Are you ready for some Football!!!!!

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Re: Are you ready for some Football!!!!!

Post by mbeau »

Fel wrote:heh, that was an ugly game.

But it makes the Superbowl interesting. The team going for a perfect record against one of the toughest road teams in the league. It's definitely not gonna be a phone-in game.
Ugly game, hell yeah. It seemed like neither one of them wanted to win at the end.

"You go lose to the Pats."
"No, you go."
"No you.
"No you."

And the kicker for the Giants. He saved his bacon with that FG in OT.
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Re: Are you ready for some Football!!!!!

Post by Blyker »

I hate the chargers, so im glad the patriots won. I think with the current 2 teams facing eachother we have the best potential for a great superbowl game. If the Giants can put as much preasure on Brady with just 4 man like they were able to do on Favre it will be even more interesting.
Its kinde ironic though. I think that the Giants due to the unbeaten hype coming from the last match of the regular season are playing at a higher level then they did all season. On the side of the Patriots i see a small decline in performance.
A lot will depend on Manning though. If he doesnt throw picks it will be a fun match to watch.
(oh and even though i am from the Netherlands i do get the game, its a bit like Rugby that i used to play only with a bit more strategy en tactical play)
The one thing i cant do however is watch a live game, the amount of commercial breaks is driving me absolutely batty, so i tape them and fast forward during the breaks :)