Just thinking

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Just thinking

Post by tyx2 »

Been posting a few replies and just making a nuisance of my self, figured its only fair I post something so ppl can do the same to me
First of I have dyslexia so if I spell something wrong or some other cock up excuse me but part the reason I post is to remember all my little cheats
I believe in the saying that charity starts at home, I have been thinking bout this a lot recently and I can’t help wondering. If you don’t know I’m from UK, we have one of the highest unemployment figures and one of the highest immigration situations this side of the world I cant help wondering. I mean there are ppl complaining about the number of ppl coming into this country and what we are going to do with them and what bout jobs and there kill our social services all the normal stuff you get with a mass immigrations, I don’t mean that I think its wrong to help ppl I just think if we as a ppl want to do this right should we not start at home then in our naborhood then in our town then city and work our way out till everthing is sorted , part of the reason this does not work is to little to late, the other part is that we need to get all ppl to the level of survival then worry about all the other stuff , but that’s not true in each of these countries there is a small majority that have all the money were as the rest have nothing. We cant we force ppl to help there own yea we could stop trading with counties that do not follow our lead but all that would mean is that the poor would be hurt more
Its strange because it’s a circle that cant end, loads of little charities doing there little bit to help in a certain area, a few bigger ones doing a bit more, add a few doing no good but lining there pockets and what do we end up with to little to late

Well all its Christmas and that my friends is your excuse to do a little bit to help and if you all ready are a helper great if not maybe this year look around I’m not saying join some organization help out in a soup kitchen or anything like that maybe just a bit of change to some one on the street maybe ask direction from some1 and then pay them for it your not going to notice it?
And maybe someone will have a warm bed a little food or just maybe a new start it starts with a little change from you pocket or you heart

Now I sound like some bleeding heart well I’m not I just can’t help feeling that organizations make help ppl into a business and not into what it should about just helping ppl.
Wow think that’s the most I have ever wrote to a message bored
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Spec8472 »

tyx2 wrote:Just thinking
...Well, there's a dangerous start ;)
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Re: Just thinking

Post by freethrow »

Thanks for the post and good thoughts. I agree, if all just did a little "alot" could come from it. Sadly, as is the nature of the world, those that could help the most rarely help at all. Maybe this year it will be different?

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Re: Just thinking

Post by Brit »

freethrow wrote: those that could help the most rarely help at all
Ain't that the truth. Personally. I think they should bring in a charity tax for everyone earning over a certain amount. Especially footballers. £100,000 a week to kick a ball around. I can do that :P
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Spec8472 »

Brit wrote:Especially footballers. £100,000 a week to kick a ball around. I can do that :P
Kick? Maybe... Hit? Once every 16 years, sure :)
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Re: Just thinking

Post by fear1222 »

Brit wrote:
Especially footballers. £100,000 a week to kick a ball around. I can do that :P
Hmmmm, at the risk of offending some Euros in here (no offense intended) I have come to the determination that these 2 things are true.

1. It is called SOCCER not football. Please don't insult the NFL like that.

2. SOCCER is not a sport, it is a reason to Riot!

I dont think I have ever heard a soccer story that didn't involve all the fans trying to kill each other, the players, or the referee's. And another thing, when they get hurt and have to be carried off the field on a stretcher, why do they suddenly POP RIGHT UP and run back onto the field just before they are taken completely off? WTF is that?!?

They should just play the game, drink their HI-C, eat their orange slices and stop trying to sell their sport as Football!

But you know, a few good rule changes and Soccer could be a very good sport. These 1-0 or 1-1 or if we are lucky a 2-1 battle are so boring it is stupid! They need to get some more action into the game to draw in us American fans man.

Alright, let the comments begin. I opened a can I am sure.
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Fiferguy »

Well, considering that Football was codified in 1863, and the American version wasn't codified into it's current shape until 1912, I'd say that the European Football is the more correct version. But like a lot of things, Americans tend to think they're right, no matter what. And as far as popularity goes, American Football doesn't have a prayer. Considering only one country in the world plays American Football by US Rules, and over 200 countries play FIFA Football, I'd say that American Football is the faker, and FIFA Football is the true sport. Twice as many people watch FIFA World Cup than the Summer Olympics. And tell me this, why are the largest stadiums in the world FIFA Football stadiums?

As for why they get hurt then get back on the field, it's called heart. The same thing that makes American football players play with broken fingers and bruised ribs.

And I'm sorry, but watching the battle and sheer athletic ability of some of the FIFA Football players is oh so much more fun than watching American Football. Get the ball; make a touchdown. Get the ball; make a touchdown. Oh so exciting.

I guess as an American, I should be supporting your arguments. But I'm sick and tired of the US trying to say that since we do it here, it must be better than the rest of the world. I'm sorry to say, but when the majority of the world things something, and you think something different, that puts you in the minority.

I was in Europe during the World Cup last summer, and EVERYWHERE I went, people talked about the Cup. They didn't care about baseball, American football, or rugby. And it wasn't like over here during the Superbowl. A few here and there might talk about it, but over there, everyone was talking about it. Shop keepers, waiters, bus drivers, the guy at the car rental place, etc. EVERYONE.

And in reality, American is just bastardized Rugby, not even its own sport. I like both sports, but FIFA Soccer is infinitely more a sport than American Football.
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Metatrone »

Fiferguy, thank you, finally an American who can appreciate Football. Most of the guys I know share fear1222's opinion and no amount of reason can make them see thing in a different light. :roll:

Btw I must say that I don't know a single person, except Americans, who plays, likes, watches or even is remotely interested to learn the rules of American Football or Baseball.

As for the fighting - heart is one explanation, though I've always considered it a raving madness sort of thing. :lol: We football fans are rather proud of it though :) There was a guy, a few years, back who officially changed his name to Manchester United. And I have a friend who every year goes to London on vacation for a month to watch Arsenal games. Just to illustrate the madness thingy.
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Fiferguy »

I have to say, since you mentioned it, that I am rather fond of Manchester United... but that's just me.

And don't get me wrong, I like American Football too. But as far as the world and I am concerned, FIFA Football is MUCH more popular. It's also simply a much better sport. :twisted:

And I wouldn't say that about baseball. Japan is nuts about baseball, and Mexico and Canada both play baseball.
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Fel »

As a fan of both sports, I have to chime in.

I'm a Football maniac, and I'm not discerning those two names. I arranged my schedule last summer so I could watch the World Cup (damn you, England!), and American football is the only sport on TV that I like to watch, outside of, well, football.

Each has its own appeal. Football is a game of tactics and strategy and it never stops, where players show how much guts they have by basicly pushing themselves to the brink of collapse for 90 minutes, a game where you're glued to the TV the whole time cause you never know when a big play's about to happen. American football, with its play-based system, appeals to the caveman in me, with its explosive action, bone-jarring hits, and nail-biting tension when the fat hits the fryer and the next play can decide who wins the game.

You can love em both. :D
Just another guy from the shallow end of the gene pool.
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Metatrone »

Fiferguy wrote:And I wouldn't say that about baseball. Japan is nuts about baseball, and Mexico and Canada both play baseball.
I didn't say no one does, I just don't know them. :D Actually have to admit I went out of my way, a 5-6 years ago, to learn Baseball and American football rules just because I was irritated by the amount of movies Hollywood belches on the subject.
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Fiferguy »

Yeah, well, it's what sells in America... :-)
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Re: Just thinking

Post by fear1222 »

LOL. Oh I never said I didn't like Soccer. I actually found out that I do. I was VERY put out during the world cup with all of the low scores. I feel that a few rule changes in Soccer can bring the sport the attention it needs here in America. Look at what the NHL did. They were becoming very unpopular but a few rule changes and the game has more scoring and faster action and look at it now. 1 year after a complete season lockout they are more popular than ever. I am also not saying that soccer players don't play hard and give it their all when they are on the field. I would just like to see them play and not try to perfect their flopping technique during the game. I can't count the number of times I have seen a soccer player get barely touched and they flop to the ground like they were just hit in a drive by. Only to find out that they did not get a foul called on the other player and then jump right back up and start playing again like nothing ever happened. What the hell is that? Thats not playing with heart. That is called bad acting where I come from. Either way the bottom line I am trying to put accross is this. Make a few well placed rule changes to speed up the play, generate more scoring, and it will draw in more fans here in America. Nobody can sit here and say that a 1-0 game is exciting at all because it is not. it is boring and that is why soccer gets a bad rap over here. Whether the world will admit it or not, if it is sucessful over here more money and attention will be brought into the sport.
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Metatrone »

Well, no offence but I doubt FIFA will change the game so that Americans start linking it. I can see why you think it is boring, but your reasoning about the rules is incorrect. The score depends on the strategy the coach chooses. The perfect example are Italian teams because they practically founded the defensive school of though in Football in the 70ies. And if rules are changed to force a more offensive mode of play it will make the strategic part of the game meaningless. It will come to who's player are in better physical condition and have more individual skill, and I think individuality in Football is enough as it is.

As for the spoiling for a foul thing - It may not be an hounourable thing to do but it's a play-to-win thing. They may not get a foul 9 times out of 10, bue if you have a player who can decide the match with one shot form the edge of the penalty box it's worth the try.
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Re: Just thinking

Post by Fiferguy »

Personally, I find a 1-0 game very exciting. Some of the defensive plays in soccer are far more spectacular to watch than any play in the NFL or NHL.

You are expressing a very typical American idealism. We want more. We want it faster. And if we don't get it, it obviously sucks... :wink:

I think the massive amount of scoring doesn't really reflect anything, other than typical American excesses. And a rule change for more scoring and to "speed up play" would be bad overall for the game. Soccer players already go as hard and as fast as they can for 90 minutes. If you "speed up play," you'll have to introduce some sort of further division into the game, which will slow down the game even more. So it's counter-productive. Besides, to quote an old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." :)