Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

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Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Spec8472 »

Although the chapter isn't finished yet - spoilers talk here.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

Actually I thought it wasn't a bad spot to end.. Chapter 19, we can see Jason get the planet up and running, and Save the North American Cont from destruction...


Also, I think Zaa, asking the Computer about the Academy data, was more for Jason, there has to be a LOT of things there, that he can Patent to Fianance everything
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

As far as I understand, Chapter 18 is not complete. Going by the past 2 chapters, Fel has been leaving me dead stop with the hangings at the end of the chapter, salivating and sleepless nights what could happen next. By the same virtue, Chapter 18 is going to leave us hanging with Jason finding something on Karis, something big, that he could use, to impress the Empress. Something possibly that could make the Empress agree to him to reinstate the Karinne noble house.

(And something to keep me occupied and keep my pictorial sense of the world of Subjugation, I attach a file of my drawing. It can be edited for correction.)
Imperium System World.doc
The Imperium as I see it currently to keep my perspective.
(30 KiB) Downloaded 861 times
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Lochar »

Hmm, you know, burning out North America is a major step for Trillane as well.

It makes me wonder exactly where the push to do that came from. Trillane to get rid of Jyslin, or the throne to make production come back up to par. North America has an almost ungodly tract of farmland, since the invasion. To burn a season's worth of crops is a major thing.

I agree with Hearly about the Academy stuff. He just needs to research exactly where the Imperium is in technical knowledge now, and release a few patents that push the boundries of known science. They've also got the brains of his Merrane sister to pick. Remember, she's seen stuff come down from R&D that no one else has. Take that as a base and modify it to where it doesn't look like that exactly.

Heh, just pretty much dumb down Karrine tech, recode it using the standard BS the Imperium uses now, and reap the rewards.

After all, he IS a Karrine and he's had a background of technical knowledge already. With a noble's pass, he should be able to release a lot of things that would become the underlying foundation of the Imperium again, and then could hold a technological stranglehold over Trillane if he had to.

And with Karis still 'reporting' as mind-scorching hot, they don't know where he'll base himself out of either.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Lochar »

Mizriath wrote:Something possibly that could make the Empress agree to him to reinstate the Karinne noble house.
From what I can tell, the Empress doesn't have the power to say no the Karinne noble house being reinstated. The Kimdori accept his as the Grand Duke Karinne. The Kimdori feel a extremely deep obligation to the Karinne.

All Jason has to do is ask the Denmother to acknowledge him very publically, and then the Imperium doesn't have much choice over the matter. If they say otherwise, they're accusing the Kimdori of lying.

I'd LOVE to see the fallout of that.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Spec8472 »

Lochar wrote:All Jason has to do is ask the Denmother to acknowledge him very publically, and then the Imperium doesn't have much choice over the matter. If they say otherwise, they're accusing the Kimdori of lying.

I'd LOVE to see the fallout of that.
Hahahaha. Draconis suddenly mirrors Karis? ;)
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Mizriath »

Lochar wrote:
Mizriath wrote:Something possibly that could make the Empress agree to him to reinstate the Karinne noble house.
From what I can tell, the Empress doesn't have the power to say no the Karinne noble house being reinstated. The Kimdori accept his as the Grand Duke Karinne. The Kimdori feel a extremely deep obligation to the Karinne.

All Jason has to do is ask the Denmother to acknowledge him very publically, and then the Imperium doesn't have much choice over the matter. If they say otherwise, they're accusing the Kimdori of lying.

I'd LOVE to see the fallout of that.
But The Imperium does not acknowledge the Kimdori as a race in the Imperium. The Kimdori is outside of the Imperium and what the Kimdori does and acknowledge does not need the approval of the Empress. The Empress may acknowledge what the Denmother does but it does not need to follow suit. Jason has to prove something to the empress. Miaari herself said that just by having the ring is not significant enough, but by being Jason Fox, the rebel and making his presence felt is important as well as he being smart. Something more must be done, I feel.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

You know maybe Jason could ask the Kimdori to go take control of the Earth in his Name until he can get to the Emperess and talk to her, to prevent the destruction of so much farm land...(N. American Cont..)
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Sangoma »

You're all missing the point. See, as far as we know, the CIBM (spelling) is the only method of terraforming an irradiating planet. All Trillane is doing is blasting the continental US, therefore they should let it go and buy the land from Trillane before presenting to the Empress, if they do that and revitalize it to farmland again, they've proved to the empress that they can do better than Trillane.

I suppose it all sits on the Sinn(?) Charter and if Jason can get the Empress to Give him Terra, and if he can't he should threaten with withholding all this "new" tech after showing it to them. =)
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

Sangoma wrote:You're all missing the point. See, as far as we know, the CIBM (spelling) is the only method of terraforming an irradiating planet. All Trillane is doing is blasting the continental US, therefore they should let it go and buy the land from Trillane before presenting to the Empress, if they do that and revitalize it to farmland again, they've proved to the empress that they can do better than Trillane.

I suppose it all sits on the Sinn(?) Charter and if Jason can get the Empress to Give him Terra, and if he can't he should threaten with withholding all this "new" tech after showing it to them. =)
At least from what I read, there is no way the Emperess can stop him from Claiming Terra, He was there First, so Trilliane would have to cede it to him, Now with him in control, He can control Legion so the war would end immediately as that is there Goal (the removal of Trilliane from Earth) Now with Trilliane willing to destroy about a quarter of the landmass of Earth just because they cannot find Legion seems a bit too drastic, it would destroy a lot of the production capacity of the entire planet...
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Sangoma »

Hearly wrote:
Sangoma wrote:You're all missing the point. See, as far as we know, the CIBM (spelling) is the only method of terraforming an irradiating planet. All Trillane is doing is blasting the continental US, therefore they should let it go and buy the land from Trillane before presenting to the Empress, if they do that and revitalize it to farmland again, they've proved to the empress that they can do better than Trillane.

I suppose it all sits on the Sinn(?) Charter and if Jason can get the Empress to Give him Terra, and if he can't he should threaten with withholding all this "new" tech after showing it to them. =)
At least from what I read, there is no way the Emperess can stop him from Claiming Terra, He was there First, so Trilliane would have to cede it to him, Now with him in control, He can control Legion so the war would end immediately as that is there Goal (the removal of Trilliane from Earth) Now with Trilliane willing to destroy about a quarter of the Earth just because they cannot find Legion seems a bit too drastic, it would destroy a lot of the production capacity of the entire planet...
Everything you just said, sits heavily on the premise that Empress Dahnai recognises Jason as the Grand Duke. Only if he is the Grand Duke then his claim is valid, and remember that 255 other candidates including at least one (minor) Merrane are elligable for the spot because they can trace thier roots back to Kiranne.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

Sangoma wrote: Everything you just said, sits heavily on the premise that Empress Dahnai recognises Jason as the Grand Duke. Only if he is the Grand Duke then his claim is valid, and remember that 255 other candidates including at least one (minor) Merrane are elligable for the spot because they can trace thier roots back to Kiranne.
I think the fact that he has the Ring matters more than anything else, From what Jason was saying about the rings (when he started Legion) was that when houses fought, they sent there ring to the other house, and if they lost, they had to Buy it back, hence the Ring matters..
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Sangoma »

Hearly wrote:
Sangoma wrote: Everything you just said, sits heavily on the premise that Empress Dahnai recognises Jason as the Grand Duke. Only if he is the Grand Duke then his claim is valid, and remember that 255 other candidates including at least one (minor) Merrane are elligable for the spot because they can trace thier roots back to Kiranne.
I think the fact that he has the Ring matters more than anything else, From what Jason was saying about the rings (when he started Legion) was that when houses fought, they sent there ring to the other house, and if they lost, they had to Buy it back, hence the Ring matters..
Yes, but Fel has said nothing about the rules of ascension for house leadership. How is the grand duke(dutchess) chosen? Also if it didn't matter, the Kimdori might as well tell all those 255 decendants they are also Kiranne right?
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by Hearly »

Sangoma wrote: Yes, but Fel has said nothing about the rules of ascension for house leadership. How is the grand duke(dutchess) chosen? Also if it didn't matter, the Kimdori might as well tell all those 255 decendants they are also Kiranne right?
True, but for how much the Kimdori are interconnected with the Faey, I think there Say will matter, If they'd withdraw all there people from the Imperium, that would be a major setback they see Jason as Family, that matters more than anything else.
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Re: Subjugation, chapter 18 - Spoilers

Post by aberia »

well i'd like to ask aboot the Karinne Money. I mean we know that they had bank A/c's on Moridon and since all of them were wiped out... what happenened to those A/c's. Can Jason as the new Duke of Kiranne be heir to those A/c's.

With all that money sitting idle for 1300 years ... the interest will be more than enough for Jason to be able to finance his Running of KARIS and EARTH.
