Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

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Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

What does it take for a ship to jump out of in-diction or even into it? I am thinking engines, computing and power issues just to jump out, they need to be real time jumpers. What what else do they need to learn to jump in? We know the other races will be studying it, so they will eventually need to up grade their systems to compensate, so they themselves need to think of ways to break in-diction and then create ways to block those methods. This might be a long term 3D project.
I know that sword wont be used much, but is it possible to make a sword capable of breaking suit armor shields or armor? Say they create a suit of stealth armor, letting it get in close, if armed with a sword, it could be very deadly. So creating a series of swords for their armors might not be too bad an investment.
So empathy, precognition, Psychometric and clairvoyance are the known possible mental abilities. We guessed that Jason's brain upgrade could allow him acces to such abilities, and dont forget, his generation merge ability allows him to bolster such powers greatly. Will we ever get more detail from this? We know such abilities are range limited, I wonder if these powers can be used via biogenic units, so the range can be built up. Precogs would be awesome in battle, they would know what was coming and when. Claivoyance is great for spying. Psycometry is great for intelligence gathering, while empathy is great for influencing others, create something to the jedi battle meditation, when the different people can be joined and unified in battle.
The project was to improve their telepaths, and near all of them are telekinetic, but what about the other gifts.
We know that unless humans have fae ancestors, they dont have the genes for telepathy or telekinesis. I wonder if they do have the potential for the shaman abilities the parri parri do, as humans have said to have unique abilites, so if they are not the known ones, they might be the unknown ones.
We know terra is a neutral planet, I wonder if they would have an intergalactic cook off, to see the different foods, and find chefs able to blend the different foods together if they are from different planets. Imagine cooking shows which using the jack tech, the viewers can taste the food made. Food and drink have always brought people together.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

Post by BOTalian »

Anyone else curious if the Kirri Microbes will act differently within the Generation physiology?
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Re: Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

Post by Rabblerouser »

I've noticed of Page 26 where Jason is addressing the Fatherland Academy that he makes no mention of Human or Terran fighting. Is this deliberate because Earth is neutral or has Jason forgotten about the humans fighting in house Karinne?
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Re: Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

Post by Fel »

Rabblerouser wrote:I've noticed of Page 26 where Jason is addressing the Fatherland Academy that he makes no mention of Human or Terran fighting. Is this deliberate because Earth is neutral or has Jason forgotten about the humans fighting in house Karinne?
Intentional. The Terrans, as in the humans living on Earth, are a totally neutral party and won't be fighting unless they join some other government, like the Imperium or the Karinnes etc.

Terra is a completely neutral world in all ways, much like Switzerland. For them to fight, even against the Syndicate and Consortium, could threaten that neutrality.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

Post by Catawk »

Couldn't the raw materials that the Karinne Replicators create be used in a 3D Printer to create finished products?
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Re: Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

Those microbes boost abilities, does that extend to psychic powers as well? The microbes drain the bodies reserves, I wonder if karrine science can help allow the karrines to better to use this gift. Will simply visiting the planet allow for the microbes to pass into their systems?
THeir replicators are the best around, but they need to process and shape the material. SO it sounds like instead of making a better replicator they need a better form of a 3D printer, they could create a sort of nano lathe/fabricator to make the parts or items they need, using nanited and telekinetic computers.
How hard would it be to add the telepathy gene to humanity as a whole? for centuries the fae have attempted to improve it in themselves, and they know it goes well with humans. the only reason why it didnt spread faster is the karrine descendants kept being taken out by cancer. if they were not so vulnerable to it, telepathic humans would be far more numerous.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

Post by nicolai »

Fel wrote:
Rabblerouser wrote:I've noticed of Page 26 where Jason is addressing the Fatherland Academy that he makes no mention of Human or Terran fighting. Is this deliberate because Earth is neutral or has Jason forgotten about the humans fighting in house Karinne?
Intentional. The Terrans, as in the humans living on Earth, are a totally neutral party and won't be fighting unless they join some other government, like the Imperium or the Karinnes etc.

Terra is a completely neutral world in all ways, much like Switzerland. For them to fight, even against the Syndicate and Consortium, could threaten that neutrality.
The exception, just like the Swiss, would be if Terra were attacked. Of course, that means the entire Confederation would respond, so maybe the Terrans wouldn't have to.

I would imagine that there are quite a few Terrans that wouldn't mind fighting, so there should be some that petition to join the Karinnes, in addition to the ones with Talent. There is a recruiting station on Terra, isn't there? If not, is there a reason?

Non-Talented Terrans, especially with a jack, would be able to do anything that doesn't require Talent. I don't remember non-Talented Terrans showing up at all, other than Molly and the former members of Legion.
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Re: Inception, Chapter 6 [Spoilers]

Post by SYED »

Logistic is a major issue to keep a fleet and army able to fight. I wonder what is easier to do, create stations to service them and move them where needed, or inflate asteroids and build in the needed tech?