Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

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Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

Ok we have the Kimidori, telling Jason that Faith is probably the most strongest thing he can have, that they Faey have lost it....

Could the simple Plans within plans be.. Freedom? Freedom from the Noble house for Jason but still within the Imperium, Could it be his faith and beliefs will help the Faey themselves start to believe in Something (either Freedom or maybe there Gods) Which would make them a better race overall? Could the Emperess be behind all of these plans because she see's her people the same way Keri did, that the Commoners are getting shafted over and over by the noble houses?

Yes, this is kinda re-using some ideas from Sennadar but it kinda fits...
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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

hearly wrote:Ok we have the Kimidori, telling Jason that Faith is probably the most strongest thing he can have, that they Faey have lost it....

Could the simple Plans within plans be.. Freedom? Freedom from the Noble house for Jason but still within the Imperium, Could it be his faith and beliefs will help the Faey themselves start to believe in Something (either Freedom or maybe there Gods) Which would make them a better race overall? Could the Emperess be behind all of these plans because she see's her people the same way Keri did, that the Commoners are getting shafted over and over by the noble houses?

Yes, this is kinda re-using some ideas from Sennadar but it kinda fits...
Ok it'll fit

The Faey are Druids (they restored the balance to earth)

The Kimdori are Werekin as J-man5 said

He already has an Amazon warrior with him Temika fit's that bill nicely

Or if you think about it we have Symone = Kimmie, Temika = Mist, Jsylin = Jesmind

Tarrin and Jesmind have already made an appearance also ;)

So Jason's Fate is to become the champion of the universe?

I guess that might put the Empress playing Naimi's part

We need a couple The Skaa to play Binter and Sisska

Kumi ( Eleri Trillane ) could possibly fill in for Sarraya

So we still need a Dragon Type to play Sapphire

Humm I Guess the House Trillane double for ki'zadun and the Val is one of the Zarina

We Still need two Sisters But we know one of them is coming
So I guess we'll find out the Makati are a Race of Warriors and Jason's Next Sister he was told about will be a female Makati

And What will we do for a Succubus ? ::) ::) ::)

Last edited by Phantom on Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:09 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

phantom wrote: Ok it'll fit

The Faey are Druids  (they restored the balance to earth)

The Kimdori are Werekin as J-man5 said

He already has an Amazon warrior with him Temika fit's that bill nicely  

Or if you think about it  we have Symone = Kimmie, Temika = Mist,  Jsylin = Jesmind

Tarrin and Jesmind have already made an appearance also  ;)

So Jason's Fate is to become the champion of the universe?

I guess that might put the Empress playing Naimi's part

We need a couple The Skaa to play Binter and Sisska

Kumi ( Eleri Trillane ) could possibly fill in for Sarraya

So we still need  a Dragon Type to play Sapphire

Humm I Guess the House Trillane double for ki'zadun and the Val is one of the Zarina

We Still need two Sisters But we know one of them is coming
So I guess we'll find out the Makati are a Race of Warriors and Jason's Next Sister he was told about will be a female Makati

And What will we do for a Succubus ?  ::) ::) ::)


heh, I wasn't going that far, what I was thinking of How Keri changed her Monarchy to be a Republican monarchy to assist the "common" people, Maybe in the Subj, universe the Emperess isn't that powerfull or that the Nobel houses are that powerfull, using Jason and Protecting him (without anyone knowing) helps her destroy/weaken the Noble houses for her to give Faith back to her people?
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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by jnormg »

I am removing the material in this post because it was based on faulty research.  I plead mitigating circumstances, though.  I have been suffering from a severe case of herpes zoster (aka 'shingles') around my right rib cage for almost two months. It hurts to reach out to the keyboard, so I got a little lazy on my research. I just went back and re-read chapter 1 and realized my mistake.

Norm Gober
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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by jnormg »

Another thought occurs to me--perhaps the Empress has noticed the moral decline of the Faey race and of the Noble House in particular. Perhaps she only wants the genetic material from a human  to jump-start her own house, and needs to find one with the best genetic characteristics available. Obviously, she will also need one who knows how to keep secrets.

I know that following this line of thought could lead to some pretty dark and bizarre possibilities, but the storyline just begs for speculation. And, since I enjoy speculating.....

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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

jnormg wrote:Another thought occurs to me--perhaps the Empress has noticed the moral decline of the Faey race and of the Noble House in particular. Perhaps she only wants the genetic material from a human to jump-start her own house, and needs to find one with the best genetic characteristics available. Obviously, she will also need one who knows how to keep secrets.

I know that following this line of thought could lead to some pretty dark and bizarre possibilities, but the storyline just begs for speculation. And, since I enjoy speculating.....

Norm Gober
I agree with you inpart but i don't think the Empress is the one behind it personaly i see another Hand or race/s directing paths through others from the shadows.

Never directly exposing their part in things always working behind the scenes and always through agents or others.

But if the above is true your right it might lead to some pretty dark and bizarre possibilities.

Plans within Plans.....Shadows move when no one is looking.

Where Jason is at this point reminds me of one of My Favorite Babylon 5 Quotes ...

"The avalanche has already started.
It is too late for the pebbles to vote!."

     "-- Kosh to M'ola in Babylon 5:"Believers"

Last edited by Phantom on Thu Apr 21, 2005 3:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Belgarion213 »

Personally I agree that it is either another race working through the fey. I doubt it would be the empress. Remember that Keri played dumb for years as she learned about her empire. I doubt that the heir to the Fey Imperium could do the same. If she did not she would grow up expecting the curruption.
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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

belgarion213 wrote:Personally I agree that it is either another race working through the fey. I doubt it would be the empress. Remember that Keri played dumb for years as she learned about her empire. I doubt that the heir to the Fey Imperium could do the same. If she did not she would grow up expecting the curruption.

See, I'm not sure it's another race, I mean why would another race use Jason to get there point across? Why wouldn't they do it themselves, or just Influence some High level Faey to do it for them?

To me this has to go to the WHY Humans(esp) and Faey have telepathy....

If it is an outside race, Then the question becomes Why is Jason's Faith and beliefs so important...
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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

hearly wrote:

See, I'm not sure it's another race, I mean why would another race use Jason to get there point across? Why wouldn't they do it themselves, or just Influence some High level Faey to do it for them?

To me this has to go to the WHY Humans(esp) and Faey have telepathy....

If it is an outside race, Then the question becomes Why is Jason's Faith and beliefs so important...
Well the reason I suspect another race  is because of What the Kimdori have said and the way they are acting

At first i though it was the Kimdori but Fel let us know thats not the case so Who?

I suspect that the reason Jason needs to find the "Why" is the Key.  
What if there is another race involved and Faey and Human Telepathy both originate from the same place.  
it was engineered by another race but for what purpose?.  
Remember Miaari told Jason
The Faey have made the same mistake.
They have answered the how,
but they do not understand the why.

Its genetic, Meya told him. But anyone could have told you that.
Ok so we know the How "Genetics'".
But Why do they have the DNA ?
Outside force's maybe?
Remember the Faey have never answered this question

But the Kimdori know!

Maybe the Kimdori are Agents of this other Race.
or it could be that they found out they themselves are products of similar Engineering by the same race.  

The Kimdori are a Race of Secrets...Who is paying them to work for Jason ?

Why is Jason so important to the plans of others?
Events whirl and revolve as plans upset plans, Jason Fox, and you stand in the middle of it.
Jason is the Key
Just Who is pulling the Strings Protecting Jason.
Better yet WHY are they?

you also asked Why Faith?
You have what the Faey lack, Jason Fox,
Faith is a weapon, human, one of the most powerful there is. It is not
something you can measure, it is not something you can capture, but it is something that you can give
The Faey have no Faith   but Jason can give it..Humm

It's a most powerful weapon....Why call it a Weapon ?  
A Weapon is only needed to Fight...Needed to fight what? ?

It's an interesting question isn't it?

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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by J-Man5 »

Faith is also the Key issue in the Pyrosian Chronicles for Tarrin as a God.  Could it be the Faey gods or some god out there wanting to see faith in this universe too.  Faith is an important weapon!

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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

j-man5 wrote:Faith is also the Key issue in the Pyrosian Chronicles for Tarrin as a God. Could it be the Faey gods or some god out there wanting to see faith in this universe too. Faith is an important weapon!

That is a possibility but what if the Gods were just an Ancient more advanced race.

And remember what Blind faith has gotten Tarrin from the rest of the elder gods.

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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by furry_wolf2001b »

Personally i do think it is the empress. :)

I cant remeber if fels tells us how the leadership/title of empress (or empror?) is handed down from generatin to generation.

And ewen then, is the sucsession always a give, will the firstborn always get it?
Or are the sucsession desided after or soon before the old onse death?

The point is, whith proper training(spy stuff) and secresy (why show the emperors shildren off to the publick) she culd have done as kerri did, and walk among the masses and lern.

But ewen withouth that, she culd probably see the coruption annnyway and not like it.

Just becuse one house is rotten at the top, dosent mean the whole empire and the houses are all that evil.

But an empress cant operate in vacume, epecialy as large as a whole star empire are, so she wuld need people she trust, in position to o something and also be able to see what needs doing.

That job probably belongs to a great deal to the shape changers.
(on another compleatly random speculation, i think they are energy beings to some degree, as matter cant change to other matter, but all matter is energy..)

As fore a sister..
A sister freedom fighter seems most likely.
I dunno if it is going to be a human to..
Culd be an elf, trying to fight fore the freedom of the lower classes.
Culd be some other person from a race that also wants a better deal..
Heck, it might be some one from the enemy side ewen that are fighting their own rulers. :D
Miss spelling sweed in tha house! ;)
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Re: Could it be that simple........Sub..Spoilers

Post by Phantom »

furry_wolf2001b wrote:Personally i do think it is the empress. :)

I cant remeber if fels tells us how the leadership/title of empress (or empror?) is handed down from generatin to generation.


As fore a sister..
A sister freedom fighter seems most likely.
I dunno if it is going to be a human to..
Culd be an elf, trying to fight fore the freedom of the lower classes.
Culd be some other person from a race that also wants a better deal..
Heck, it might be some one from the enemy side ewen that are fighting their own rulers. :D
Check this thread for some more info related to this topic

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