Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

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Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by SoronelHaetir »

I realized after reading this chapter that the Kimdori are going to have a very difficult time managing the spread of Generations DNA in the Imperium. It's going to take tens or hundreds of thousands of years but eventually the trait is going to be pretty much ubiquitous in the Faey.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by kyli »

Really loved the new chapter. Jason has been holding out on us tho. We knew microkenitics was possible but we didnt know Jason already knew a few tricks. And Pai troops mixed in with other Confederation troops will make a great addition with their telekenices. There are only so many Generations but there are billions of Pai.

And if the Kimdori were to gain intelligence about something important without knowing its location, the finders would be invaluable. If they want to target a high ranking individual in either the syndicate or the consortium or something like that. Also if its dangerous to get close enough to a target to get precise distance or something then they could use two finders and basic trigonometry to triangulate the exact location without getting too close.

Now, as for the new "jack-in-the-box", is it possible to begin charging the Megatron b4 it arrives at the supership? As i understand it, the Megatron cant fire unless its inside the gravity well of the supership but does it also stop them from charging the unit?
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by Wolfee »

kyli wrote:.....Now, as for the new "jack-in-the-box", is it possible to begin charging the Megatron b4 it arrives at the supership? As i understand it, the Megatron cant fire unless its inside the gravity well of the supership but does it also stop them from charging the unit?
What happens if a charged Megatron unit gets shot on the way in to the surface of an enemy surface ship?

How about putting a Megatron in a missile with a deep penetration shell and hitting a planet? Cracking the core of a planet should make an effective planet buster. Might take a few hours or days to take affect since a planetary core most likely won't explode like the power generation center of a ship. If Syndicate planets start going pop at the rate of a 100 a day or so they'd come to the bargaining table pretty quick.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by SYED »

I was thinking if Kimdori DNA is so adaptable, then it could be possible for them to gain the unique telepathic powers from alien races. But then the it was mentioned that the empress could gain the idea of growing biogenic crystals from her own DNA. What if they grew new biogenic crystals but combined with other alien DNA? They could possibly create crystals with those alien unique abilities. That should be allowable, they are not altering the house just augementing it with new tech.
Can some one post which aliens have unique psyionic ability? There is that race where the males kill each other if they detect each other, that kind of awareness might be useful for some things. While it is implied their abilities include empathy, they could make empathy specific crystals from the DNA of those guys from the nine colonies. This new race that can hear communion, that could be useful to help bridge the gap when necessary, to allow other race to hear when necessary.

While that finders ability is cool, I wonder if they are jacked in they could act as gunners for weapons. The thing about powerful weapons is that further they go, the less damage they do. There only way around this would be to focus it, but that would lessen the damage. It would be more a piercing weapon. Target key components, that usually would be impossible to reliably target.

I can't wait to see this kinetic abilities used with a gestalt system. Most tk users can only use it on a small scale, imagine if they combined it with a form or martial arts, a hit enhanced with a kinetic attack. It could even have a literal heart ripping strike, where they use phasing to pull out an enemy heart.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by SoronelHaetir »

And after the last idea I had an even better one.

Have the Kimdori take over the identity of someone high up the corporate chain but not at the top. Next, Have them kill whoever is above them, and again take over that identity, but this time leave a body that will pass as the former lower ranked individual. And now claim that the lower rank tried to kill them but failed.

This gets rid of two (or more) folks in the corporate ladder and also gives the now high-ranking Kimdori an excuse to do a thorough housecleaning, getting rid of lots of underlings who might be thinking of making a move for higher rank.

Isn't a good thing that the Kimdori usually self-limit their actions? ;)
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by SYED »

Embarrassing and humiliating the benga might work well. It would make their enemies and slaves perceive them as weak. They just need to cause enough trouble to keep them occupied until, the expeditions are fully dealt with. Then the Karrines can outfit their super ships with the best tech. They already have ships capable of killing the super ships by themselves. Imagine what a karrine repurposed supership would be capable of. I fully expect it is the kind of ship they flee on site.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by Rakoroa »

SYED wrote:I was thinking if Kimdori DNA is so adaptable, then it could be possible for them to gain the unique telepathic powers from alien races. But then the it was mentioned that the empress could gain the idea of growing biogenic crystals from her own DNA. What if they grew new biogenic crystals but combined with other alien DNA? They could possibly create crystals with those alien unique abilities. That should be allowable, they are not altering the house just augementing it with new tech.

I think the Kimdori were already capable of allowing their thoughts to be read but have conditioned themselves not to allow it, they may think that it is too risky as they would have to be sure they couldn't be dominated by any other race and especially now there are non Karinne Generations, and they already have formidable gifts.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by SYED »

I wasn't talking about the kimdori themselves, but the DNA the generations have. I was thinking, that could could augement the telepathic gene to be capable of differing gifts. Instead due to the program being shutdown, attempt to alter the crystals themselves.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by kyli »

So what happens when a generation rips apart the atoms of an enemy ships armor? Matter is just solid energy after all and there should be an atomic explosion i think if i know my science correctly. I know atomic bombs arent as powerful as all the other fancy bombs they got but the larger the area where the matter is ripped apart, the larger the explosion. I'm sure they could make a pretty big bang. But i'm not 100% sure if i even got my science straight here or not.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by SoronelHaetir »

Even at its best ripping apart the atoms that make up molecules wouldn't produce much of a bang (that's normal chemical explosives territory - TNT and the like). It would take ripping sub-atomic particles to produce a nuclear-level bang. And even then it would need to be elements heavier than iron (less than that and it takes more energy than you get to rip the nucleus).

But even if it's not much of a bang if you can do that at range from outside the target ship it's going to make life difficult for the enemy. Of course, Jason already did that with the attack on Karis. Ripping apart a ship is going to play hell with life support.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by SYED »

I wonder how these enhanced kinetic techniques could be applied to further protect ships in battle, and possibly be used offensively.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by Hello World »

You know, I don't really buy that the Syndicate just "happened" to choose the twin species system after the later revelations. I mean, somehow managing to stumble across the only known species in the galaxy that can find the location of an object with just pictures (reminder that Jason and the others have already showed the Syndicate pictures of their homes)? Just happening to find a race that can understand commune? Looks like the Oracle is still being forced to help the other side in some way.

Also, I really wonder about the extent of the Finder's abilities. If they were shown a picture of one identical twin, would they be able to sense the exact twin? What if there's an object that looks the exact same as another one (ex: sheet of paper). How would they be able to locate the exact sheet of paper from just a picture? If the object they are trying to find is broken up into pieces, can they still search for it? And so on and so forth. The finder ability seems to push the boundaries of what the readers know about psychic powers (especially the part where physical contact is not required for searching, just a picture).

kyli wrote:So what happens when a generation rips apart the atoms of an enemy ships armor? Matter is just solid energy after all and there should be an atomic explosion i think if i know my science correctly.
The splitting of a couple of atoms won't cause any significant explosions. In order to have fission/fusion, you need to either have radioactive materials that can decay into the right elements (fission) or have the right conditions (massive pressures and temperatures for fusion). Even if you break apart an atom into its subatomic particles, it wouldn't be too significant (and it would be even less if you just split the bonds that an atom had with other atoms).
Last edited by Hello World on Tue Mar 21, 2017 7:36 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by SYED »

It is said that those with prophetic visions go mad, imagine if they some how combine that with a super analysis computer set to crunch the numbers
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by kyli »

Hello World wrote:
kyli wrote:So what happens when a generation rips apart the atoms of an enemy ships armor? Matter is just solid energy after all and there should be an atomic explosion i think if i know my science correctly.
The splitting of a couple of atoms won't cause any significant explosions. In order to have fission/fusion, you need to either have radioactive materials that can decay into the right elements (fission) or have the right conditions (massive pressures and temperatures for fusion). Even if you break apart an atom into its subatomic particles, it wouldn't be too significant (and it would be even less if you just split the bonds that an atom had with other atoms).
SoronelHaetir wrote:Even at its best ripping apart the atoms that make up molecules wouldn't produce much of a bang (that's normal chemical explosives territory - TNT and the like). It would take ripping sub-atomic particles to produce a nuclear-level bang. And even then it would need to be elements heavier than iron (less than that and it takes more energy than you get to rip the nucleus).

But even if it's not much of a bang if you can do that at range from outside the target ship it's going to make life difficult for the enemy. Of course, Jason already did that with the attack on Karis. Ripping apart a ship is going to play hell with life support.
Thanks for the clarification. I dont know the details of fusion or fission all that much. And i wasn't talking about just ripping a few atoms apart. I was talking about ripping larger chunks of a ships armor apart and let the explosion do additional damage. A generation would probably have to be linked with Coma to do that, if it were even possible. And i also dont know for sure now wether armor quality metel would be heavier then iron. Some of it might be a lot more dense but that doesn't necessarily mean its heavier when comparing atom to atom.
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Re: Conviction Chapter 11 {Spoilers}

Post by Fel »

Actually, if you want to get really "physical," any matter can be used in fission/fusion. The reason radioactive elements are used is because they are already inherently unstable and prone to self-fission (uranium breaking down, where the term "half life" comes from). Their atomic bonds are weak, and are subject to breaking with the application of sufficient energy. Non-radioactive elements take IMMENSE amounts of energy to cause their atoms to split, so much so that it's really not feasible to use it in our modern applications. It would take immense pressure and/or temperatures in the millions of degrees to cause stable atoms to break down, and if you can do that, you don't need to be breaking down those atoms in the first place. It gives you very little in return...unless you're trying to make gold or something.

An individual atom breaking into two others does release energy. Quite a bit of energy, actually. But, since it's just a single atom, the scale of that energy on a macro level is very small. This release of energy takes the form of highly energized particles (radiation) and thermal energy (heat). That release of radiation is why nuclear bombs work. When the external force is applied to cause a large number of atoms to split at the same time, the neutrons released in the reaction strike other atoms and cause THEM to split, which creates a chain reaction that causes the entire mass of fuel matter to break down in a matter of microseconds. That releases all that energy at once, and BOOM.

E=MC^2 matters here, folks. If you assume you have one "unit" of matter, that one "unit" of energy is equal to 300,000 SQUARED. A single atom of matter holds within it absolutely immense amounts of energy. Now to be fair, not ALL of that energy is released when an atom undergoes fission, only a portion of it does. But that portion is still pretty damn big. Without looking it up and going by pure memory, if I remember right, the atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima weighed 9,000 pounds, but most of it was the case and conventional explosives required to trigger the Uranium core. If I remember right, the core itself only weighed like 200 pounds.

Think about that. A 200 pound lump of uranium can destroy a city. And if you're talking Plutonium, it takes even less mass to do it, because Plutonium has more energy locked in its atoms, and it's highly unstable, highly radioactive, which means that it's much easier to incite into a fission chain reaction than Uranium, which allows them to use less conventional explosives to set off the chain reaction, and thus it miniaturizes the bomb. The bomb that destroyed Hiroshima was like 9,000 pounds, but now they can build a nuclear bomb with the same destructive potential that can be mounted on a cruise missle. That is why Plutonium is the fuel of choice for nuclear weapons.

It's the RATE of decay that matters. A nuclear bomb "decays" its core all at once in a chain reaction, where radioactive matter not used that way decays at a set rate depending on a variety of factors, a rate known as the element's half life...the amount of time it take for half the mass of a sample to decay. This is why nuclear reactors can melt down instead of explode as a nuclear blast. They undergo fission at a slow, steady rate, their rods are intentionally made so they do this. Their atoms break down slowly over time, which creates constant, stable thermal energy. The heat they radiate may cause secondary explosions, like what happened at Fukushima, but it's not a "nuclear explosion" per se. But, it's still insanely dangerous. It's called a "meltdown" because that's literally what happens. The fuel rods heat up to thousands of degrees and then melt their way down through their containment vessel, concrete, and whatever else may be under them.

And that is your nuclear physics lesson of the day.
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