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Post by nicolai »

Was eating supper, and had a thought. Dangerous things, thoughts.

I remember Cybi and Jason talking about the large communion array and being able to reach Andromeda. The statement was made that the communication would be real time. Have the Karinnes investigated exactly how communion works? They have to have at least a partial understanding, just to be able to build what they already do, like the gestalts. If they haven't, I'm sure some Generation will do so at some point. It will be a breakthrough in physics and the possibilities are unknowable before-hand. When they do, will that research translate into faster hyperspace travel? Or something completely new? Will it, perhaps, show the way for Generations to teleport? Or might that ability just show up at some point, in a generation or three? After all, tk is, in a way, similar.

Curious minds want to know.
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by Fel »

Communion is just an alternate "bandwidth" of telepathy, which has already been studied.

Telepathy and other psionic abilities all share a common aspect: all of them transcend the common concepts of time and space. All psionic powers are instantaneous across distance, regardless of how distant that distance is. But distance does come into play because it takes more psionic power to reach across space, at least 99% of the time.

That's where the array comes in. It allows telepathy across vast distances because it modulates the content onto a carrier that itself transcends time and space, but has the power to reach that distance. And only one side has to have the power to reach that far. As long as either the array or its receiver has the power to reach the distance, they can communicate.
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by nicolai »

True. But have they studied the physics behind the instantaneous aspects? And are those physics translatable to other things?
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by Fel »

the key of it is that physics don't apply to the "transmission" of psionic power, only to the effects they may have in reality. How they propogate is still something of a mystery, all they really know is that these abilities do follow some physical laws.

For example, the weight of the object being lifted is exerted against the telekinetic, creating an "equal and opposite" reaction. One thing a TK of any real power learns is how to "brace" against this pushback. If Jason didn't brace, he's be flung backwards if he tried to move something heavy forwards.

This is what makes psionics so hard to quantify, that they both do and do not follow physical law.

And yes, they do study psionics from a scientific viewpoit. That's what "psiology" is.
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by nicolai »

Ah! Thanks for the explanation. I was just exploring some of the backstory and wondering.

I'm sure that if you have any 'discoveries' in mind, we'll find out about them in due course. You diabolically evil author, you. :lol:
An objective definition of "Political Correctness":

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Re: Possibilities?

Post by Fel »

Oh yes, the very fundamental nature of psionics and how they work will come into play a long LONG LONG time from now within the planned overall master story plot.

I will give you a little bit of a spoiler to ponder as you wait for the ultimate "last arc"...the Parri know a hell of a lot more than anyone thinks they do. ;)
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by gnume »

are the perry the old race that removed the faey from earth originally or bound the kimodori in oaths ?
or an race that was old sufficiently to remember this ?
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by SYED »

in your fantasy story, the weave not only challed magic but contained memories from all magic users. So i wonder if the parri parri, may have access to the akashic field a record of all memory,knowledge and experience.
could jason ask them to open a shaman school?
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by expedient »

Fel wrote:I will give you a little bit of a spoiler to ponder as you wait for the ultimate "last arc"...the Parri know a hell of a lot more than anyone thinks they do. ;)
Damn you Fel! :evil:

Now I've got dozens of questions surrounding the energy beings, the veracity of prophesies, other methods of seeing/predicting future events, farseeing/scrying, the Kimdori, whether the Karinnes of Old had "help" coming to the decision not to conquer Home Sector or not, oye trees and many little bits of advice given to Jason over the last few books...
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by nicolai »

Let me guess ... about 7 or 8 books from now?

I have no doubt that the Parri know a lot more than anyone suspects. It takes incredible knowledge and discipline to astral travel over interstellar distances.

You are truly a diabolically evil author. :evil: :twisted:
An objective definition of "Political Correctness":

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Re: Possibilities?

Post by ramouton »

That was almost a given based upon A) the description of the Parri shaman astral traveling or communicating to the shamans on their home world, B) their ability to detect vessels in hyperspace without instruments up to about 10 minutes hyperspace travel time out, C) the ability of the Parri shaman to exorcise the energy being from the person it was possessing, and D) the ability of the Parri shaman to reach into an Ouya tree and retrieve heartwood from it without leaving a visible scar on the trunk.

The only questions in my mind are what else do the Parri know, and when will we find out.
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by physicalard »

It makes me wonder if when Jason finally takes the time for training with the Parri, will he get a biogenic boost to the abilities he learns similar to the boosts for tp and tk. If yes, what could a shaman linked to a CBIM do???
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by SYED »

That empire that has all those prophecies, I wonder if they have an ability to see the future.
Those oye trees, i wonder if they serve a similar function to biogenic crystals do for generation telepaths.
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by Rabblerouser »

In a series called 'The Synchronicity War' the author (D Wehr) uses RTC. This is where messages or visions are sent back into time to a specific individual. But only the individual who sent it can receive it. I wonder if the Parri have something similar to this as 'Talent' has no mass and as such may possibly be used to send messages back in time.
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Re: Possibilities?

Post by SYED »

In the Discworld series, the kelda has this ritual that allows them to reach their memories of their ancestors and their descendants, so a parrtial view of the future.