Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Weresmilodon »

You forget the Demon Lord. Tarrin feels responsible for the One summoning the Demon Lord to Pyrosia in order to defend himself. It's been stated that Tarrin will destroy the One in order to banish the Demon Lord and all the Demons it called. (Remember, a demon is banished back to hell if the summoner dies.)

Moreover, the One tortured Kimmie to the point that they had to wipe her mind, so he's got a personal interest in it all. When was the last time Tarrin let someone who hurt one of his live?
Right, never.

I have no doubt that Tarrin is going to kill the One. How, on the other hand, will be really interesting to see.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Fiferguy »

I don't think that's the plan. Remember that Tarrin only has to confront the One, not kill him. I think that will happen anyway, when all the One's worshippers die.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Weresmilodon »

Maybe, but I figure the bow and arrows he needed so badly is going for the One. It's stated pretty clearly that the arrows will kill anything they hit. Period. No matter what. And I can't think of anything else powerful enough that he needs something like that to deal with it. A God on its home plane would probably be the only thing.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Fiferguy »

Course, no matter what happens, Fel will prove us wrong. :twisted:
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by thisandthat »

Weresmilodon wrote:It's stated pretty clearly that the arrows will kill anything they hit. Period. No matter what.
I guess the Solar was a bit bent out of shape - That blast of MAD was detected everywhere. About this time "The One" has got the NEWS and knows that one mad cat is scrapping for him and has the tools to do it with.

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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Laganima »

Personaly i think tarrin is going to kill the One. I don't know how or when, but I think it will be near the end of the book. Mother wyn i think is the GoG or one of his personal servants. Only the GoG or his highest servant would have the power to freeze a solar. I have a funny feeling that the GoG has plans for Tarrin and thats why he is helping him. In the end i think tarrin will end up with us much power as a Solar but with the abilities he already has that would make him so powerfull nothing but an entropic could challenge him. I also have a feeling that Ayise and her children will learn what fear truly is when he finaly returns to sennadar. It will be interesting to see how they react to it.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Fiferguy »

It could be that the bow and more importantly the quiver are what he needs to keep Ayise and the other Elder Gods from Sennadar off his back long enough for him to do whatever he needs done. Just using the threat of violence to keep people off of him, like he did in the bar to get information when he first go to the City.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

I wonder just how 'tainted' Tarrin's right arm is. Remember, he's been reaching into the Beyond for those soul amulets and coming back changed. Wonder if it's sufficently deva-like to notch and fire one of those arrows.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Weresmilodon »

Possibly, but I doubt it. Bows are two-hand weapons anyway, and only one arm is tainted Deva, the other in the opposite.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Hearly »

Weresmilodon wrote:Possibly, but I doubt it. Bows are two-hand weapons anyway, and only one arm is tainted Deva, the other in the opposite.
Why does he need the bow? Just use the arrows :P it's the arrows that do the killing...

he could probably throw them as fast as the bow could shoot them...
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Lochar »

Weresmilodon wrote:Possibly, but I doubt it. Bows are two-hand weapons anyway, and only one arm is tainted Deva, the other in the opposite.
The bow of a Solar wasn’t all that amazing. It was, after all, simply a bow. But this bow was the only bow in existence that could fire the arrows from the quiver, and it was that quiver that every Deva in existence was going to be after him to get back.
If he's got the Deva hair to make a rope, he's got enough to make a type of glove to hold the bow. Then he just needs to be able to nock an arrow. And if he can do that with the deva-tainted hand, it doesn't matter if he can't actually fire it.

The threat of an Entropic actually holding and aiming a Solar's bow and arrow should be enough to scare the piss out of anything. Demon, deva, or arrogant Gods alike. As long as he doesn't abuse the threat of violence without following through, he should be able to bluff his way past several things. The One included.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Fiferguy »

And we all know how good a shot with a bow Tarrin is. :twisted:
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Were_Fan »

Laganima wrote:Personaly i think tarrin is going to kill the One. I don't know how or when, but I think it will be near the end of the book.
Let's hope for One's death although Tarrin's plan so far doesn't indicate Tarrin killing him. It seemed to me that has been implied in his interaction with Mother Wynn and Niami.
Mother wyn i think is the GoG or one of his personal servants. Only the GoG or his highest servant would have the power to freeze a solar.
Agreed. Mother Wynn didn't just freeze the Solar and Planetar, she wiped their memories. She did that before to Gods, Deva and Demons after her chat with Tarrin.
I have a funny feeling that the GoG has plans for Tarrin and thats why he is helping him. In the end i think tarrin will end up with us much power as a Solar but with the abilities he already has that would make him so powerfull nothing but an entropic could challenge him.
heck, the job of Elder God of Pyrosia is still open! 8)
I also have a feeling that Ayise and her children will learn what fear truly is when he finaly returns to sennadar. It will be interesting to see how they react to it.
I think that the Sennadar gods who do not understand Tarrin have already been suffering from sphincteritus puckeritus but it just got worse. :twisted: Niami has most likely told them about Tarrin creating a weave on Pyrosia. Add that to Tarrin being willing to die to kill a "bad" god and his posession of the Solar's bow and quiver and I think a lot of Sennadar gods may go into hiding.
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Fiferguy »

Were_Fan wrote:
I have a funny feeling that the GoG has plans for Tarrin and thats why he is helping him. In the end i think tarrin will end up with us much power as a Solar but with the abilities he already has that would make him so powerfull nothing but an entropic could challenge him.
heck, the job of Elder God of Pyrosia is still open! 8)
I don't think that's going to happen. Tarrin I don't believe wants to be a god; he just wants a place to live in peace. Course, now that Pyrosia has a Weave, it could be that he decides to live there, but who knows at this point?
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Re: Demon's Bane, Chapter 6 (Spoilers)

Post by Texfire »

The reason he's going after the One God is because only his death will unsummon the Demon Lord who is going to decimate Pyrosia. At least that's what I remember off the top of my head.
