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Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 12:57 am
by Fiferguy
Hmm... I went back through the times that Laren is mentioned, and he's been acting stragely for a "few decades." At least according to Questing Game. So what happened a few decades ago?

Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 5:25 pm
by Brounks
I think she was turned by one of those old were cats that were all nice and happy because i doubt you could kill them all off that easily they are were after all...

Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 6:42 pm
by Lochar
Brounks wrote:I think she was turned by one of those old were cats that were all nice and happy because i doubt you could kill them all off that easily they are were after all...
The problem with that, is Kimmie was turned 120 years ago...

The war between the pre and post breaking Werecats was 1000 years ago. And the post-breaking Werecats couldn't take their place in Fae'da'nar without completely destroying the pre-breaking Werecats, who had labeled them. If there were any natural pre-breaking werecats left, the current generation of Werecats would be Outcast.

Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Fri Mar 10, 2006 7:10 pm
by afrigeek
Not to mention that anyone turned by the pre-breaking werecats was like them. Kmmie wouldn't have had to have Mist for a bond mother to teach her the balance between the instincts and the human not to mention that she also has quite a number of post-break werecat behaviour that does not fit in.

The Laren theory sounds a lot more promising.

Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Sat Mar 11, 2006 8:33 pm
by J-Man5
From Chapter 20 Axe of the Dwarven King
“I stopped in and saw Mist just before I met up with Thean. I ran across Laren in Var Denom last spring. He was in a foul mood,” he snorted. “I’m surprised Triana hasn’t killed him yet. He was downright nasty.”
“How so?”
“That little spoiled ass tried to run me out of Var Denom,” he said with a narrow-eyed look at his dinner. “He may have a couple of hundred years on me, but he’s a total wuss in a fight. After I whipped him all the way to Shoran’s Fork, he decided that he liked it better on that side of the river. If I ever catch him in some dark alley, I just might do what Triana should have done a long time ago,” he said in a dark tone.
“I won’t shed a tear,” Tarrin growled. Tarrin’s dislike for Laren was well known in the circles of the Were-kin. Laren was very careful to stay on the other side of the West, because he knew that Tarrin would kill him if they ever met again. “But you’d better be careful. Triana won’t like it.”
“Triana’s protection is the only reason that little bastard is still alive,” Jeri told him. “If his mother wasn’t Triana, he’d have been killed a century ago.”
“I can’t argue about that,” Thean sighed. “It’s a pity. He was actually a personable fellow as a boy. I wonder what happened to change him.”

“He’s the only one who knows,” Jesmind shrugged. “He doesn’t talk to us anymore. I haven‘t even seen him in about a hundred years.”
From Chapter 1 of Weavespinner
You said you were turned, like me."
"Where did you live before that?"
"Tor," she answered. "About a hundred years ago."
"A hundred?" he asked in surprise.


So was it Laren? Are his eyes blue? If not, why did here eyes stay blue?

Thats my backup to this hypothesis.


p.s. I googled for hundred, hundred twenty, 20, and 120 and I couldn't find any other events that occured in that approximate timeframe.

Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 10:46 am
by Javna
Quot:Book 4 - The Shadow Real - chapter 03
"Weaving through the Weave itself isn't easy, Jula," Tarrin told her.
"It makes me wonder why you just didn't do that at Suld," Dar noted. "When you had that Circle going. To get the men out of range, I mean."
"I couldn't, Dar," Jenna told him evenly. "Weaving through the Weave itself is a Weavespinner trick. I can't use it in a Circle, because I can only use Sorcery and High Sorcery in a Circle. That's why the Ancients didn't simply abandon Sorcery after they crossed over. They had to keep their skills up, in case they ever had to Circle."
"I didn't know that," Dar admitted.
Then if a circle of wavespinners circled they could do alot of things normal circle could not. A force to be reconde with. :lol:

A thought. Kimme is ware,a wizard and a druid. Alot of stuff neaded to cast spells, could she not conjured or create??? She my not be a strong druid but probobly storng enough to create, summon, conjure.
The same for tarrin. Alot of the components neade could they not be createt true druid measure.

Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Mon May 08, 2006 12:24 pm
by Lochar
You might run into the same issue that Tarrin did when he created the belts. You require specifically made things, and the druid created items don't have that bit of life that a master breathes into their creations.

Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 9:41 am
by Javna
Lochar wrote:You might run into the same issue that Tarrin did when he created the belts. You require specifically made things, and the druid created items don't have that bit of life that a master breathes into their creations.
Hmm. But whas that was sorrcery and not wizardry. It's probobly a samething but you never know if you don't try :lol:

Re: Question about Kimmie. Possible Spoiler

Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:19 pm