Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

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Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by expedient »

With the introduction of the jacks, food replicators, real-time hyperspace engines, expanded trade in the quadrant, new exploration and resource exploitation across the galaxy, the Karinnes are starting a possible Golden Age for the Milky Way. I like the holographic sport broadcasting too. The pessimist in me is waiting for the other shoe to drop. What danger could they have all overlooked on top of the Andromedans?

The new frigate ships sound like a great idea for scouting and ambushing the enemy. I thought that the class name "Needle" might fit the description and purpose...

The Parri continue to fascinate me. I'm convinced that the shaman is covertly training Jason in their abilities. I wonder if the Parri abilities are a form of psionics or something else and if they are a psionic ability what would that mean to a Generation boosted with CBIM merging?

Oh and the ocean planet. Couldn't they farm the oceans there and on Karis to produce seaweed, fish farms of some kind and all those shellfish that the Faey love?
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

While the Biggest ships can be produced in the Karrine shipyard, if they use the inflated asteroid idea, to create shipyards designed to create the smaller ships, they wont be for big ships, but if they can inflate an asteroid as big as possible, they could make a contained shipyard big enough for the smaller war ships.Far more limited, possibly only the slips themselves in there, there would only be so much room in them.
So the jack they released can not be used to alter minds, but what about if a different jack was implanted in a head, this one linked to the places in the brain it needs to high jack some one. Can they be replaced by different version?
So all jacked member of house karrine are able to commune, with just the computer, or other members of the house, possibly even kimdore? So the non telepaths can experience communion. That means no jacked karrinee will ever truly be safe.

We know the torsion defensive device can affect other tech that warps space, I wonder if focused into a beam weapon, could it be used as a weapon? I wonder if this thing could by pass armor or shield, as they dont affecct space, so no effect. If might simply cause internal damage by messing with the tech that it can effect. While torsion weapons are short ranged, do we know if this applies to the diffuser?

I wonder if the empress will court any of the advanced races or con fed members to join her imperium, they are a very advanced civilisation, they could gratly advance a species. I doubt she would go after any of the bigger empires, but the smaller ones are a possibility. The shio and the colonies would be a good match, she just needs to tailor her offer to be the most attractive as possible. Those two empires beyond the void would be a good fit.

I wonder if the holo broad cast systems could also be used in theatres, plays and concerts? Any kind of live show could be shared amognst many venues.
Last edited by SYED on Thu Mar 27, 2014 12:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by ramouton »

It was covered in book 2 of the series the torsion weapons of the consortium are short range beam weapons able to severely distort space in a highly localized area.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by Catawk »

Couldn't they use large hard shields that allow water but not animals to make large fish farms on the water world. I only say this because it seems that they have only be focusing on fruits and vegetables exports. With real time hyperspace and stargates moving meat around shouldn't be problem.

Would a jack be functional if the wire was placed in a different part of the brain?
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by Wolfee »

Catawk wrote:Couldn't they use large hard shields that allow water but not animals to make large fish farms on the water world. I only say this because it seems that they have only be focusing on fruits and vegetables exports. With real time hyperspace and stargates moving meat around shouldn't be problem.

Would a jack be functional if the wire was placed in a different part of the brain?
Why not sure seed the entire ocean world with plankton, krill, fish, shellfish and the like? I agree though, If you take even a decent amount of care to prevent over fishing a uninhabited water world could be a forever fishing hole. Once the inter-galactic war was over, you could have record sized sword fish for tourist fisher-persons plus a steady fishing income for the planet and house.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

We know at some point, they need to go after the Andromeda Galaxy, but that would require a star-gate to allow a direct connection. I wonder how quickly a stargate can be contructed, set up, and moved.
THe advanced kimdori scouts need to find place that they can secure against the enemy, places that block hyperspace travel, and regions that they can harm the enemy, areas of extreme radiations, like the proposed entry to karrine space. THat way the stealth frigates can be sent on raiding missions, sneaking in and blasting their enemies at will. WHile the confederation will carry out fleet actions, I see house Karrine using their alternative methods of destruction. THey will target infrastructure, and help the kimdori with infiltartion. We know they have equiped their worlds with suicide devices, will they be tampered with to shut them down or in certain cases simply wipe out the bad guys? THe kimdori cant take any tech that the andromeda galaxcy does not have, so CAn you potentially make a stargate from the tech there?

We know the aliens are sending a colonization force, I wonder how many energy beings are with it?

That shell weapon that warped space, can it be enlarged for a railgun weapon? If enlarged it could destroy entire task forces.
Is it possible to create shield specificly to deal with the enemy uses, the omega/ dark matter weaponry. If they are all based on karrine tech stolen away, wanna bet they can find flaws in them?
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by Fel »

expedient wrote:The Parri continue to fascinate me. I'm convinced that the shaman is covertly training Jason in their abilities. I wonder if the Parri abilities are a form of psionics or something else and if they are a psionic ability what would that mean to a Generation boosted with CBIM merging?
The Parri have their own agenda on Karis, and most of their plans center around Jason.

And as to what the Parri can really'll find out. ;)
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by Fel »

That shell weapon that warped space, can it be enlarged for a railgun weapon? If enlarged it could destroy entire task forces.
The Teryon shell couldn't wipe out a task force. The way it works is that it turns a rail cannon into a Pulse weapon, but gives the shot much more range. The Teryon bundle doesn't explode, it disintigrates its way through anything it hits until the energy escapes back into hyperspace. The velocity the rail cannon imparts into the Teryon bundle makes it travel MUCH further than a pulse blast before it dissipates.

It's predominantly being designed for what Iyoi did with it: a one shot kill weapon a fighter can employ against a line vessel...just with considerable risk to the fighter.

The weapon can't be used in heavy mount rail cannons yet, they're still working out the bugs. The larger the shell, the more energy that has to be put into it to fire (the Teryon bundle inside "muffles" the magnetic field that catapults the shell out of the weapon, so they have to radically increase the cannon's power to fire it), and thus the more drain it puts on the ship using it...not mentioning that it tends to destroy the rail cannon that fires it. A line vessel trying to fire a Teryon shell from its cannon would probably blow out the entire power grid in the attempt.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by nicolai »

Fel wrote:The Parri have their own agenda on Karis, and most of their plans center around Jason.

And as to what the Parri can really'll find out. ;)
Now, now! This isn't nice, at all. A teaser like that? Then again, it's you, and you are evil. :twisted:

<fingers crossed> Hopefully we'll see some of this in the next chapter or two. :wink:
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

So it is difficult to scale up, but is it possible to scale down?
I was thinking those marbles he makes, can he make a version that containg a tiny amount of the material? destroying it from the inside out.
Has their holy tree ever been studied, could be useful in learmimg about their powers.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by GBLW »

nicolai wrote:
Fel wrote:The Parri have their own agenda on Karis, and most of their plans center around Jason.

And as to what the Parri can really'll find out. ;)
Now, now! This isn't nice, at all. A teaser like that? Then again, it's you, and you are evil. :twisted:

<fingers crossed> Hopefully we'll see some of this in the next chapter or two. :wink:
That's not a teaser, not from Fel, instead I regard that as a promissory note. :lol: :twisted: :roll:
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by nicolai »

GBLW wrote:
nicolai wrote:
Fel wrote:The Parri have their own agenda on Karis, and most of their plans center around Jason.

And as to what the Parri can really'll find out. ;)
Now, now! This isn't nice, at all. A teaser like that? Then again, it's you, and you are evil. :twisted:

<fingers crossed> Hopefully we'll see some of this in the next chapter or two. :wink:
That's not a teaser, not from Fel, instead I regard that as a promissory note. :lol: :twisted: :roll:
Yes, I look at it as a promissory note as well. It's just that ... that ... it isn't done yet! :!:
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by Wolfee »

Okay Fel: Explain these ones please.

In Secession Chapter 6 Zaa obtains 3x Karinne Scout ships from Jason for her Andromeda recon expedition, which we know from Subjugation chapter 18 is the size of a Nimitz aircraft carrier. For the life of me I cannot find it atm, but I'm sure Zaa later asked for the specs to CMS so the Scout ships could cloak even while in hyperspace while they where in Andromeda. Now the Stealth warship proposed in Inception chapter 5 sounds like its smaller than the scout ship almost half. The basis for this conclusion is that a scout ship is almost the size of a destroyer. Yet you state the its the largest ship that can possibly use CMS and the smallest that can mount a particle beam projector. Could you please clear up the confusion? or am I comparing apples to oranges?

In Secession chapter 10 Jason says Dahnai's island will be a Teryon Hard Shield.... Yet in Inception chapter 5 "the shield system was Imperium tech boosted a bit by Myleena’s tinkering to make it more powerful and more resilient." So not a Teryon hard shield... Is the earlier statement a misstep or did you forget when you wrote the later.

In Inception Chapter 4 "Anyone who wanted one had to pay the C560 for it unless they were in what was deemed a “critical need” occupation, where the jack would have a direct beneficial use in their job." I believe it was one of the Secession chapters the price was C430... is the price increase a simple supply and demand price increase or a typo?
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

That system with multiple suns, could a series of dyson shells, and solar arrays be fitted to the system.
I have mentioned the idea about the confederation investing in terraforming, I wonder if they ever consider helioforming, which is where they transform gas giant planets in to suns, so to make it easier to make planets and moon near them better conditioned to be made habitable.
So the imperium will soon be able to jump real time in hyper. How many races can jump out of an indictor effect? I know only the kimdori and the karrines can jump in. I bet that some races will attempt to find a way to breach the indictors to get the advantage.
The imperium can not conquer to expand, but I can see them attmpt to expand via diplomacy. Sure the academy is open to all, and it is a great boost, but the imperium is very advanced so they could quickly advance a civilisation, and they have a highly developed military. The bigger empires are a doubtful consideration, but the minor races, could potentially consider an offer, if the fea can make it tempting., then I can see the races joining the imperium. they can aaume that they will be able to access the karrines due to their very persanal relationship with the imperium.
the imperium made stargates, advanced plasma tech and molecircuiture. That are some of the few advancements they made after the loss of the karrines. If jason gain full accesss to the related research on such topics, it may allow an easier time to integrate them in to the karrine tech base. I have this image of a train network accross planets linked by star gates that are for a planatary basis.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 5 [Spoilers]

Post by kyli »

If a Jack can directly feed sound (and I assume the other senses as well) into a Kizzik’s brain, then it should be entirely possible to create a hyperspace filter to clear the effects caused by the three dimensional brain trying to interpret multiple dimensions.  The way I understand it, a person can still see/hear/feel/smell/taste three dimensional objects in hyperspace, such as a starship and other people; it’s just that because there are more than three dimensions in hyperspace and the brain is trying to figure out the other dimensions which it can’t understand and as a result, you get a bunch of strange sounds, sights, feelings, smells, and I would assume even tastes.  If this is the case, then all it would take to create a hyperspace mind filter is some kind of software program since all the necessary hardware required to remove the effects of multidimensional space from the brain is already part of the Jack.  This could really be an advantage for the Karinnes since ships could then jump hyperspace for extended periods without stopping and without putting their crew to sleep.  This, combined with a hyperspace catapult, (once Myleena designs one) would make a hyperspace jump over a short distance almost as quick and easy as using stargates, and would be a huge advantage for the Karinnes.
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