Sennadar in Audio...

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Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Seastallion »

Recently, I've been listening to the Subjugation series from my tablet's text-to-speech capability using a reader, while making the long drive between home and work. Granted, it isn't ideal, but it works. One of the apps I've found is called Librivox, from which you can listen to audio books from various sources. This also includes amateur productions done by volunteers, either as individuals or as groups. I thought it would be awesome if Fel's works could be included. Obviously, it would require Fel's permission first and foremost. After that it would require either an individual volunteer to read the stories or possibly a group of people working together. Personally, I'd be both amazed and ecstatic if Fel's work could be listened to with some dramatization. I know it would be a lot of work, but if there is one series of Fel's that would deserve it, it is the Firestaff series. Anyway, it was a thought I wanted to share.

What do you think?
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Rambulator »

I do this at home with a program called TextAloud. I have all of the Subjugation series broken down in increments of about three to seven minutes each. I have made mp3 disks for listening in my vehicle while traveling and working around the house. I know that it may be a copyright infringement but they are for me an no one else. But if he gives permission I would make them available to anyone on this forum and no one else.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Seastallion »

Is that a tts app?

I think the quality would be a lot better if somehow we could get a group of people together to read it. I've thought about possibly trying it myself, but honestly I don't know how good I'd be. In either case, having Fel's blessing would be necessary.

So, Fel what do you think about it? (If you're reading)

Maybe it is a pipe dream, but it would be awesome.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Fel »

Long as you post the files here for public access, I don't have a problem with it.

Remember, on this site and concerning my works, even those done by others based on my works, everything is free.
Just another guy from the shallow end of the gene pool.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by trodrian »

I've never done it FELs work but just save his Word documents as PDF and let your OS read it for you. I've done this with a few law texts that were too boring to read with open eyes, so I know it will work with any other PDF document.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Sasijade »

I do it sometimes using the .epub version on my mobile using the Mantano Reader app.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Seastallion »

I agree with everyone, that in a pinch, text-to-speech apps are great substitutes for audio books. What I'm suggesting is an actual group effort to at least partly dramatize an audio production. Maybe there isn't enough interest to do it, but it would be great if it could exist. At the very least, an individual reader (person), would still be better than a t-t-s app. I'm still considering doing it myself, but it would be much easier with a group sharing the work load. Even better still if it could be done in a dramatized way. More work, yes, but a higher quality and more entertaining. I honestly don't see it happening unless the fans decide to come together and make it happen. Personally, I think Fel's work is easily good enough to be in the mainstream, but since that currently isn't the case, the odds of a professional audio book are slim to say the least.

Just thought I should get to the point, and not beat around the bush. TTS apps are great, but they weren't the only point I wanted to make. I realize that what I'm talking about will require actual time and effort on the part volunteers. It wouldn't be the first time a group of fans came together and volunteered for a project they wanted to do. Fans of fictional universes all over have done similar things. Essentially, I'd like to see a new media format to enjoy great stories we already know and love. I don't know, maybe I'm alone in that notion. Still isn't that why people go to see movies of their favorite books? Heh, that truly would be amazing if something like that could happen for Fel's work. I don't know if Fel would like that or not. If it ever did happen, he'd very likely have his hands full. Sometimes it can be a little fun to indulge in unlikely fantasies. Unless or until that happens, I'll just have to be content with the movies in my head.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Rambulator »

I understand that having different people doing different voices is the best way to go. I threw out doing it with tts would be a way a person that enjoyed reading Fel's story's would be able to listen to them on the go. I personally would be one of the voices but have a very distinct Texas accent that may not be good for any of the people.
It would also take considerable time to script write a readable version.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Catgodify »

I'd love to try out listening to it all, i can't promise i'll like it i normally never listen to audiobooks but i bet it'll change after listening to some Fel. :)
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Rambulator »

Before I start uploading the Subjugation Series in tts I would like to know how every one would like it. Do you want full chapters or would you like to have it in segments of five to ten minutes.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by Seastallion »

I'm not sure what most people would choose, but I would think that 'by chapter' would be the simplest way to organize it. I may still give a read version a try; I just would need to find the time.
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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by ralbloke »

I Think Fels books would be great in audio!!
I agree that it would have to be a group effort with some, but not too much dramatisation.
We would have to find enough people in one area though.
While I do a passable voice over I am a good ( I Hope ) Sound engineer, with loan equipment available.
Bad news, I am in London.
But keep the discussion going, who knows

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Re: Sennadar in Audio...

Post by kyli »

I would prefer it being by chapter myself.
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