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Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 12:29 pm
by boballab
Spec8472 wrote:
Fel wrote:Well, I'm in Maine, and about to go do all those fun Maine things.
Which, from those not familar with Maine, is mainly what... ? ;)
Well the State of Maine is known for four things: Potatoes, Lobster, Bar Harbor and speaking a funny language. So he is either growing Potatoes, trying to catch lobster, hobnobbing with the rich at Bar Harbor, but no matter what he is trying to dechiper the language.

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:23 am
by Fel
What we do up here is pretty varied.

We go see lighthouses, different ones each time.

We go out to the islands (yes, the Maine trip in Kit was taken much from personal experience when it comes to the islands and the kinds of people on them).

My sister owns a sailboat, so we go sailing (or will if it stops raining sometime this week...).

We drive to museums and other interesting places, like Acadian National Park and Mount Katahdin.

We're not going this time, but we go up to Canada (passport changes require you to have one, and we didn't bring ours this time).

We hang out with my sister's family, I torment my nieces, and wear out our welcome.

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:25 am
by Hearly
Fel wrote:What we do up here is pretty varied.

We go see lighthouses, different ones each time.

We go out to the islands (yes, the Maine trip in Kit was taken much from personal experience when it comes to the islands and the kinds of people on them).

My sister owns a sailboat, so we go sailing (or will if it stops raining sometime this week...).

We drive to museums and other interesting places, like Acadian National Park and Mount Katahdin.

We're not going this time, but we go up to Canada (passport changes require you to have one, and we didn't bring ours this time).

We hang out with my sister's family, I torment my nieces, and wear out our welcome.
Well with all that rain sounds like your spending a lot of times indoors in front of a computer... :P

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:45 am
by Fel
Actually, it only rained for one day enough to change our plans. I'm not afraid of drizzle or 50 degree Farenheit temperatures, so we kept right on going the day before the rain. We did indoor stuff the day it rained.

We'll be leaving to go sailing in about 20 minutes. We're leaving from the South Freeport dock and going to spend the day at Eagle Island.

Third degree sunburn incoming....

You can always look up those locations on google earth to see what we're doing. ;)

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 5:35 pm
by freethrow
Maine is a beautiful place. I have spent some time up there. I think it was the coldest water I ever swam in.

If one turns their perceptions around a bit then Maine can become a creepy place. I would think that much you see there will inspire future stories or parts of stories.

I hope your having a great time, Fel.


Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 8:02 pm
by Ledsmith
freethrow wrote:Maine is a beautiful place. I have spent some time up there. I think it was the coldest water I ever swam in.
Me too, but it is ok once hypothermia sets in and your body goes numb, then you don't feel the cold.

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:23 pm
by dellstart
Fel wrote:What we do up here is pretty varied.

We go see lighthouses, different ones each time.

We go out to the islands (yes, the Maine trip in Kit was taken much from personal experience when it comes to the islands and the kinds of people on them).

My sister owns a sailboat, so we go sailing (or will if it stops raining sometime this week...).

We drive to museums and other interesting places, like Acadian National Park and Mount Katahdin.

We're not going this time, but we go up to Canada (passport changes require you to have one, and we didn't bring ours this time).

We hang out with my sister's family, I torment my nieces, and wear out our welcome.

Sounds a bit like the week a few years ago , when we crashed at a friends house In Cape Cod.
What a beautiful place and kinda like that as well.sailing fishing and all that.So restful.
We even made it into Boston, which has even to this day quite a "English" kinda feel to it.I was quite surprised by that.
Enjoy your trip

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Fri Jul 10, 2009 9:38 pm
by freethrow
Ledsmith wrote:
freethrow wrote:Maine is a beautiful place. I have spent some time up there. I think it was the coldest water I ever swam in.
Me too, but it is ok once hypothermia sets in and your body goes numb, then you don't feel the cold.
Yeah, you are right. It's a nice touch with the "blue lips" you get too. :mrgreen:

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 8:54 pm
by Fel
Yesterday was just PERFECT for sailing. 20C (around 72 or so Farenheit), 10 knot winds, very calm seas that got a touch choppy as we got out past the coastal islands. We went out to Eagle Island, but we could only stay 2 hours because it was so busy; they put a time limit on the moorings during busy periods. We sailed out past and then around Half Rock lighthouse, which was 3 miles out, so I technically left the boundaries of the United States (3 mile territorial water line, if I remember right). Half the reason we went that far was so they could dump the latrine tank into the ocean (legal in international waters, which was why we went out that far). We sailed an extra 2 hours just so they could save $5 on having the tank pumped out, but I sure as heck wasn't arguing. Their boat is a 37 foot cutter class sailboat, with 1 mast, mainsail, staysail, and gibsail. We got up to 5.1 knots under sail, which is a respectable amount of speed for a pleasure sailcraft.

Good thing nobody in my family is susceptible to seasickness. $$$

Today we drove up to Boothbay Harbor and went out on a friend of my sister's motorboat, which was much larger than I expected. We went out to Burnt Island and the lighthouse, then Squirrel Island, then we went to a small aquarium near Boothbay. My nieces couldn't get enough of the touch tank filled with starfish, sea cucumbers, small crabs, and lobsters. The best part of the aquarium is a small spined dogfish (a very small and mild-tempered species of shark) in a touch tank that seemed nearly friendly. It would swim up to someone at the edge and swim "straight up" with its nose and head out of the water until it was petted. Very unusual behavior, but eh, maybe the dogfish simply liked to be petted.

Tomorrow we start home. We're pulling in for the night in Wheeling to visit my aunt and uncle, and will be home sometime Monday.


Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Sat Jul 11, 2009 10:21 pm
by boballab
Unfortunately for you Fel the territorial limit was moved from three miles to 12 miles in 1988.
In 1988 President Ronald Reagan issued Executive Proclamation 5928, which officially increased the outer limit of U.S. territorial waters from three to twelve miles (54 Fed. Reg. 777). This limit also applies to Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands.

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:12 pm
by Fel
Well, I'm home, the house is still here, and now I have 2 days to rest and recover before work.

Was a GREAT trip. I really enjoyed myself.


Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 7:31 pm
by miraborn
Glad you had a nice trip. Thanks for keeping us up to date :)


... Now get back to work on the next chapter :) :) :)

Re: New And Improved...update.

Posted: Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:09 pm
by expedient
miraborn wrote:Glad you had a nice trip. Thanks for keeping us up to date :)


... Now get back to work on the next chapter :) :) :)
Cruel, funny but cruel... :lol: