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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:21 pm
by aberia
just wondering....

now that the fey know that Jason is alive.....will they again start depositing the royalty for his patents to his A/c. ?? Is he not entitled to it still.


Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 1:35 pm
by miraborn
aberia wrote:how about... developing a virus that transfers money out of Trillane’s nobles and business a/cs into a number of bank a/cs out of Moridon in Jason Fox's Name.. These a/c's can fund the rebellion.... without things getting back to Vulteh and hurt the trillane's budgets at the same time.

This seems familiar... Can someone say "Office Space?"

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 3:08 pm
by jrs772000
I can't help but wonder, given that the Imperium knows that Jason is waging a war against Trillane, and that he has now been able to effectively knock out orbital one, what does the rest of the Imperium think of him?? There's no way Trillane would be able to keep the fact that orbital one was crippled and suffered severe damage a secret. Also what does the rest of Earth think about Jason's efforts? Just some musings as i reread Subjugation (don't ask how many times so far i've lost count)

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Tue Dec 05, 2006 11:30 pm
by codewarrior
Well I don't think the virus thing will work on the Faey, they are not like the the"Independence day" aliens that have never heard or computer viruses or computer security. While it is possible to maybe make a virus to attack some computer, Jason would have to be pro at programing in trinary, which I believe Jason has mention he is not exactly the greatest at. I think it was Steve, God rest his soul, that did most of the programing for the rail gun targeting system and other various things.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 1:19 am
by TJ1020965
Just wondering, does anyone know if the Faey have insurance? To me Earth is all about profit to Trillane. While the loss of the sticks is obviously going to hurt them, a large increase in their premiums or a total loss of coverage could be a more wide ranging hit to their finances and business in system. Not to mention the loss of Faey tourism and investment. All from Jason publicly announcing his campaign against Trillane and demonstrating his ability to stike and do damage at will allowing the Imperium and Civnet to see Earth as an active war zone.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Wed Dec 06, 2006 3:40 am
by lagomilo
What would Jason's popularity rating be at this time among the average human. What about the humor rating with the offworld fey. From a question before, will Jason get back pay on his patents now that he is no longer presumed dead.


Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:11 pm
if they are rich, why not rob a couple

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 10:16 pm
by michaelsuave
lagomilo wrote:What would Jason's popularity rating be at this time among the average human. What about the humor rating with the offworld fey. From a question before, will Jason get back pay on his patents now that he is no longer presumed dead.

I don't think we know enough about the faey legal system to know whether or not the faey royal patent office will start paying Jason again now that he is assumed to be alive. The problem is that he is an insurgent, and is killing faey, even if he isn't trying to do so. In some/many ways, the faey might consider him a criminal for taking the "law" into his own hands.


Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Thu Dec 07, 2006 11:17 pm
by Hearly
You know I had a thought, why couldn't Jason promote a Strike of all Farm workers?

Now before people just Jump and say, then all the Faey would do would be to use Telepathy to control the people, I'm not sure how many people 1 faey could control with telepathy, Also if he was able to get Video of them using Guns, etc to force people to work, that would Hurt the Trilliane badly (public relations disaster)

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:15 am
by michaelsuave
Hearly wrote:You know I had a thought, why couldn't Jason promote a Strike of all Farm workers?

Now before people just Jump and say, then all the Faey would do would be to use Telepathy to control the people, I'm not sure how many people 1 faey could control with telepathy, Also if he was able to get Video of them using Guns, etc to force people to work, that would Hurt the Trilliane badly (public relations disaster)
I don't think it would have to be a constant control, rather a putting the thought in their head... "you want to work, you hate striking" That sort of thing. Just as Jyslin can give scott a completely different personality, the faey could just plant the new thoughts in their heads and let them get back to work.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:07 am
by arargh
michaelsuave wrote:
lagomilo wrote:What would Jason's popularity rating be at this time among the average human. What about the humor rating with the offworld fey. From a question before, will Jason get back pay on his patents now that he is no longer presumed dead.

I don't think we know enough about the faey legal system to know whether or not the faey royal patent office will start paying Jason again now that he is assumed to be alive. The problem is that he is an insurgent, and is killing faey, even if he isn't trying to do so. In some/many ways, the faey might consider him a criminal for taking the "law" into his own hands.

I seem to remember something about the royalities having to be paid even if you were in jail.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 7:09 am
by michaelsuave
arargh wrote:
michaelsuave wrote:
lagomilo wrote:What would Jason's popularity rating be at this time among the average human. What about the humor rating with the offworld fey. From a question before, will Jason get back pay on his patents now that he is no longer presumed dead.

I don't think we know enough about the faey legal system to know whether or not the faey royal patent office will start paying Jason again now that he is assumed to be alive. The problem is that he is an insurgent, and is killing faey, even if he isn't trying to do so. In some/many ways, the faey might consider him a criminal for taking the "law" into his own hands.

I seem to remember something about the royalities having to be paid even if you were in jail.
Cool, If so, can you find me a chapter and page quote then?

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 10:54 am
by Phantom
michaelsuave wrote:
arargh wrote:
michaelsuave wrote: I don't think we know enough about the faey legal system to know whether or not the faey royal patent office will start paying Jason again now that he is assumed to be alive. The problem is that he is an insurgent, and is killing faey, even if he isn't trying to do so. In some/many ways, the faey might consider him a criminal for taking the "law" into his own hands.

I seem to remember something about the royalities having to be paid even if you were in jail.
Cool, If so, can you find me a chapter and page quote then?

Chapter 8
I set up that part of it,” she answered. “When you thumbed up, you activated the account. I can’t
fake that, like I said, Moridons have pretty strong security. Now, just give me a few minutes. Those
royalty payments right now are being channeled to my account,” she admitted with a grin. “I figured what
the hell, you couldn’t use it, and the Ministry won’t stop sending the payments unless you’re confirmed
dead. That’s the law. Even if you were in prison, they’d still pay you.”
“You were stealing my money?” he asked, then he laughed. “Kumi!”
“Hey, I never said I was nice,” she winked. “I’ll give it back to you. Minus a twenty five percent fee,
of course,” she said with a smirk


Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:03 pm
by Spec8472
arargh wrote:I seem to remember something about the royalities having to be paid even if you were in jail.
The issue is that the patents became public domain once the imperium declared him deceased. (Chapter 11/12, iirc)

In most western countries - if something is released into the public domain legally, it can't be withdrawn after that.

Whether this would apply because there was a mistaken assumption on the part of the Imperium, well... that's for Fel to decide.

Also - I've come up with a new saying:

WWJD: What Would Jason Do. (With a box of Marbles) ;)

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 12:46 pm
by aberia
i think marbels was a one time thing... Magnetic containment can be easily gennerated and the marbels will be ineffective...I thinks Jasons sister will see to it.
