Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

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Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

Post by Fel »

okay, I was rechecking the last chapter and realized a couple of critical paragraphs I'd written concerning Tarrin and the GoG's little talk got mysteriously axed.

The basic gist of this missing material explained why some of the odd things happened around Tarrin concerning Sorcery, such as the latent ability of Janette and his daughters, and explained that being a mi'shara was more about their one gift, it also allowed them to subtly alter certain aspects of reality to bend to their will, even without them knowing. The general point of that was that Tarrin himself had been subconsciously responsible for Janette being a Sorcerer. He'd been subconsciously afraid of seeing Janette age and die, so the part of him that makes him a mi'shara changed her. He didn't know he did it, but he did. And the same happened to the twins, he instilled into them Sorcery, because Tara was always so grumpy and unhappy...and even without knowing, Tarrin subconsciously knew what to do to make Tara happy. The happiness of a father's children is very important to him, after all. ;)

I'll fix it when I get around to it, but thought it was important enough to bring up, since those are some pretty important plot points in the past. ;)
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Re: Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

Post by J-Man5 »

wow is all I can say.
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Re: Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

Post by Downdude »

You know I kind of suspected something along those lines with Janette. :D
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Re: Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

Post by Mistra »

soeeeeuuuuhm..., does this mean you're preparing us for chapter 14? :D
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Re: Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

Post by Downdude »

Summer is just around the bend. Hopefully that is good for writing. ;)
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Re: Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

Post by Ymarsakar »

Thanks Fel, that makes Chapter 13 even better than it is.
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Re: Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

Post by Wolfee »

Just wondering has the corrected version replaced the original version of Chpt 13 yet? Would love to read it as it was supposed to have been read...
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Re: Odd omission in chapter 13 I found.

Post by Downdude »

As I understand it, Fel is in the process of going over all the books to edit the mistakes. Last I saw he was working on Book 1 so it will probably be a while till he gets to working on Demon's Bane.