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Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:50 am
by Xyron
And on the topic of going from Unnamed to Adamantite, we all know that Tarrin is favoured by Niami, and she probably told him what material it was when she made the bracers for him

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:39 am
by MechCraft
From the way that i understand it, a object that is made on another world/plane and brought to pyrosia is classed as other-worldly. and if the materials are from another world/plane it is also classed as other-worldly.

However adamantite 'i believe' is from the gods world/plane which is classed as other-worldly because only a god could have access to the mineral.

there was a quote that Niami said to tarin " not even the gods relised at how strong the metal was" i believe it was stated twice, once about the bracers and once about tarrins sword.

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:17 am
by Lochar
mechcraft wrote:From the way that i understand it, a object that is made on another world/plane and brought to pyrosia is classed as other-worldly. and if the materials are from another world/plane it is also classed as other-worldly.

However adamantite 'i believe' is from the gods world/plane which is classed as other-worldly because only a god could have access to the mineral.

there was a quote that Niami said to tarin " not even the gods relised at how strong the metal was" i believe it was stated twice, once about the bracers and once about tarrins sword.
Not quite.  Tarrin's Ironwood staff was grown on Sennadar, but could harm demons there.  I'm guessing that for plants and the like, it would take a long time for them to shed their other worldly "aura" and become native to their new home.

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 11:38 am
by Weresmilodon
If that ever happens. They are alive, after all.

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 1:05 pm
by Xyron
A possibility is that a "natural" substance defines anything that was present after the creation of the world. Steel, iron, etc etc

that would suggest that ironwood was introduced to sennadar at one time or another, by some planar traveller

if we follow that theory, ironwood will never be "natural" to sennadar because it wasnt created on sennadar by Aiyse, but in another dimension by another god, and then later brought to sennadar via some sort of Traveller

therefore any substance that wasnt made by Aiyse isnt natural to that dimension

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 2:14 pm
by J-Man5
Ah so with that theory. Tiny Sarraya along with Binter and friends would all be deadly to demons on Pyrosia since they weren't native to that worldly plane.  So should the dura and possible the elves.  Unless they have been changed to become native.

This native/non-native issue may be one of those things Fel has to answer.  It is his universe(s) after all.


Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 3:22 pm
by Shadowhawk
Possible solution to Tarrin certainty that adamantium is otherwordly (is not native to Pyrosia) is that Pyrosia is quite similar to Sennadar, i.e. is normal material plane. One of differences is lack of Weave... but Weave and Sorcery is unique to Sennadar. And in like planes/worlds the material which is otherwordly on one plane is probably otherwordly on other plane.

As to otherwordly/not native creatures. What matters is I think if such kind of creatures were created or could evolve on particular plane. Or maybe what matters is if the material the creature is made from is native to the plane (elementals cannot kill demons).

Can Fel (or Lochar in absentio) explain it? Maybe that is one of little inconsequences in Sennadar/Pyrosia world creation. Mistakes happens...

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 5:55 pm
by Fel
shadowhawk wrote:Possible solution to Tarrin certainty that adamantium is otherwordly (is not native to Pyrosia) is that Pyrosia is quite similar to Sennadar, i.e. is normal material plane. One of differences is lack of Weave... but Weave and Sorcery is unique to Sennadar. And in like planes/worlds the material which is otherwordly on one plane is probably otherwordly on other plane.

As to otherwordly/not native creatures. What matters is I think if such kind of creatures were created or could evolve on particular plane. Or maybe what matters is if the material the creature is made from is native to the plane (elementals cannot kill demons).

Can Fel (or Lochar in absentio) explain it? Maybe that is one of little inconsequences in Sennadar/Pyrosia world creation. Mistakes happens...
Actually, Elementals CAN kill Demons...just not a Sorcerer's or a Druid's Elemental.  They're built using native magic, against which the Demon is immune.  Wizard-summoned Elementals are "direct out-of-the-box" Elementals comprised of material from the Elemental Plane of Fire, so they're more than capable of hurting a Demon.

Sorcerers and Druids create Elementals.  Wizards SUMMON them.

Items are considered "otherworldly" to a Demon if they originated from another plane than the one where they formed their temporary body.  That's why all the weapons that Tarrin and crew brought with them to Pyrosia can hurt Demons, even without any kind of magical augmentation.  They all came from Sennadar, no Pyrosia.

For that matter, any of them can hurt a Demon just by PUNCHING them.  Tarrin and the others are THEMSELVES considered "otherworldly."

FYI, Adamantite--the kind used by Tarrin--is from the Outer Planes, where the gods dwell.  It's otherworldly just about everywhere.

Tarrin's sword has a history that predates when it became his weapon.  It's a relic from the Blood War, one of the original weapons supplied to mortals by the gods to help fight back against the Demon incursion.  The sword is over five thousand years old.  The sword was forged by the hands of Ahiriya herself, as were they all.  After the Blood War, Ahiriya went back and collected up as many of those weapons as she could find...but not even an Elder Goddess is omniscient.  She missed a few, and five thousand years later, it found its way into Tarrin's paws.

Quite deliberately, I might add.  ;)

The sword was intentionally placed where Tarrin could find it, but I'm sure most of you figured that out by now.

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 6:49 pm
by J-Man5
Thanks Fel!!!

Now for the really tough question?  How's the next chapter of anything going?


Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 8:28 pm
by rick
Will this Fact become know in Sennadar or is this something that is only a background fact,aka known to the writer and readers but not the charatures

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 8:56 pm
by Fel
Tarrin doesn't know where Adamantite comes from, nor does he know how old the sword is.  That's just for you guys.  ;)

As to the chapter, I'm currently writing the battle scene.  Those take some time to do, cause it take a lot of re-reading and editing.

Trust me...writing battles isn't easy.  ;)

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:02 pm
by Dash
ahhh, shucks, Fel that's not enough information.

That could mean you're on the first page and haven't started, or finished and re-writing the scene. Or anything in-between  :(

Any guestimates? Say 70% done if no rewrites required?

Oh, well, I'll continue checking multiple times a day  ;D

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:32 pm
by Lochar
fel wrote:Tarrin doesn't know where Adamantite comes from, nor does he know how old the sword is.  That's just for you guys.  ;)

As to the chapter, I'm currently writing the battle scene.  Those take some time to do, cause it take a lot of re-reading and editing.

Trust me...writing battles isn't easy.  ;)

Major battle scene, a la Tarrin vs. demon lord, or average battle scene, dragon Tarrin stomps on army?

Once the battle scene is done to your satisfaction, how much longer?

Oh, and question about the sword purposely showing up for Tarrin.  If it is 5000 years old, who forsaw Tarrin's need for it?  Most of the gods don't have prescience, seeing as how Ahiyia, Niami, and the rest needed Kikalli to see into the future of what Tarrin would be doing about his powers?

Kikkili came into being with the Wikuni, who were after the Blood War.

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:37 pm
by Shadowhawk
Thanks for the answers, Fel.
fel wrote:Actually, Elementals CAN kill Demons...just not a Sorcerer's or a Druid's Elemental.  They're built using native magic, against which the Demon is immune.  Wizard-summoned Elementals are "direct out-of-the-box" Elementals comprised of material from the Elemental Plane of Fire, so they're more than capable of hurting a Demon.

Sorcerers and Druids create Elementals.  Wizards SUMMON them.
Hmmm... if I remember correctly somewhere in first book, when describing differences between different orders of magic there was said that the ability of creating/summoning Elementals are unique to Sorcerers and Druids (although Druid Elementals aren't elementals per se). But maybe the ability to summon Elementals was lost during the years... and the amount of magic was to low to allow that (like Demon summoning). BTW. I wonder if Wizard summoned Elementals can reaaly/true die...
fel wrote:Items are considered "otherworldly" to a Demon if they originated from another plane than the one where they formed their temporary body.  That's why all the weapons that Tarrin and crew brought with them to Pyrosia can hurt Demons, even without any kind of magical augmentation.  They all came from Sennadar, no Pyrosia.

For that matter, any of them can hurt a Demon just by PUNCHING them.  Tarrin and the others are THEMSELVES considered "otherworldly."
Hmmm... I don't think Tarrin knows that (that all party is considered otherwordly "weapon"). I distinctly remember his musings that he can hurt Demons in his dragon form because of his sheer size (i.e. using physics). But in his dragon form Tarrin is twice otherwordly: first because he comes from other, but similarly material, plane (i.e. Sennadar); second because dragons are not native on Pyrosia.

And how it is that Ironwood staff grown on Sennadar is still considered otherwordly? Is it country^W plane of origin that matters?

BTW. that means that Tsukatta, and Zyri and Jal can hurt Demons in unarmed combat when on Sennadar... and maybe Jal can hurt demons using Elemental magic which is somewhat alien to Sennadar... I wonder whether it is hereditary (i.e. their children would have the ability to hurt demons in unarmed cmbat on Sennadar too.).

Re: Mist and her Cat's Claws

Posted: Thu Oct 14, 2004 9:41 pm
by Lochar
shadowhawk wrote:Thanks for the answers, Fel.
BTW. that means that Tsukatta, and Zyri and Jal can hurt Demons in unarmed combat when on Sennadar... and maybe Jal can hurt demons using Elemental magic which is somewhat alien to Sennadar... I wonder whether it is hereditary (i.e. their children would have the ability to hurt demons in unarmed cmbat on Sennadar too.).
Actually, shouldn't Jal be able to harm Demons in Pyrosia as well?  The energy he is drawing is directly from one of the Elemental Planes after all.