Cloverfield *spoilers*

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Cloverfield *spoilers*

Post by Hearly »

I loved the movie, just some things I would have liked explained better.

Where was the monster from, in the Viral campaign they did, they implied it came from the Ocean near Japan, which begs to question, if it came from the Sea, it wasn't designed well for ocean living, I mean it had 2 very long arms, and 2 legs, also the little monsters didn't look like anything near something that would live in the sea, Now at the end of the movie (which I didn't catch but others did) there is something falling from the sky (in the viral campaign they mentioned that a satellite fell to earth which is what some people are saying it was) Personally I think the monster was an Alien, Reasons being..

1. Something that lived that deep in the sea, would it be able to live at the surface? As the pressure differences would probably cause it to explode(bends, etc)
2. The small monsters Bite seemed to either plant eggs or something in humans which caused the mid-section to explode.

Now the ending, At the beginning they say this video was found at the site formally known as Central Park, Now at the end of the movie, we don't know if the Monster was killed or what, but why would it be site formally known as Central Park if we won? wouldn't have we rebuilt it (NYC).. I would have liked to have had something at the end saying all the info, meaning where did it come from, was it killed, etc...
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Re: Cloverfield *spoilers*

Post by Greymist »

First I'll say I liked the movie.

I think the very slow introduction of the monster with absolutely no mention where it came from was intentional, I don't think where it came from is a question that is supposed to be asked of the movie. That said it did sink an oil tanker so it did come from the ocean to land but beyond that we can't tell.