Subjugation chapters

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Subjugation chapters

Post by Mark_Reed »

Hey all-

Does anyone have word or rtf documents of Subjugation? The only versions of the story available online have the whole story in one document. I've had to separate individual chapters out of the united document for other stuff and Subjugation is the last thing I'm missing. I have software that cleans up microsoft's jargon prior to converting it to HTML, and there are some extra hoops involved in pulling individual chapters out of the united documents that add a lot of time to my end. So before I went ahead and did something that was going to cost me an extra hour or two, I thought I'd ask if anyone already had the story separated into individual doc files.

If you do, please post the zip on the subjugation universe forum or PM me. I'd really appreciate it. Thanks.

-Mark Reed
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Re: Subjugation chapters

Post by gnume »

not anymore. they were on the old site ( and maybe was on the new site. but i dont think separate chapters exit publicly on the web anymore.
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Re: Subjugation chapters

Post by aberia »

i have subjugation in html format. tell me hoe to post on the site and i will do it.

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Re: Subjugation chapters

Post by Mark_Reed »

Chapters received. Thanks everyone!