandering. There is no great plot. There is no actual GOAL. Sure, he's going at killing another god, but it's not actually all that interesting anymore. All I really am interested in is watching the people's reactions to the fact that Tarrin is nearly a god, and wondering what new nifty powers he will come up with. I don't have much of an emotional attachement to the story anymore, unlike the first five books or so(?). Heh, I don't even remember how many books it took before the first story arc was completed.

I guess what I am saying is: The journey to the mountain is more interesting than the mountain top.

Anyway, I shall stop whining about that like an petulant child. From now on, you shall not hear a single peep from me about firestaff and how I would like other stories more. Really, it must be getting boring by now. ;D
And fear not, being the thinker I am, I'm always trying to come up with new stories to write.  Current ideas I'm kicking around:
I like the #2, the first one sounds a bit too generic although perhaps the "modern" part isn't that generic, unless you count the normal "modern fantasy" in the fictionpress that usually goes somewhere around those lines. Of course, most of those people can't write readable stories even to save their lives. Which is a shame since some of the amateur writers in the 'net have really good ideas, just lacking the patience and perseverance.

(just btw, I hate writing that word. "perse" is finnish word and means "ass" in extremely crude way. It is distracting. Yeah, "Persephone" is very disturbing name. "Ass Phone")

Not that the second one doesn't sound at least vaguely familiar (again, the shadow of http://www.fictionpress.com looms here, IOW; amateur fiction). But if the main character would be a demon (or half-demon, or with some demon-blood in his veins) it would trigger my own interests much more than the normal fantasy fare.  Not that my opinion really matters to anyone, but... (shrug)

But Fel, keep this in your mind if you don't mind: more than new stories, I am sure we all would like to see old stories FINISHED first. Nothing is as frustrating as a story without an ending.
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Furry_wolf2001b »

First of all i got to say i love sujugation.
Second i will say i might like the fire staff more, but thats probably becuse of the bigger ubniverse story and char lineup.

Black holes guns dont seem fine att all.

How wuld you ewer be able to limit its duration.
And its abilety to suck upp alll of the surondings and leave nothing of earth left... ;)

No a better idea wuld be making somthing like the rail gun, its basic idea and make it more efishent.
(maby somthing else also helps drive the bullet foreward)

Rail gun as is:
Probably culd get a lot better if you get rid of the air in the barrel.
(I think the air might slow the acceleration of the bullet alot)

And a better low air resistance bulet shape.
(see modern RL resertch)

The flat end part must slow the bullet down too much.
Have him make atleast a couple of clips of anti armor/air rounds fore hard to kill/long range targets.
(is obvius)

Hmm, can a matter asembler re configure heavyer materials?

If so if he gets a hold of some old depleted uranium ammo so he can re chape it into his his bullets.
(It might be un practibal to do it but i got to mention the idea.)

That "safty foam" is a great idea fore a wepon.
Or somthing simmilar glue like.
(unless enemy is in power armor, or got friends willing to risk to shoot them out/free of the stuff)

And i think anny big high rise building got enuf sheilding potential to hide alot of stuff.

Sorry havent read the begining of the thread so i might have posted stupid stuff.

Maan i need sleep...

By the way i love it. :) ;) :D
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Shadowhawk »

furry_wolf2001b wrote:Black holes guns don't seem fine at all.

How would you ever be able to limit its duration.
And its ability to suck up all of the surroundings and leave nothing of Earth left... ;)
The answer is: black hole evaporation due to Hawking radiation (see my earlier post in this thread). And the time to swallow the Earth might be larger than lifetime of the Sun (as a normal, G0 star). Still, this is an important point... If it would be possible to make grav weapon without using black holes (creating tidal forces to tear sth apart or making blood to dense for heart to pump it)...
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Hearly »

I think his RailGun, is good enough weapon wise, I mean if he could make a big one and mount it on his skimmer, it would destory any ship in earth orbit, and if he manages to get his cloaking up and running, they'd never find him to shoot him down...
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Tylhandras »

There is a difference between cloaking and masking.  What Jason did in the story was to mask matter signatures that shouldn't be there.  Cloaking is actively trying to hide in plain sight.  I.e. the camo netting, paint and bridge used to hide the skimmer.

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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Hearly »

Tylhandras, heh, um ops... um, maybe I shouldn't have said anything..

****Spoiler below****

Fel said in IRC the other day that Jason will make some type of  cloaking device to move around freely with his skimmer...  (he said a lot more, but Keeping my mouth shut..)

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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Shadowhawk »

straechav wrote:I have no real problem with Dragon Star, it's just that I find Subjugation (Alpha Project even more) refreshing after Tarrin's adventures that seem to never end. I would have thought that the death and rebirth as a demi-god would have been nice place to put a definitive stop to the stories. But as it keeps going on and going on I'm starting to wonder if I am watching Dragon Ball Z...  things just keep getting bigger, and bigger and bigger and more drawn out. AND larger than larger than life. If you know what I mean. That is not my Real Problem(tm) with Tarrin, it's just that these new stories after his resurrection have this feeling of ... aimless wandering. There is no great plot. There is no actual GOAL. Sure, he's going at killing another god, but it's not actually all that interesting anymore. All I really am interested in is watching the people's reactions to the fact that Tarrin is nearly a god, and wondering what new nifty powers he will come up with. I don't have much of an emotional attachement to the story anymore, unlike the first five books or so(?). Heh, I don't even remember how many books it took before the first story arc was completed.

I guess what I am saying is: The journey to the mountain is more interesting than the mountain top.
My thoughts, Strae, my thoughts (more or less). I think it is a good idea that Fel took time off the Tarrin Kael story and returned to Subjugation. So he may return to the Pyrosian Chronicles with fresh mind (and new ideas for plot, puns, character development etc.). Keep it up, Fel!
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Nathan Campbell »

People were talking about similarities in character archetypes between Fel's different works, and it made me realize: Fel could be the reincarnation of Robert Anson Heinlein. Think about it, it makes perfect sense (if you ignore certain death date/birth date disparities)!
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Tylhandras »

Fel as a reincarnated author......  hmm......  Nope, sorry, can't be.  He may just show similar tendencies.  There, now maybe my mind won't run away screaming....

Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by TFF »

I have strange thoughts.

I was thinking of Faey occupation, not within a western mindset, but within the mindset of the rest of the population of the world.

You know, the majority of the people on this planet who live in poverty. Whose children die from starvation and preventable diseases. People who are so poor they sell their daughters as sex slaves in many places. Those people.

Would having legal protections they don't have under their nations's current system, security most of them have to varying degrees, food, medicine, a place to live, access to education - would they be so badly off? Would they be so upset at losing their "freedom"?

If I were some poor uneducated kid whose parents couldn't put enough food on the table, and who had to live in fear from the military and gangs - I would look at some beautiful blueskinned Faey offering me everything I've ever dreamed of as some sort of godsend. I think I'd feel more loyalty and gratitude towards her than I would my fellow humans who were content to let me suffer and die so long as they had a new car, a TV, and plenty of food for themselves.

Just the odd thoughts I have. :)
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Lochar »

Ah, but people like that are going to be sent to the farms.  The children will be tested, and if they have high enough aptitudes, will be sent to the schools.  Parents would probably fight that tooth and nail.
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Re: Darn, wouldn't you know, ANOTHER non-sword chapter

Post by Hearly »

lochar wrote:Ah, but people like that are going to be sent to the farms.  The children will be tested, and if they have high enough aptitudes, will be sent to the schools.  Parents would probably fight that tooth and nail.
Maybe, But TFF did make me think for a minute.. Look at China they have what 1.2 billion people? They'd probably be better off under the Faey System...

The USA has a pop of what 320million or so? What right does Jason have for deciding how humanity decides to "live"  (not that I don't disagree as I'm an American also, but just playing Devil's advocate..)

I mean look at Africa, it's pretty much written off, Not sure of the Numbers but it's somewhere over 50% of the pop of Africa will die/(have aids) from aids over the next 10-20 years?

Edit: Also Under the Faey, Every "terrian" is treated the "same" more or less, it's not based on Color/gender only on Financial status and apptitude...
Last edited by Hearly on Fri Apr 30, 2004 2:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.