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Re: Conviction Chapter 14

Posted: Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:30 pm
by SoronelHaetir
I'm wondering how do you go from dreams like a dragon eating a giant that's about to stomp a village to numerical percentage chance of success.

Re: Conviction Chapter 14

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:09 am
by Wolfee
The scene where Jason jumps up on table and goads Sha Ra into fighting him... I heard Yoda in my head... "Judge me by my size do you?" and we all know how it turned out in both instances!

I also thought Fel missed a great opportunity... to working in the parable of "How does a mouse eat an Elephant? One bite at at time" And then have Jason point out who was the mouse and who was the elephant. :D

Re: Conviction Chapter 14

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:58 am
I bet that his fight has been posted on the confederation network. It is his epic moment of awesome.
Just has an idea, we know that IP armor can be scaled down to mech units, I wonder if they are vulnerable to advanced telekinesis abilities.

Re: Conviction Chapter 14

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:24 am
by SoronelHaetir
Well, advanced enough psionics ignores the intervening 3-D space so I would expect armor wouldn't be much help. I'm not sure if internal body manipulation (like causing a stroke or heart attack) is TK or not but I also don't see that it matters.

Re: Conviction Chapter 14

Posted: Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:04 am
by Belgarion213
SoronelHaetir wrote:Well, advanced enough psionics ignores the intervening 3-D space so I would expect armor wouldn't be much help. I'm not sure if internal body manipulation (like causing a stroke or heart attack) is TK or not but I also don't see that it matters.
A previous story mentioned that it was. Jason thinks in passing that he learned how to basically become the perfect assassin as part of his TK training, in effect pinching veins in the brain shut or just shredding people with pure telekinetic power, and that's discounting the flat out Darth Vader method of telekinetically choking people. That's just pure telekinesis though, more advanced techniques could do a lot more than that.

Re: Conviction Chapter 14

Posted: Tue May 23, 2017 5:24 am
by Steve.K.Bates
johnnieholic wrote: I'm pretty sure the fleet is made up of mostly civilians trying to escape the syndicate. The bugs and the leadership might be willing to do evil things but the people just trying to survive as far as we know don't know about any of that stuff.
All the Consortium war ships are manned by bugs, drop them out of hyperspace, have a Frigate crew scan the ships and destroy the bug laden ships, won't take too long to wipe out the bugs/war ships...

Remember, their destination is known, they are being watched, they're going to be in a place that can be attacked, and with the frigates,
the bug controlled ships can be slaughtered before they get there.