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Re: Serious update.

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 1:36 pm
by expedient
Losing the use of your hand for any length of time is a strange experience. I had an uncle with only one arm and so I was happily going about doing things with one hand, having grown up with the idea it made little difference, before being completely stumped on the most basic of tasks.
Fel wrote:I highly suggest that everyone learn basic first aid. You never know when it might become VERY important.
This should really be compulsory in high school.

Have you tried dictation recently? Even the built in versions are surprisingly good for getting in a raw draft.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 4:31 pm
by Fel
Four days later, all I have left is a lot of red discoloration, so I'm back to writing.

For the macabre, I put a twitter pic of my new red left hand up. ;)

I'm wondering if the discoloration is permanent or not. Eh, if it is, big whoop. I have scars with much more interesting stories than "I spilled soup on my hand."

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:06 pm
Fel wrote:I have scars with much more interesting stories than "I spilled soup on my hand."
I know this is a totally silly question, but was it tomato soup? :wink:

By the way, I'm glad you're feeling better. :)

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Sat May 10, 2014 7:14 pm
by nicolai
Nah. The red will fade fairly quickly.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Sun May 18, 2014 11:29 pm
by Rabblerouser
Just wondering how the burns are going nearly two weeks later?

I agree with first aid being compulsory at school. Way Back at my primary school (infants/juniors) we had a scheme that taught health and safety (i.e. Kitchen pots are placed with handles away from the edge) but no actual First Aid training. St Johns Ambulance ran a scheme training some pupils (not me) in it but the 2008 crash ended funding for it. Fortunately English law makes employers provide training for 1 in 5 employees and so I got some then.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 4:30 am
by Mizriath
Hope your recovery is doing well.

Heal first story later.

Coincidentally, i got the tips of 4 fingers burnt on my right hand last week for touching a hot claypot thinking it was not hot. I was sure not able to type even after a week, it is now like a callused fingers on the tip and scabbing over. The heat in the fingers itself feels like it takes 2 days to simmer down.... I believe it is more of the pain sensors on the fingers that says it is hot and it remains hot. I put ice, burn creams, aloe vera etc..... it is still sensitive.

Guess what, I was trying to cook beef stew. The beef tasted nice, my fingers is not.

Take care Fel.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:17 pm
by Fel
Rabblerouser wrote:Just wondering how the burns are going nearly two weeks later?
It's almost completely healed. The burn itself is more or less just a discoloration of my skin, but what's healing now are the missing patches of skin that came off while the burn was healing, which look far more like normal cuts and scrapes than the aftereffects of a burn. When that skin came off, it was deep enough to cause bleeding. A few days ago, my hand was a bloody mess when a lot of that skin came off at once while I was fixing my sink. I had to go back to wearing a bandage for a couple of days because of it.

I'm still getting some peeling, but this peeling isn't causing bleeding when the skin comes off, so I'm again out of the bandage. The sores are all closed now, so there's no risk of infection.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 3:56 pm
by Rabblerouser
Thanks for the update.

Having once had very bad eczema I can empathise with peeling skin and worrying about blood.

Glad to hear that your on the mend!

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 5:06 pm
by expedient
It's good to hear that you're getting better. :D

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Mon May 19, 2014 6:10 pm
by reborn
Oo didn't see this earlier.

If its a superficial burn only and has only taken the epidermis the redness will pass and the scarring will come off.
The fact that the skin was bled when the skin came off means it may have been slightly deeper in areas and you may get a bit of scar tissue left over due to some fibrous tissue being left behind. You would have to have horrific burns to have nervous or muscle injury from burns to the hand so you have nothing to worry about here.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 2:51 pm
by Quinn31
freshly made mashed potatoes from a steam kettle. yea when i was working in a food factory in portland,OR we used 5 gallon buckets to transfer them from kettle to hopper. the spuds were so fluffy that they would get air pockets when you scooped them out had a blob no bigger then 1/2 inch fly up land on my elbow it took about 4 layers of skin when i wiped it off when it landed. yea. well I'll join ya in the burned section fel. i have permanent damage to my forehead from second degree sun burn i was bed ridden for two months cause my neck and arms were also burnt. plus boiling water been there done that, so I know how ya feel. get better.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 6:39 pm
by ralbloke
Sorry to hear that Fel

Only just noticed.
Hope you are recovering well despite supporting the evil City.


Re: Serious update.

Posted: Tue May 20, 2014 9:16 pm
by Rabblerouser
ralbloke wrote:Sorry to hear that Fel

Only just noticed.
Hope you are recovering well despite supporting the evil City.

Rather the 'Evil' City than the United by being not of the city.

FYI - I don't support either.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Wed May 21, 2014 12:20 pm
by ettoren
I work in a metal treating facility. I deal with steel parts that are 400 - 1750 degree's Fahrenheit. I get 2nd degree (almost 3rd) quite often. Luckily for me the parts are hot enough to immediately kill the nerve endings where they hit so it doesn't hurt nearly as much as a lesser burn would. Bad thing is, sometimes I don't realize I'm getting burned. In the 9 months I've been there I've added 17 new scars to my body, two of them are brands of some of the text embossed on the parts. 13 are between my wrist and elbows, 3 are on my legs and one is on the interior of my right bicep.

I feel your pain.

Re: Serious update.

Posted: Thu May 22, 2014 8:53 pm
by dellstart
Glad your on the mend. :D