Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

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Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by afrigeek »

It just occurred to me that one way to get a few new elder gods/goddesses for Pyrosia would be for Tarrin the elder god to procreate with Niami. Since this was possible for Ayise and Shellar, I would assume that its possible for the former too.

This would be a good way to get a god/goddess for the pyrosian weave.

However the questions would be:

1. Is this possible?
2. If it is possible, how powerful would these new elder goddesses/gods be considering that one of their parents would be a prime elder?
3. Would they be dual gods/goddesses i.e since being Niami's children, they would also conceivably have a right to be gods in Sennadar too.
4. On a cheeky note: If the birth of a suikun could cause a weave quake, I wonder whether Niami being in the throes of passion would have a noticeable effect on the weave :-)
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by Halcyon »

afrigeek wrote:It just occurred to me that one way to get a few new elder gods/goddesses for Pyrosia would be for Tarrin the elder god to procreate with Niami. Since this was possible for Ayise and Shellar, I would assume that its possible for the former too.

This would be a good way to get a god/goddess for the pyrosian weave.

However the questions would be:

1. Is this possible?
2. If it is possible, how powerful would these new elder goddesses/gods be considering that one of their parents would be a prime elder?
3. Would they be dual gods/goddesses i.e since being Niami's children, they would also conceivably have a right to be gods in Sennadar too.
4. On a cheeky note: If the birth of a suikun could cause a weave quake, I wonder whether Niami being in the throes of passion would have a noticeable effect on the weave :-)
Interesting theory. Personally, I think it's plausible, but it's totally up to "the powers that be," i.e. Fel. For all we know we could see the result of the above pairing in the new story Fel is working on.

And yes, #4 is pretty cheeky... :?
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by Priapus »

what would happen to the weave if she becomes a warecat???
would she also be a warecat goddess??
:shock: :shock: :shock:
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by Never_Fear »

It's more likely it will be a were cat god since god tarrin is the one that will be creating him/her
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by afrigeek »

I highly doubt that the elder god Tarrin is a werecat in the classical sense of it i.e. in the sense that he can pass on the condition through his fluids etc.. He is a god afterall and the classic problems with the werekin condition wouldn't apply to him otherwise he would become the only god around vulnerable to silver :-) In fact I would think that other than probably making his icon resemble a werecat he is a full god in the sense of it and in any case, all of this is a moot point since Niami as a prime elder wouldn't be vulnerable to such a thing.
"Bachelors should be heavily taxed. It is not fair that some men should be happier than others." - Oscar Wilde

What actually happened was that George Dubya Bush saw an Iraqi maths teacher carrying a geometry set, accused him of being a member of the notorious Al-gebra movement, and charged him with possessing weapons of maths instruction.
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by Priapus »

good point
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by J-Man5 »

And who would want a god who could go feral or on rampages. We noticed that the Mortal God Tarrin went beyond his limitations and this was due to his greater but imperfect knowledge. As a full Elder god Pyrosian Elder Tarrin would be far beyond passing on his were abilities. Plus any offspring would be a god or goddess and would decide what shape or form to take.

It almost reminds me of the problem of Superman and his ability/non-ability to father children. As was written by Larry Niven - Man of Steel/Woman of Kleenex.
Just what would turn on a Elder God Werecat? Only another Elder Goddess Were Cat! Since there are none currently Elder God Tarrin will be getting mighty frustrated in a few eons. I'd rather not be around Pyrosia at that time.

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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by Halcyon »

J-Man5 wrote:And who would want a god who could go feral or on rampages. We noticed that the Mortal God Tarrin went beyond his limitations and this was due to his greater but imperfect knowledge. As a full Elder god Pyrosian Elder Tarrin would be far beyond passing on his were abilities. Plus any offspring would be a god or goddess and would decide what shape or form to take.

It almost reminds me of the problem of Superman and his ability/non-ability to father children. As was written by Larry Niven - Man of Steel/Woman of Kleenex.
Just what would turn on a Elder God Werecat? Only another Elder Goddess Were Cat! Since there are none currently Elder God Tarrin will be getting mighty frustrated in a few eons. I'd rather not be around Pyrosia at that time.

That's an awesome little essay. I've read it before, and I must say, it makes many hilarious points. Perhaps, someone here in the forums should write one about Tarrin. :P
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by Fiferguy »

I think that they would be able to procreate... I remember somewhere Fel wrote that wrote that a God of any kind could make his/her icon any shape that they wanted. Tarrin the Elder God could make his icon any shape he wanted--or to say it another way, it had nothing to do with being Were. That is just the shape that he identified with. But underneath the skin, he's still a God, just like every other Elder God in the multiverse.

And I think it would be AWESOME if Fel wrote a story about the offspring of Tarrin the Elder God and Niami.
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by GloriousShamash »

I rather doubt that Niami or GodTarrin are restricted to a singular form in their home planes. Observe that most of the restrictions on elder gods pertain to actions outside their personal sphere. Thus the crossroads is very restrictive, the world they oversee less so, and on their home planes restrictions are practically nil.

I would think that offspring would need the consent of Ayise to exert influence on Sennadar. Assuming GodTarrin is much like Tarrin, he'd likely enjoy their company and assistance closer to home.
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Re: Godly Tarrin and Niami offspring

Post by Javna »

A thought struck me, if tNiami and G-Tarrin and they get a child. Where will it (the child) be restricted to. To what univers, or will it have access to both mother and fathers domaine or will a new univers come about. Un like Niami who where created by here mother the child will be created by two gods, what laws will the child follow sins Niami follow her mother but G-Tarrin follow his own, or mayby the god of gods.
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