Insurrection, chapter 3.

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Re: Insurrection, chapter 3.

Post by Downdude »

Oh yeah, I completely forgot you normally leave 'the fun stuff' out of your work but I like the way things are going so far so if it needs to go there please do. ;)

Oh and happy new year people!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Insurrection, chapter 3.

Post by Fel »

No, there's no blatant "fun stuff," and I doubt there will be. ;)

That's why this is treacherous ground for me, because during the course of the dialogue in question, Symone graphically describes lesbian oral sex , and I'm trying to work out a way to keep the literary impact of it (which is necessary) without making it so...crude.

Thus the problem. Symone IS crude. She's a foul-mouthed, dirty-minded, wanton little slut (but only a slut with her husband and her amu dorai). It's a defining aspect of her personality, and to "nice-fy" it violates my morals as an author.
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Re: Insurrection, chapter 3.

Post by Hearly »

Fel wrote:No, there's no blatant "fun stuff," and I doubt there will be. ;)

That's why this is treacherous ground for me, because during the course of the dialogue in question, Symone graphically describes lesbian oral sex , and I'm trying to work out a way to keep the literary impact of it (which is necessary) without making it so...crude.

Thus the problem. Symone IS crude. She's a foul-mouthed, dirty-minded, wanton little slut (but only a slut with her husband and her amu dorai). It's a defining aspect of her personality, and to "nice-fy" it violates my morals as an author.

Heh, Fel let the Story write itself, if it's Crude/ Dirty Minded, just let it go, you can always clean it up later :P
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Re: Insurrection, chapter 3.

Post by boballab »

Fel wrote:It'll slow down a little for chapter 4. I keep backtracking.

I can say this much, though...this chapter is the most NSFW piece of literature I've ever written. I keep trying to clean it up, and it just keeps forcing me to hit the kill button.

It's being very naughty.

All I can really say is...Symone is being Symone.

Yeah we know there is 4 constants in the universe.

1. you must pay taxes

2. everyone dies

3. you can't stay mad at Symone

4. you can't keep Symone's mind out of the gutter longer then 15 secs.
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Re: Insurrection, chapter 3.

Post by Journeywoman »

Another great chapter Fel :mrgreen: . It's like Christmas, only a week late. Happy New Year by the way. Hope you had a good night. Hopefully you didn't spend all of it in front of your computer writing (not that I mind :P). Anyway, if I remember correctly this is the second year in a row when we've had very quick successive chapters. I very easily could get used to you being on holiday and having time :D :P ! Anyway looking forward to the next installment.
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