Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Hearly »

Astardis wrote:Jason is a terrorist in the eyes of the faey.

Who would you have believed if Osama bin Laden had told america a day after the 9/11 that CIA operatives had flewn the planes into the WTC.
If they said it was like lets say TWA-800 that flew into a tower, but then weeks later, we see the exact same plane sitting on a tarmac in TPA (tampa Int Airport) well that would lead a bit of questioning of what was reported..
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by michaelsuave »

Hearly wrote:
Astardis wrote:Jason is a terrorist in the eyes of the faey.

Who would you have believed if Osama bin Laden had told america a day after the 9/11 that CIA operatives had flewn the planes into the WTC.
If they said it was like lets say TWA-800 that flew into a tower, but then weeks later, we see the exact same plane sitting on a tarmac in TPA (tampa Int Airport) well that would lead a bit of questioning of what was reported..
But Jason's "plane/skimmer" is stealthed. The ability of the faey to visually trace jason is their only current way of tracking him when he flies. If the faey "see" jason's skimmer, and know that it is jason's skimmer, he is as good as dead...
Tin Foil... Still putting down money that its the key for the defeat of the baddies...

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True, I really have nothing better to do in my free time, I mean, what could be better than reading Fel's stories or being messed with by Spec? Thanks for the fun spec!
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Lochar »

Not to mention the fact that with the level of tech the Faey have, exactly how hard would it be to build a skimmer or rework one to look like Jason's and have it broadcast the same identifiers?

And michael made more of a point than he realized. They repainted the skimmer to stealth it. It probably doesn't look much like the last known visual of it anymore anyways.
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Fiferguy »

And, it's not complete stealth. There are holes in it that Jason can't overcome, like the hole in space it creates. But the idea, if I remember correctly, was that it would pass a casual sensor scan.
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by codewarrior »

Well yes his ship does have limits on its stealth but as long as he stays away from broad day light and stays in the gravity well of the earth, it is going to be near impossible to visually see him and and if may be they were able to "tune out" the normal white noise of the environment in order to see this small faint blip. Still because they have never really see this kind of thing they have no idea where to begin to look for him. The Faey are not sure if his ship is working or if he is getting around by some other means. It is notoriously hard to comprehend thing that you have never see or even heard about. Right now all they know about Jason mode of transport is "he is some how getting around" every thing after that is basically guesses.
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Quindo Ma »

His current stealth is based on 3 principles, one of them inadvertently.
  • Passive Sensors, which detect energy emissions, are not receiving any data bacause his generators are shielded.
  • Active Sensors, which detect various unique compositions of materials (as this is currently the main (only?) system used by the Faey) is being neutralized by emitting a signal which is 180° rotated. Two waves that are perfectly aligned and rotated in such a way will always cancel each other out, creating the illusion that there is nothing there. Such techniques are in testing (or already employed) in todays airplanes to reduce the turbine/propellor noise inside the cabin.
  • Visual Sensors, which attempt to detect a specific shape, color, or reflection are nullified by the passive shielding in a way that prevents any electromagnetic wave within certain wavelengths to leave the protected area. Light falls into this category, and all anyone would ever see if they were watching this stealth technology would be a dark shape of nothingness, similar to how a black hole would cover any stars it floats in front of.
As long as Jason remains in front of a dark/black background, and does not leave the gravity well of the earth (or any other celestial body large enough to mask the gravimetric signature of his crafts) will it be impossible to tell if anything is there or not.
The worst that could happen is that the Faey start shooting blindly into the darkness, and get a lucky hit. Otherwise there is no way (currently) that he could be detected.
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Fiferguy »

I went back and read about the stealth that Jason had installed in the skimmer, and I kept reading to the part where he met the mysterious Faey that offered him a job. She gave him a key at that time, but we haven't heard anything about it since. Any ideas what the third use of the key is? For reference, it's in Chapter 9.
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Hearly »

Fiferguy wrote:I went back and read about the stealth that Jason had installed in the skimmer, and I kept reading to the part where he met the mysterious Faey that offered him a job. She gave him a key at that time, but we haven't heard anything about it since. Any ideas what the third use of the key is? For reference, it's in Chapter 9.
I thought it was for the Robot left with them?

1. Call them.
2. Unlocak Any and all Flying things.
3. Mech..
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Lochar »

Hearly wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:I went back and read about the stealth that Jason had installed in the skimmer, and I kept reading to the part where he met the mysterious Faey that offered him a job. She gave him a key at that time, but we haven't heard anything about it since. Any ideas what the third use of the key is? For reference, it's in Chapter 9.
I thought it was for the Robot left with them?

1. Call them.
2. Unlocak Any and all Flying things.
3. Mech..
Nope, all military equipment, minus things like speeders, are keyless, as long as you know the startup code you can make it run.
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Hearly »

Lochar wrote:
Hearly wrote:
Fiferguy wrote:I went back and read about the stealth that Jason had installed in the skimmer, and I kept reading to the part where he met the mysterious Faey that offered him a job. She gave him a key at that time, but we haven't heard anything about it since. Any ideas what the third use of the key is? For reference, it's in Chapter 9.
I thought it was for the Robot left with them?

1. Call them.
2. Unlocak Any and all Flying things.
3. Mech..
Nope, all military equipment, minus things like speeders, are keyless, as long as you know the startup code you can make it run.
I meant Civilian flying/hover cars, etc..
but wanted to list the 3 uses of the key..
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by TJ1020965 »

Now that the knows that Jason is alive, are they once again making his royalty payments into his account? If so does the empire have to make good on all the payments that were missed when they thought he was dead?
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by TJ1020965 »

We've seen Jason target Washington D.C. not to specifically cause damage but to publicly irrate and humiliate Trillane. I just keep having this image of the BAron of North America giving a speech or televised interview and suddenly every Fae in the area loses all of their hair. :D
I can't wait for Jason to pull this device out of his bag of tricks.
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by TJ1020965 »

Jason has announced his rebellion against Trillane and shown that he can be effective. Does anyone else see other noble houses covertly aiding him?
Probable the quickest and hardest aid to trace back would be to have pne of Kiaari's, sisters, cousin friends ect, showup and hand her access information for an account with a good bit of money in it. Done right it would be untraceable and indirectly cause damage to Trillane while keeping their hands completely clean. Even better if they could give Jason information, access about some of Trillanes' own accounts to drain :D
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by Fel »

possible, but it wouldn't happen.

The Kimdori won't interfere quite that way. They're helping, but remember, Jason's rebellion cannot LOOK like it's getting any kind of outside help, else Trillane will cry foul to the Empress and claim that another house is covertly trying to destroy Trillane's interest on Earth.

That would undo everything Jason is trying to accomplish.

As Kiaari told him, it has to be done in such a way that the rebels don't even APPEAR to be getting any large-scale help. It's part of the very, very delicate situation the rebels find themselves in.
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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Post by aberia »

how about... developing a virus that transfers money out of Trillane’s nobles and business a/cs into a number of bank a/cs out of Moridon in Jason Fox's Name.. These a/c's can fund the rebellion.... without things getting back to Vulteh and hurt the trillane's budgets at the same time.
