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Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 1:28 am
by Shadowhawk
Hallmist wrote:What do you think?

I'll see if I can get a decent looking crystal in the middle next.
Nice. Few remarks though:
  • More important one is that all the pieces should be well connected. Now it looks like it would fall apart into pieces
  • I'd like for shaeram to more resemble joined triangles than David's star. Have no idea how to do it, though.
  • I have doubts about how the central four point star should look like. Is it such "thick" star, done using quarter-circles (like most of shaeram images here, or your image above), star with more pronounced points but still rounded "joints", or ordinary straight edge (armed) four point star (like for example star in your "crystal" shaeram avatar), see image below (different ideas for central star done with different gray levels)

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 5:26 am
by Hallmist
I have doubts about how the central four point star should look like. Is it such "thick" star, done using quarter-circles, star with more pronounced points but still rounded "joints", or ordinary straight edge (armed) four point star, see image below (different ideas for central star done with different gray levels)
Fel? got a preference?

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2005 12:07 pm
by Fel
Either work, but I'll have to admit, I like Hallmist's slightly better. ;)

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:39 am
by Hallmist

I put the triangles corner to corner to try to make it look less like a star of david. What do you think of the 'spider' arms?

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 5:24 am
by Shadowhawk
Hallmist wrote:I put the triangles corner to corner to try to make it look less like a star of david. What do you think of the 'spider' arms?
Very, very good. Perhaps the pieces should be more joined... The "spider" arms fit the idea of "Weavespinner's spider" perfectly; the symmetrical version somehow didn't make me think about spider legs. You have catched perfectly what I was missing.

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 4:32 pm
by freethrow
Hallmist wrote:Image

I put the triangles corner to corner to try to make it look less like a star of david. What do you think of the 'spider' arms?

IMO this one is perfect. I am anxious to see what Fel has to say. Great work.

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 8:49 pm
by Fel
Join the triangles so they JUST touch at the corners, make the concave center star just a little smaller (but not much), and it's perfect. The star should still touch at the edges, just make it a little narrower in the body.

The array of the tines leading from the center star are done perfectly.

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:02 pm
by J-Man5
Remember that the amulets can be created with Sorcery and or using a prayer to Niami so they are magical creations and thus don't necessarily have to hold to standard engineering principles. I could envision one that has all the parts held in suspension from each other but not touching. Or one made of solidified light. Or solidfied air or gasses. Or many other etherial things. How about one of the solid nothingness that Tarrin during a rage was so fond of using. That black ball of nothingness. Then shape it into an amulet and then nullify it's dangerous potential with a tied off/permanent ward on it so the wearer is protected from it. Would seem like the ultimate holdout weapon.

I have always envisioned the nothingness ball to be something like a miniature black hole or point singularity or some other void type creation.


Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Wed Nov 16, 2005 10:06 pm
by J-Man5
How about another amulet made to look like a solidified rainbow. Attibuting to each of the colors of Weave. I picture a iridescent (sp?) type material that changes color based upon your angle of viewing. Or one that cycles in color.

I keep thinking one day that thecosmetics industry will create the first nano-tech that will allow makeup and hair color changes to be instantly applied or to even have moving patterns on the skin and hair.

I think it would be easier to accomplish using magic for this solution though.


Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 4:02 am
by tigger
Fel how about this one. This is close to what i picture it looking like.

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:02 am
by Fiferguy
Just an idea, but if you're going to color the triangles, shouldn't the outer circle be green for the seventh sphere of Confluence? From what I remember, the Shaerams are all either all one material, i.e. Tower of Sorcery Chapter 1 "[Dolanna] reached into the bodice of her blue dress, and withdrew an amulet made of ivory."

Or like in chapter 10 "It was the shaeram, the symbol of the katzh-dashi, and Tarrin stared at it for a moment. It was the same as the one he wore around his neck, but this one had color. The circle around the perimiter was green, and the four-sided concave star in the center was white, with a black point in the middle. The points of the six-sided star between them were red, orange, yellow, blue, indigo, and violet, laid out in such a way that their corners met perfectly and did not overlap. Tarrin noticed that what he thought of as a six-sided star was actually six triangles carefully laid out tip-to-tip, so that each triangle made contact with the circle and the triangles to each side. Tarrin was quick to make the connection between the colors and the seven grades of Initiation. They were also the seven colors he saw during the Test. Each color represented a sphere of Sorcery."

I don't know, just thought that if you were going to make a color version, it should have all the colors in it. :)


Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 7:10 am
by Shadowhawk
Fel, one more question about amulet. Has the center four-point star arms (points) of equal lengths (and then touches top and bottom more) or do it have slighly different point lengths (and touch all the sides the same way)? Just curious.

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 1:54 pm
by Journeywoman
I'm just wondering, can other people see Tigger's pictures? It seems I can't, I just get the following proffessional looking tables:
tigger wrote:Fel how about this one. This is close to what i picture it looking like.

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Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 3:09 pm
by Lochar
I can.

Re: My Kingdom for a... (Shaeram Discussion).

Posted: Sun Nov 20, 2005 3:18 pm
by Shadowhawk