"Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins, Bub" [NSFW, Language]

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"Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins, Bub" [NSFW, Language]

Post by ilox »

I am getting fed up with the abuse of writers that is going on. I think it is time that us Readers took a stand and made very certain that our favourite authors knew just how much we appreciate their efforts and their sacrifices they make to bring their stories to life. I am sick and tired of idiots who think it is their god-given right to abuse an author - for whatever reason they may make up. It is time they learned that we wont stand by and watch from the sidelines while they dish out their vile abuse at the people that we respect. Only recently was an idiot trashing Warlord in his own mailing list and I jumped on him fast including a simple recitation of the Facts of Life:
1. He's the Author, you're the Reader.
2. You Read what he Writes.
3. There is nothing that says that he has to Read what you Write.

Now I find that two very very good women authors are leaving the online writing arena because they simply have reached their quota on the crap and abuse they will tolerate. I find this very sad and I will miss the contributions of both of them.

Let me share Eon's letter with you as well as the link to find Daniellekitten's letter of resignation. Please take note of the last few paras of this post and take steps to make certain anyone that abuses an author think twice about continuing that kind of rubbish. This has nothing to do with valid constructive criticism, this about abusive behaviour. It Must Stop!
Cheers, Ian
Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins, Bub

On occasion, people have accused me of being unable to take constructive criticism. Believe me, it's not always easy...There's nothing quite like a bad day with hormones running amok, capped off with most people's idea of constructive criticism. A lot of people don't quite get the constructive part; just because you're not throwing around personal insults doesn't mean you're being constructive. Telling me I'm writing a story simply to "get higher votes from the pervs" isn't constructive, it's rude. (And yes, that's a verbatim quote from someone who couldn't be happy with the fact that I was slaving over several of the stories they wanted to see, churning out numerous chapters a week...no, they had to insult my integrity over me writing Taming of the Shrew, the one story I've done solely for me and no one else. Apparently the 3 or so other stories I was writing at the same time, that were just the sort of stories they liked, weren't good enough.)

Those behaviors can be bad enough. They can and do step over the line. No one has a right to anything out of authors who write for free. No one has a right to abuse them and yes, sometimes people do cross the line into abuse, not necessarily on purpose, in their attempts at "constructive criticism". But then there are those who aim for abuse right from the beginning.

This was brought to my attention today: http://storiesonline.net/library/authorBlog.php?id=3036 [Storiesonline.net is NSFW]

Now, I try not to swear on my blog, but who the fuck do these people think they are? Aside from the pulsating zit on the ass of humanity, I mean. This isn't about constructive criticism or even criticism at all, but abusive behavior that simply should not be allowed to continue. It's hard enough to deal with the rest of your life. No one should have to put up with that crap. But the anonymity of the internet allows for a lot of this sort of thing to go on and administrators on a big site like Literotica will just sit back and allow it.

I should know. I've been there more than once. I haven't covered even half of the personal insults and attacks that have come my way, in the past 3 and change years, in past entries of this blog. I've kept silent about quite a few of the things that have been said and done to me and nowhere have they been worse than at Literotica. As an author I could have complained until the cows came home and it wouldn't have made a difference.

But maybe a difference can be made. If you see these people or any people behaving this way, saying such things that they have absolutely no right to say, report them. If in the past you have seen Scouries or BostonFictionWriter or anyone like them behaving in such a way, report them now. Hell, if seeing this has pissed you off and you need something to do, go make a complaint.

This sort of behavior out of people, on top of a sizable stack of other things, was a factor in why I no longer write online. It was just one more straw and this camel's back couldn't take anymore. And I am not nor will I be the only writer who feels this way, as the blog entry above evidences. We are only human and it hurts when people come after us. We too reach our threshold, our point where enough is enough and we can't take anymore on top of everything else our life is dishing out at us.

It's difficult for us as writers to protect ourselves. But you, all of you, can protect the writers and stories you love. Don't forget that they're human, that they need support and kindness as well as constructive criticism to become even better writers and to continue doing what they do. And don't let asshats like these people destroy that for you. No matter what you do or where you go there will be people who are just jerks. That doesn't mean anyone has to put up with it.

Last edited by Spec8472 on Mon Jan 07, 2008 9:05 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Added quote to make it clear the content is cross-posted and NSFW tag for language.
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Re: "Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins, Bub"

Post by gesit »

i do agree with you m8
and i'll do like you said
i too get angry with all those that have nothing better to do, and just want to abuse those that give.
sure would like to say to them : if you don't want what is given, then just say : no thanks and leave

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Re: "Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins, Bub"

Post by ilox »

Just an update. Today DanielleKitten has been flooded with emails of support and decided that she will continue to share her stories on SOL and just drop the other places that permit / tolerate author abuse.
Wow, I've been deluged with emails

and that's not what I was trying to do. What I wanted was for that other site to step up to the plate and stop the harrassment, not for me, but for others like Jenny Lo, just a reader who fell into the haters line of vision. She had never written a word and she was harressed to the point that she closed her account and the admins at the other site did nothing. It's a shame when people do that to others. I won't be a part of a site that doesn't value it's authors. As such, my page over there is closed. I am keeping my stories up over here and in a few days I hope to begin posting my work again.

I'm a bit in mourning right now. I feel as if part of me, an innocent part has died. Some of the joy that I always felt is gone. And it's taken my Joy of writing along with it. I'll get better. I can't not write.

Thank you as always to all of you who've written to me. I don't believe by canceling my membership at that other site that I have done anything more but protest the rights of others. I don't believe that I am anything more than another writer, a hack who plunks out her stories one letter at a time like the rest of them. But I do believe that as a unit, some things could have gotten done over there. It's a shame that others couldn't have seen it.

So if you know of anyone who's wondering where I'll be posting, it's here. That is until SweetWitch and I decide if we are going to start our own site. If we do, I'll let you all know.

Take care and thanks to all of you,


Cheers, Ian
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Some day I intend reading it." ~ unknown
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Re: "Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins, Bub" [NSFW, Language]

Post by Fiferguy »

It sickens me that that happened... If you don't like a story, don't read it. It's that simple. As an author and a reader, I can appreciate both sides of the equation. From the reader standpoint, there are things that I don't like, or things that I think could be done to improve stories. Do I offer constructive criticism? Sometimes. If the author is asking for it, sure I do. But most of the time, I just sit and read, and maybe participate in some of the zanier discussions going on... :twisted:

From the author standpoint, I see this: the authors that we read online, with a few exceptions, only do it for the love of writing, and enjoy sharing their imaginations with the rest of us. There are a few online authors out there that try to get money out of the deal, and I've already expressed my opinion of those people over on my other board. But that's beside the point. The point is: these authors are giving freely of their very souls. I would encourage those people who are thinking about bashing an author to look hard into the very essence of their being and fix what's wrong with themselves first.

I can't speak for Spec and the Sennadar board, but I can say for my board: anybody flaming anybody, be it the author ( :) ) or other forum members will have their IP, screenname, and email address permanently banned. I won't tolerate that. Constructive criticism is always welcomed, as it should be, but hate mail and flaming is banned. You all know me, and know that I am not above poking fun at someone from time to time. I hope that that's all it seems like on the other side of the keyboard--nothing I say is meant in offense...Except with Spec... KIDDING!!!
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Re: "Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins, Bub" [NSFW, Language]

Post by wolfy »

The internet has allowed writers to be closer to they're readers than ever before yet protecting them from the physical presents of their fans. Yet that protection is in someways very thin. In the age of blogs and chatrooms and wikipedia has give the readers the idea that all of a sudden they have the right to edit, re-write, "suggest" and in some cases tell the author what will happen next and what they expect to see in the next book. And when they don't get it what they want/expect the hatred and poison that pours out of their keyboard and onto the electronic "paper" is unbelievable!!!

I fail to see how these fracking idiots can believe for one second that they have any right to edit or change or pre-write the authors work cause the author has so generously invited them into their home so to speak via the computer.

Several very well known authors have learned this the hard way. If your a author don't allow fan fiction even if your published only on the internet. The author who rights the sci-fi adventures of "Miles" learned this the hard way.

Authors like Laurel K Hamilton, creator of the Anita Blake and Merry Gentry series have purged their webboard more than once cause serveral rabid so called fans where pretty much taking over the board with their poison and complaining that there was to much sex blah blah blah - yada yada yada - and yet they kept coming back after new books and making more comments. No matter how much they said they hated the books - they apparently kept reading them!

Incase folks didn't know - the authors work is copyright - shut up - read the stories - come back for more if you like them - otherwise leave.

My 2 Cents worth.
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Re: "Your Freedom Ends Where Mine Begins, Bub" [NSFW, Language]

Post by Blyker »

When i read things like this the lyrics of the Tool song Hooker with a Penis come to my mind.