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Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 1:19 am
by Wingsolution
I'm going to have to side with the side that wants to leave earth, not that I don't like where I live, I just don't like the idiots running the country...

I want a new planet so I can start over, and I plan on bringing only people who don't beleave in any organized religion...

I'm still at the rant uslelessly stage of planning, though...

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:01 am
by Trekkie
I love where I live, the bay area is awsome.

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 3:32 am
by codewarrior
I was not saying that everyone truly hates where they live. I could just see this becoming one of those mine is bigger than your... kind of things. In actuality I don't mind living here In Pomona, Sure I just would prefer a private island some where in the Caribbean, but then again the chances of that happening are about as likely as major organized religions just deciding to disband permanently.

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:48 am
by Fel
lol, the problem here is that this town is full of college kids and old people.

That's it.

People who don't have a clue and people so old they don't want one. So it's a case of the clueless leading those wearing blinders.

How this city is run is a perfect example. A 30 year old mayor heading a city council filled with old people, and they fight constantly, so nothing gets done. And meanwhile, this city degenerates more and more, more people leave, which cuts the tax base, which causes the city to degenerate more, etc etc etc.

You get the idea.

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 6:22 am
by Phantom
Fawks wrote:
MommyDoom wrote:okokokok, I can top that. I'm 5 miles from the level 5 containment area that houses one of very few repositories for ANTHRAX and EBOLA in the US. USAMRID is on Fort Detrick, Frederick, Maryland. I get to die a hematoma-riddled, hemoraghic diarrhea infected, blood-spewing mess.

I win.

I dont think Carswell Carswell Joing Reserve Base in Ft Worth is important anymore. Especially after SAC was decommisioned and all the B-52's left with their nukes. Oh well, MommyDoom wins.
Well i don't know about that ....I Still Live at Ground Zero ....Even though SAC isn't what it used to be here in Town ....

But i'm Sure there are Still Nukes Targeted at Us here .....Besides The US Armed Services Finance Offices ( Payroll ) are Now All located At SAC As well As The Deptartment of Homeland Security (DHS) is located there Now as well ....

May not be the B52 or B1B's or Missle Command that used to be there but it's Still a Prime Target.

And i'll Bet there are still about as many Spys hanging around as there used to be When it was SAC HQ.

Living in the Bullseye

Remember Close Counts in Horseshoes, Hand grenades and Atomic Bombs

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Sun Oct 29, 2006 4:22 pm
by Starstryker


Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 3:38 am
by Mizriath
Hi all,

From Singapore here. Singapore, a tiny island around the equator in Asia.

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 8:38 am
by Spec8472
Mizriath wrote:Hi all,

From Singapore here. Singapore, a tiny island around the equator in Asia.
It's a very nice place, from the little bit I saw :) Just a tad to humid for my liking though... but those botanic gardens and the orchid gardens are great :)

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 10:24 am
by Mizriath
Spec8472 wrote

It's a very nice place, from the little bit I saw. Just a tad to humid for my liking though... but those botanic gardens and the orchid gardens are great.

Yeah, a very humd and sweaty place to be in the sun :lol: . Good for plants and all "plant" like creatures. But now it is kinda covered in "fog" like haze. The sun is hardly there. I stopped smoking but it is like now it is natural smoking. :cry: for everyone here.

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Mon Oct 30, 2006 1:54 pm
by Mateo
Copenhagen, Denmark... and about to be invaded by the MTV crowd due to the MVA or whatever it's called.
Wouldn't mind being on a different planet until Saturday but otherwise it's a great city.


Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 1:51 am
by Journeywoman
Greymist wrote:Hamilton, New Zealand
Mizriath wrote:
Spec8472 wrote:
Mizriath wrote:Hi all,

From Singapore here. Singapore, a tiny island around the equator in Asia.
It's a very nice place, from the little bit I saw :) Just a tad to humid for my liking though... but those botanic gardens and the orchid gardens are great :)
Yeah, a very humd and sweaty place to be in the sun :lol: . Good for plants and all "plant" like creatures. But now it is kinda covered in "fog" like haze. The sun is hardly there. I stopped smoking but it is like now it is natural smoking. :cry: for everyone here.
All these people from these places a used to live :D , now all I need is a Samoan and I'll have all the places I've lived for more than a year covered :P !

I liked Singapore. Don't really remember much smog but then again I lived there like 13 years ago and was young at the time. Do remember it being a very green place and had a lot of peculiarities. The $500 fine for not flushing the toilet always got me. We joked that there must be toilet police or something :lol: !

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Tue Oct 31, 2006 6:17 am
by Phantom
Journeywoman wrote: All these people from these places a used to live :D , now all I need is a Samoan and I'll have all the places I've lived for more than a year covered :P !

I liked Singapore. Don't really remember much smog but then again I lived there like 13 years ago and was young at the time. Do remember it being a very green place and had a lot of peculiarities. The $500 fine for not flushing the toilet always got me. We joked that there must be toilet police or something :lol: !
<Damn Didn't Need that Visual>
It just poped in to my head about what a Dirty Job it would be to be a member of the Undercover Part of that Police Unit...

Humm Toilet police = Thought police ....just shows where they think our minds are ....And they might be right too. :?


Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 5:51 am
by RedManX
right across the street fc"a" school on nts great lakes

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Thu Nov 02, 2006 8:41 am
by Lunchbox
Greensboro, North Carolina. nothing to see here... nothing to see.

Re: Where does everyone live, geographically?

Posted: Sat Nov 04, 2006 7:35 pm
by Andygal
I live in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada.