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Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 1:53 pm
by Lochar
Still good for a scare tactic aberia, and that's all Jason needs.

Remember, he's going to try to finacially beat down the Trilliane nobles. Forcing them to buy, equip, and scan every package that comes through Orbital One is going to cost time and money.

All he has to do is send a box randomly every week or so, and they'll be forced to do so.

And there's probably other things out there that get shipped in magnetic field containment units, so every time one of those comes by, they'd have to be stopped and very carefully probed before allowed onto Orbital One in case it's another batch of marbles.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 3:49 pm
by Weresmilodon
Except that they have scanners that scans the material. They will know in a matter of nanoseconds what the components in the box are, and if they are in the right amount to possible be Marbles.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 4:04 pm
by Lochar
Weresmilodon wrote:Except that they have scanners that scans the material. They will know in a matter of nanoseconds what the components in the box are, and if they are in the right amount to possible be Marbles.
All the marbles were was crystalized neutronium and a plasma magnet. It wouldn't be too hard to ship a box of regular marbles around with only one or two Hell Marbles mixed in occasionally to make them keep on their toes.

And even if it is only a matter of seconds, that's still extra time, and especially if/when marbles are set around just for tweaking them.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 5:52 pm
by codewarrior
i was thinking what if Jason rig his rail gun to launch hell marbles and have a shell around them so once they pierce through the skin/armor of a ship it sheds and then is just a regular hell marble. I think it would be the equivalent of a hollow point for ships. If Jason really wanted to he could fire those things from earth. Just park the skimmer out in the middle of no where, go out side fire a few rounds( properly aimed at the station of course) and leave. While they can probably figure out where they where shot from, it will leave them very confused as to how he managed to get to them to actually reach the Orbital One, from earth.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:22 pm
by michaelsuave
codewarrior wrote:i was thinking what if Jason rig his rail gun to launch hell marbles and have a shell around them so once they pierce through the skin/armor of a ship it sheds and then is just a regular hell marble. I think it would be the equivalent of a hollow point for ships. If Jason really wanted to he could fire those things from earth. Just park the skimmer out in the middle of no where, go out side fire a few rounds( properly aimed at the station of course) and leave. While they can probably figure out where they where shot from, it will leave them very confused as to how he managed to get to them to actually reach the Orbital One, from earth.
You expect Jason to be able to hit orbital one... with a handgun... from earth? I think you oversimplified it a bit, not to mention the wind currents that exist between his position on earth and at the time that the shot would breach the atmosphere. Take into effect the defraction of light of the atmosphere when jason has to manually targeting something in orbit of earth... I just don't think there is any way he could use a hand held unit to do that. It would have to be a much larger projectile (one that would keep its forward velocity better and not be as effected by the horizontal air currents), with a more specialized tracking program, in order to hit orbital one from earth.

On a side note; I agree with Lochar about the hell marbles being a good tactic still. Just because they can't be effective in orbital one, doesn't mean they couldn't be effective elsewhere. How about ship a box to the baron of Washington D.C.? All it would take is dropping it off in the maintenance back door, or throwing the box of them through a window... we all know that his place has breakable glass windows... Heck, mount it on one of those pods that raced around washington DC and have it release marbles all over the place and then self destruct or end up dropping its payload off inside the baron's mansion. Plus, since the baron is living in old governmental buildings, they probably are not built with magnetic security defenses, probably just hard defensive structures such as doors and walls. And we know what the hell marbles do to doors and walls...The faey aren’t going to be able to bring one of their huge ships down to earth, to DC, to beam a magnetic field to direct the balls into a certain area. Besides, think of the disruption Jason could cause by releasing those hell marbles in a bunch of governmental buildings in DC, he could shut down the faey government of North America for a while and totally trash their place. Talk about humiliating house trillane, they would have to go to work every day and see the damage that Jason has done. And I’m sure the pictures would be all over the news and civnet. Well, its an idea.

~Michael 8)

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 6:47 pm
by codewarrior
Well I was not assuming that Jason would be stupid enough to just try and hit orbital one by sight alone. As it is in this day and age, it is reguired to post what the flight path of all satellites/space stations are, even spy satalites by the UN. Granted it does not have to be posted what the function of all those satellites are but still it is a nice way for terrorist to know when not to go out side their caves. But that is beside the point. All Jason has to do it find the path of Orbital One, crunch some numbers and probably line up the rifle with a nice telescope. Yea it was not exactly as simple as guessing where it is and firing a few rounds but, there are telescope that have motors built in them so you can track stars. Yes not as easy as sending a nice FeayEx package filled with hell marbles, but still it is another way to piss them of and scare them. If he did hit the station from earth with one that would really shake them up. Most small weapon munitions will not make it from earth to space but he can do it that should scare them really well.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Fri Dec 08, 2006 11:03 pm
by michaelsuave
codewarrior wrote:Well I was not assuming that Jason would be stupid enough to just try and hit orbital one by sight alone. As it is in this day and age, it is reguired to post what the flight path of all satellites/space stations are, even spy satalites by the UN. Granted it does not have to be posted what the function of all those satellites are but still it is a nice way for terrorist to know when not to go out side their caves. But that is beside the point. All Jason has to do it find the path of Orbital One, crunch some numbers and probably line up the rifle with a nice telescope. Yea it was not exactly as simple as guessing where it is and firing a few rounds but, there are telescope that have motors built in them so you can track stars. Yes not as easy as sending a nice FeayEx package filled with hell marbles, but still it is another way to piss them of and scare them. If he did hit the station from earth with one that would really shake them up. Most small weapon munitions will not make it from earth to space but he can do it that should scare them really well.
Though I still think hitting the station would be harder than expect, I think your idea does have a lot of merit. Whether you use hell marbles or not, if orbital one is being targeted by projectiles at random periods of time and from random locations, then they would be forced to do one of two things (1) accept the damage as they can't have magnetic shields up at all time (2) keep their shields up at all times. The problem with keeping up the shields is that no sticks could enter the station while the shields were up. Jason could basically hold orbital one hostage. If you take your idea and expand it to a system that monitors when the stations shields are up, and when they are down coupled with lots of hidden railgun locations, then every time the shields come down to let in sticks Jason could shotgun the station with projectiles. The situation could also lead to a back up of sticks outside of the station, perfect target for Jason's fly guns (after they are upgraded to deal with cruiser fire as well as fighter fire). The idea definitely has merit, question is, how do you sight in a projectile gun firing into space and make it accurate?

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:28 am
by jrs772000
Well after doing some quick calculations (yeah i'm bored) it looks like shooting at orbital one with the railgun is a no go. According to wikipedia earth's escape velocity is 40320 kilometers per hour, divide that by 1.6 kilometers per mile and it's 25200 mph. Jason's railgun only fires at about 14000 mph. It could still work but Jason would need to redesign the railgun.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 12:36 am
by michaelsuave
jrs772000 wrote:Well after doing some quick calculations (yeah i'm bored) it looks like shooting at orbital one with the railgun is a no go. According to wikipedia earth's escape velocity is 40320 kilometers per hour, divide that by 1.6 kilometers per mile and it's 25200 mph. Jason's railgun only fires at about 14000 mph. It could still work but Jason would need to redesign the railgun.
Well, based on your math, Jason could artillery bombard pretty much any target on earth's surface if he created a large enough railgun and the right type of shell. Worth a shot, I doubt the feay could track something traveling that fast that had no energy signiture...

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 3:19 am
by ANTIcarrot
Consider the upcoming culture clash between Kumi, Ian - and his mother. The latter might have had to get used to Fae doing as they please in New York - but this is the Human Resistance. Surely there should be some higher standards here...

And they are going to be trapped together underground in a very small bunker while the Trellane go completely nuts outside.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 4:09 am
by Wingsolution
if jason used made a giant rail gun, the fay could track it, an object creates a bigger disturbance in spacetime when it"s going faster, so while something as small as a single .22 caliber bullet or whatever could be missed from orbit, anything larger could be tracked by it"s gravitational distortion, especially if used as artillery...
besides, all he has to do is make a railgun for the skimmer or another vehicle, then he has a mobile launcher with unlimited range, and while the shots can be tracked, he can still move after firing, shoot and scoot, I think it"s called...

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:25 am
by Spec8472
michaelsuave wrote:Worth a shot, I doubt the feay could track something traveling that fast that had no energy signiture...
I was pretty sure "we" could track artillery shots with radar already - given it's got an iron core, no biggie for the Faey.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:31 am
by codewarrior
Well if if I remeber how rail guns work the longer the barrel/rails and the more power used the faster it can go. So even if the "bullet" is only the size of a .22 if Jason get the rails more like 6 meters, and hooks it up to the PPG of the Skimmer. That alone should but it way past even our best speed reached buy current day rail guns, 16000m/s. and escape velocity of earth is about 11.2 km/s. Hell even if he is not planning on trying to hit Orbital One from earth it would not be a bad idea to mount them on the skimmer just in case. Just think a small skimmer taking on cruiser and turning its hull into swiss cheese.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 5:47 am
by Spec8472
codewarrior wrote:Hell even if he is not planning on trying to hit Orbital One from earth it would not be a bad idea to mount them on the skimmer just in case. Just think a small skimmer taking on cruiser and turning its hull into swiss cheese.
There was mention in one of the earlier chapters that he was planning to mount them on the skimmer -- and they could be used whilst the cloak was on, whereas the MPACs couldn't be fired.

Re: Subjugation chap 15 spoilers..

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2006 8:29 am
by TJ1020965
codewarrior wrote:Well if if I remeber how rail guns work the longer the barrel/rails and the more power used the faster it can go. So even if the "bullet" is only the size of a .22 if Jason get the rails more like 6 meters, and hooks it up to the PPG of the Skimmer. That alone should but it way past even our best speed reached buy current day rail guns, 16000m/s. and escape velocity of earth is about 11.2 km/s. Hell even if he is not planning on trying to hit Orbital One from earth it would not be a bad idea to mount them on the skimmer just in case. Just think a small skimmer taking on cruiser and turning its hull into swiss cheese.
Like all truly good things too much makes it a bad thing. :? If fired in the atmosphere there is a good chance the bullet could vaporize due to the friction. Thats even if you disregard the fact that at speeds we are considering I would be concerned about something going that fast hitting air. Now in space....