Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Stories written by people other than Fel, set in Fel's universes.

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Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by GBLW »

Here is the next chapter (hey, it only took a couple of years) - it took a little longer than I expected, but in the last little while I found a new 'fact checker' who convinced me to go through the whole story and fix a few details. Well truthfully he discovered names, words, references and other details that needed to be corrected - In fact I even used two different names for two different characters at one point or another. Altogether I'd say about 10% of the story has been changed slightly, but the characters haven't changed, nor has the plot - it's still a tale about a kid who has a few special abilities that he has to learn how to handle. While doing that he has to hide some of those abilities while trying to live a relatively normal life as a budding athlete.

K Pelle
Thor's Child
Thor's Child - Prologue to chapter 24
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K Pelle aka GBLW
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Re: Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by gesit »

Great work m8
really love reading it,

Random Extra
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Re: Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by Random Extra »

Great, I now know what I'll be doing at work today! :twisted:
Thanks for the Chapter, I've been hoping for a long time that you'd be able to get back to this story.
Once the summer is over, and I actually have time on my hands I fully plan on working my way through you other books too, so you'll have one less inactive account on your yahoo site.
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Re: Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by ramouton »

Thanks. Good chapter. Whenever, you manage to put out the next one I will be eagerly waiting...
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Re: Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by PrincelyGuy »

Thank you for posting your story. Looking forward to reading it this weekend.
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Re: Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by Griffinmane »

Thanks for the new chapter. I have recently read the entire story. I found it very enjoyable. I hope your health improves for more updates.
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Re: Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by AgCOtter »

That's good. Sets things up nicely for more to come. I will also be waiting beside the computer for the next installment. Things are going very well.
Thanks for your efforts, you are doing finest kind!

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Re: Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by obsessed87 »

Thank you :D
I love your writing style
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Re: Thor's Child - complete to Chapter 24

Post by A-Space »

:D :D
SUPER! More Thor!
Keep em coming!!!!
I really enjoy your work!
(I especially think "Beyond the Mirror" was excellent.... "Tit for Tat" next???)

-- In Space nobody can hear you scream.