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Re: The Faey & Stretched Space

Posted: Thu Apr 10, 2008 10:24 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Hmm. Having checked it seems I was confusing two different points.
Their weapons, well, those were the real deal. Faey used tiny bursts of high-energy metaphased plasma as their primary weapon, which exploded on contact with solid matter and also tended to burn through as it penetrated. The result was like an explosive bullet, which punched into a target then detonated. Living things shot by a metaphased plasma weapon tended to explode from the inside out when blood vaporized from the heat and that steam applied pressure to the flesh, aggravating the explosive contact the plasma had with a much cooler material. The result was a charge of metaphased plasma only two millimeters thick could leave a hole nearly a foot across. It was quite gruesome; even a graze could blow a limb off the body. What made them very nasty was that the fact that because they existed in multiple quantum states, it allowed most of the energy of the blast to pass through coherent energy shields. Any plasma state that matched the state of the shield would be stopped, but the remaining energy of the weapon would pass through and hit what it protected.
However they are still penetrating and then exploding, so they're still acting like APEX rounds. Just in a slightly different way. Spaced armor, roman shields, and other forms of stand off detonation will still work. As indicated in italics above, it seems that a grazing contact with matter will detonate the round. So a bush or chicken wire might offer as much protection as an inch of steel.

Re: The Faey & Stretched Space

Posted: Sun Apr 27, 2008 6:40 pm
by furry_wolf2001b
some more mpac info from fel from the other thread.
No, MPACS don't use hyperspace technologies to fire, it's the Karis pulse weapons that use hyperspace technology.

Since MPAC rounds are encapsulated in a dynamic magnetic field, and the rounds themselves are spinning when fired like a rifle bullet, they're having trouble designing something that can interact with a magnetic shell that's both moving and rotating and making it hold its integrity against the physical force of being crushed into the reflector surface by the mass of the plasma charge it holds.
soo, do the rest of the metaphased plasma "container" hold up even when one phased shields takes out one of the "phases". :-/
Nah, brain fart from me, they have to interact or else it wont detonate. >_<
But i think you are right in that if you can get the chicken net to intercept a round it will be triggered and lose most its penetrating factor, at least. :-/
(depending how far the net is from you, and the power of the round i guess)
I think i have mentioned that before, get the bullets to "detonate" -away- from you might be one way, i think.
Ewen with it close to the surface(when exploding), armor will be more effective when remove some of that penetrating power.

Hmm, was there a mentioning of honeycomb armor on ships, or was it stations? (better then chicken wire at least)
Maybe it was on a thread.. :-/
I don't remember if there are multi layered shields, then again they too have to have enuf of a separation to not be taken out by a round triggered by another layer.

Re: The Faey & Stretched Space

Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 12:35 am
by ampws
These questions really belong in the 'MPAC Rounds and shielding' topic. I started it and it drew to a conclusion with Fel's comment that a sheild bracer/gauntlet would work but only for portable weapons.

Re: The Faey & Stretched Space

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:22 pm
by furry_wolf2001b
ampws wrote:These questions really belong in the 'MPAC Rounds and shielding' topic. I started it and it drew to a conclusion with Fel's comment that a sheild bracer/gauntlet would work but only for portable weapons.
Sorry to get so far off your topic.
And i was in no way thinking of something that small, but rather bigger stuff.
Like ships and the like.
edit: And not the bouncing kind of thingie, but popping..