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Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:36 am
by Belgarion213
Yeah, Fel said that all of the Generation are telepaths to one degree or another. Without the gestalt Jason has the power to lift about one pound, virtually worthless. However his sister can lift around 20 pounds without a gestalt. The gestalt seems to make Jason have a lift of around 20 pounds, and his sister around a hundred, according to Fel in this thread.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:31 am
by Mizriath
Hmm, yeah thats what FEL said. IT does not seems powerful first off. BUT knowing Fel, it will lay hidden and become important somehow, somewhat.

It is Fel who always make it seems insignificant but turns it around. And Telekinesis has many forms and Fel will suprise with its form.

Mizriath . Merry Christmas to all.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 1:08 pm
by aberia
i've been thinking.....why the kimadori waited a thousnad or so years to send someone to Karis.....They had the "Gestalt" ..... Was wondering ....can only a Karinne noble wear a "GESTALT" because of their enginered biogenetics.... Was it the reason why before the 3rd civil war only the Karinne house wore the "GESTALT" . Was this the reason they were destroyed.


Edited by Spec8472: Yes, there's Bold, Color, Italic, Underline AND size options on this web forum software. You really really don't need to use them all at once to make your point. (Warning #1)

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:27 pm
by Mizriath
I believed so. Only the generations can wear the Gestalt. The latest update for the later Generations. The Kimdori has an agenda.

The created the bioengineered Karinnes so that they can interfaced with telepathic machines that will finally be able to help the Kimdori.

That debt was to engineer the Karinne to a certain stage. After that the debt was Karinne to help the Kimdori for a certain thing.

The thing is Jason is not part of the promise to help the Kimdori. So a heritage and birth right does nto mean the promise is passed on.

A baby of Yana and Jason will then be interesting. Twins will it be. 'Evil'

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:59 pm
by Mizriath
Hey FEL,

Merry Christmas and many thanks for all your wonderful writings.

Your spoilers always indicate hints that the next chapter is round the corner and you have never disappoint.

I made a resolution not to beg you for the next chapter and patiently wait for the next instalment of spoilers. Hey, the other problem is, I may not even know that they are trailers for the next chapter.

Anyway enjoy a good christmas and a happy new year.

I agree with Spec to kill off that ugly thread. Thanks spec.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:09 pm
by Astardis
As for waiting over a 1000 years to reveal Karis to the Karinne ancestors ...

I guess there wouldn't have been a point to it, while the decontamination of Karis was in progress. So basically I believe that it took so long for the Kimdori and the automatic systems to make Karis habitable once more.

In addition to that, the humans are probably the best thing that happened for the Karinne project. As Fel stated, humans don't have any natural telepathic ability, so the genetic code that carries the ability didn't deteriorate by mixing it with inferior material over the 1000 years. I believe that every human who got the telepathic ability from Karinne ancestors might have abilities like a Karinne.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:40 pm
by Hearly
Astardis wrote:As for waiting over a 1000 years to reveal Karis to the Karinne ancestors ...

I guess there wouldn't have been a point to it, while the decontamination of Karis was in progress. So basically I believe that it took so long for the Kimdori and the automatic systems to make Karis habitable once more.

In addition to that, the humans are probably the best thing that happened for the Karinne project. As Fel stated, humans don't have any natural telepathic ability, so the genetic code that carries the ability didn't deteriorate by mixing it with inferior material over the 1000 years. I believe that every human who got the telepathic ability from Karinne ancestors might have abilities like a Karinne.
I think the reason it took them over 1000 years to reveal Karis to a Karinne is because they were waiting for someone who had Faith. (Marari, said in one chapter that Jasons Faith set him apart from Faey)

Also I'm wondering what Tech Jason will find in the Computer, Is there any ships Hidden in Karis star system, etc, what Awesome things will he find that will help him...

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:47 pm
by michaelsuave
Mizriath wrote:Hey FEL,

Merry Christmas and many thanks for all your wonderful writings.

Your spoilers always indicate hints that the next chapter is round the corner and you have never disappoint.

I made a resolution not to beg you for the next chapter and patiently wait for the next instalment of spoilers. Hey, the other problem is, I may not even know that they are trailers for the next chapter.

Anyway enjoy a good christmas and a happy new year.

I agree with Spec to kill off that ugly thread. Thanks spec.
Yeah, that thread was started as a joke and a lark... not to preasure Fel, especially when it was started right before both of our finals. Anyway, Back to the Spoilers!

So Jason can only lift with slightly more than 20 pounds of preasure. Physics states that when you lift something, you are using slightly more force than the force of gravity pulling down on the object. So in reality, Jason's power is slightly stronger than 20 pounds. Secondly, fel mentioned that Jason without the gasalt could move around a feather or basically a dust bunny, so we know that Jason could direct that force into a small point. All I have to say is that 20 pounds of preasure in a very small point is a strong weapon. When somebody shoves a knife into somebody else, there is usually less than 20 pounds of force at the point of the knife.

So picture it, Jason meets with the Dutches of Trillane in an unarmed truce... He still can hold a "knife" to her neck. :twisted: All it would take is pushing a small point of telekinetic force through her unarmored body, and she's dead. :twisted: I mean seriously, it only takes 5 pounds of preasure to break a kneecap, a sturnum or soft tissue area could never stand up to 20 pounds of directed pointed preasure. :twisted: Think about it...

~Michael 8)

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 5:51 pm
by michaelsuave
Hearly wrote:
Astardis wrote:As for waiting over a 1000 years to reveal Karis to the Karinne ancestors ...

I guess there wouldn't have been a point to it, while the decontamination of Karis was in progress. So basically I believe that it took so long for the Kimdori and the automatic systems to make Karis habitable once more.

In addition to that, the humans are probably the best thing that happened for the Karinne project. As Fel stated, humans don't have any natural telepathic ability, so the genetic code that carries the ability didn't deteriorate by mixing it with inferior material over the 1000 years. I believe that every human who got the telepathic ability from Karinne ancestors might have abilities like a Karinne.
I think the reason it took them over 1000 years to reveal Karis to a Karinne is because they were waiting for someone who had Faith. (Marari, said in one chapter that Jasons Faith set him apart from Faey)

Also I'm wondering what Tech Jason will find in the Computer, Is there any ships Hidden in Karis star system, etc, what Awesome things will he find that will help him...
Yeah, I can't wait to see what research Karinne held secret from the rest of the imperium. Jason's gasalt is the only way to get the information out of the computer, otherwise the building would never have even powered up. Further, we know that Karinne had seperated themselves from the imperium for quite a period of time, and that during that time all they did was scientific research. YEah they focused on "the project," but there is no way that they stopped being the forfront of the faey science in weapons, gravity, plasma, and basically everything else. IF any of that knowledge is left, then it is there in the computer waiting for Jason... :twisted: waha hahahahahah (insert evil laugh here*) :twisted: I can't wait!!!

~Michael 8)

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:30 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Mizriath wrote:Did I hear that telekinesis will appear in the future? Jason will be one?
I believe Fel has already said no, for which I'm grateful. He's getting too much of a demigod as it is. Watching Jason using his brains to outwit the Fae was fun. Watching him get handed the solutions/power on a silver platter as part of his genetic inheritance is less so. Watching superman solve problems with a mere flick of his mighty super wrist can be dull. Which is why DC castrated him on a fairly regular basis, and why I assume Tarrin ended up on another world with enemies more suited to his power level.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:33 pm
by Astardis
I personally am not a friend of "deus ex machina" (I am using that expression loosely here). I really hope, that Jason isn't getting much more super technology from Karis.

It would be somewhat strange, that Karis was so far beyond the rest of the empire, while they were educating most of the top scientist during their time. I mean, there is the telepathic technology they were able to hide, but that was mostly a very personal project because they had to tamper with their own DNA.
Research costs money, ALOT of money and I can't see, how you can withhold lots of major technological breakthroughs and still be able to finance future projects.
Even if they kept the latest developments for themselves and only gave the older models to the rest of the empire, in over a 1000 years they should have progressed further than the Karinnes by now.

The Karinnes didn't know that the other house were going to wipe them out or they would have evacuated more of their members. So why should they have withhold tons of technological advancements, stashed them away for future use? Furthermore, why didn't they use them against the attacking forces? If I were facing genocite and couldn't prevent it from happening, I would try to take as many of them with me as I can.
And the Karinne couldn't have known either, that some would escape to earth or be integrated into other houses where their genetic project would be preserved and future members coming back to Karis to get the technology.

So, I hope that Jason will still have to work against the odds just with his wit and friends but with "superweapons".


Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 8:36 pm
by Fiferguy
Jason is already telekinetic, as is Myleena. ... ight=#9071

We just have to see how Fel is going to use this.. :twisted:

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 9:49 pm
by ANTIcarrot
Miaari seems to think Jason will hate her and/or her race by the time he gets back. Why would he do that? I wonder why he might do that...

The Generation blood must have been getting rather dilute over the past thousand years. If the Kimdori really wanted all this to happen, but couldn't do anything about it until the Fae found Earth, and were getting worried about the timing for some reason - could they have nudged the Fae in the right direction to find humanity?

Might the Kimdori have continued the breading programme over the past thousand years on Earth and in the Imperium without anyone else finding out about it?

Did the Kimdori (as a race) help in the extermination of the Karinne, but now regret it?

And now for your consideration:
Why has no one else in the entire Empire noticed the Karis readings were phony?
Or alternatively:
Why does the Imperium have to gain by covering up the truth?

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 10:37 pm
by Sangoma
Doesn't specifically have to be hidden. I mean, it could be that someone, maybe Kimdori, setup an extra layer of security so that anyone who comes around to try and salvage anything from Karis, doesnt return and after so many people gone missing, they just outlawed anyone going there for safety reasons.

Re: Subjugation, chapter 17 - Spoilers

Posted: Sun Dec 24, 2006 11:30 pm
by Astardis
ANTIcarrot wrote:And now for your consideration:
Why has no one else in the entire Empire noticed the Karis readings were phony?
Or alternatively:
Why does the Imperium have to gain by covering up the truth?
If someone died you know, do you dig him out every once in a while to look if he stays dead?

Karis was destroyed by Omega weapon thats a known fact. No one is doubting it so no one checks and even if someone ends up in that system, he sees convincing radiation.
If you see smoke and you know that you made a pile of wood and ignited it you won't think that someone came along, extinguished it and installed a smoke generator, will you? 8)