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Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 5:16 pm
by Fel
Wanted: a small room with a sympathetic and understanding person or family. Candidate must reside outside of the United States of America. English speaking candidates are preferable, but not required. I'm willing to learn the local language.

Proposal: in exchange for taking me on as a roommate, I agree to devote all time not spent working, sleeping, or conducting other necessary tasks such as helping with housework to writing. As I establish myself, get my resident card, earn the right to work, etc., in your country, you support me, until I'm on my feet.

Why do I make this proposal? Because the American government has totally lost its @$#%ing mind and is about to basically take over our financial system with a massive bailout.

It's a short term fix to something that, in the long run, will totally destroy this nation.

If they pass this utter insanity, I will SERIOUSLY consider emigrating to another country...because this nation is going to hell, and I don't want to get pulled down with the suction when it goes.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 6:04 pm
by Lochar
Come comrade, you should not speak of Mother USA like that.

Or, at least, not until you've managed to emigrate.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:33 pm
by Lochar

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 9:49 pm
by Mad Monk
Lochar wrote:Just for you Fel....
Now, now, Lochar - stories like that will depress Fel, leaving him unable to write - and leave you as the board's new hate figure....

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Thu Sep 25, 2008 11:27 pm
by Fel
Yah well, they're just digging their own graves.

I've said it before, I'll say it again, and with all seriousness.

I firmly believe that by the year 2050, the United States of America will not exist as we know it.

We will either break up into multiple countries or undergo a revolution.

I believe this because of the pattern in American politics of aggravated polarization. Politicians don't seek to compromise anymore, they seek to actively divide us, so in keeping us fighting amongst ourselves over petty issues like abortion and gay marriage, we turn a blind eye to the true shenanigans which they're perpetrating. Eventually, one of three things is going to happen:

1. Americans wake up and sweep our corrupt politicians out of office then change the rules to prevent them from gaining power over us again (a soft revolution);

2. Americans wake up and attempt to clean house, but the government resists and resorts to using the military to quell the populace, which will lead to armed insurrection and revolution, or;

3. The polarization continues to such an extent that a portion of the U.S. actively secedes because of uncompromising positions, and if it is a large enough block, the remaining U.S. will be unable to do anything about it. If this happens, it won't be a North-South split as it was in the Civil War, it will be an East-West split.

The one thing Americans always seem to forget is one of the most basic rules, and that is "those who forget history are doomed to repeat it." Some of you might remember Kit's capstone title about how America is following in the footsteps in Rome...well, we ARE. Everything that happened to Rome is happening to America. We have gone past our pinnacle and have entered the era of decadence, where we decline even as we believe we are still the mightiest empire on Earth. While we chase our empty pleasures and sell ourselves to China and other nations to buy useless gadgets we don't actually need, those other nations are overtaking us. Soon, they will realize they no longer need us, and we will go the way of France, descending from world power to spectator.

America can no longer manufacture the basic goods it needs to support itself. If the rest of the world boycotted their goods from our ports, we would collapse. America no longer makes anything, it only consumes. It is dependent on other nations for goods. This is one definition of a third world nation.

America is dependent on other nations for its energy. If OPEC embargoed us again like they did in the 70s, we would collapse.

Americans are indifferent, even willfully ignorant, of what America is doing and the dangerous slope we are tumbling down. They don't want to see the truth, they want to keep on believing that everything is hunky-dory and their happy little consuming lives never have to change. The man running with his eyes closed is eventually going to run headlong into a tree, or off a cliff.

This mixture of arrogance, foolishness, and active division will eventually cause the American government we know today to fall and either be replaced by a similar government, a military state, or cause it to cease to exist.

And stupid @#$%ing insane acts like this Wall Street bailout is just making it all happen faster.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:26 am
Well, Fel, you could come to BC (Canada) for a visit, but I'd say that our government and economy is so tied to yours at this time, that it might not feel much different to you. (Besides, two writers in one house might be similar to combining diesel fuel and ammonium nitrate - explosively combustible) :lol:

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 3:56 am
by Hearly
Hey Fel, not sure if you ever read any other peoples stories, but I'd suggest Al Steiner's Greenies and a Perfect world, I can actually see what he wrote happening at some point..

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 10:44 am
by Blacktiger
Dear Fel, I have also read Al Steiners Stories and I can certainly state that while the social "improvements" theorized in A Perfect World, and the circumstances that lead to the secession from Earth mentioned in Greenies ( which I believe to be somewhat exaggerated :wink: ), are primarily to be seen as a nice excursion into a possible future akin to 1984 by George Orwell, I actually would truly want to live in a society where money is NOT the driving force behind every decision, where people get paid for going to school ( lets be honest guys, going to school is just as stressful for many kids as is going to work for many adults ), providing incentives for improving ones mind and education and not dropping out off school. A world, where every walk of live, every sexuall orientation, will find its respected niche and therefore provide a stable, strong and true foundation for the mutually benefitial coexistence of all people, which would also have the added effect of furthering the development of a culture, where that, which is strange and alien, will not automatically be seen as evil and therefore be attacked with all the already known negative effects of violence.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 12:19 pm
by Hearly
Blacktiger wrote:Dear Fel, I have also read Al Steiners Stories and I can certainly state that while the social "improvements" theorized in A Perfect World, and the circumstances that lead to the secession from Earth mentioned in Greenies ( which I believe to be somewhat exaggerated :wink: ), are primarily to be seen as a nice excursion into a possible future akin to 1984 by George Orwell, I actually would truly want to live in a society where money is NOT the driving force behind every decision, where people get paid for going to school ( lets be honest guys, going to school is just as stressful for many kids as is going to work for many adults ), providing incentives for improving ones mind and education and not dropping out off school. A world, where every walk of live, every sexuall orientation, will find its respected niche and therefore provide a stable, strong and true foundation for the mutually benefitial coexistence of all people, which would also have the added effect of furthering the development of a culture, where that, which is strange and alien, will not automatically be seen as evil and therefore be attacked with all the already known negative effects of violence.
I was more pointing him to them not so much for the martians point of view, but with how the EastHem and WestHem were run/controlled, I see many parallels between that series and what could happen to the US in the future.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Fri Sep 26, 2008 9:39 pm
by Blyker
Lochar wrote:Come comrade, you should not speak of Mother USA like that.
LOL this so describes my thoughts when i first read about it.

If they dont punish the banks they and other companies will have free range in the future. If you fuck up then at least make sure you fuck up so badly that Mother USA steps in giving you cash.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 1:03 am
by Andygal
Wow, there's somebody else here from BC, thought I was the only one.

Anyway, I definitely hear you Fel on the US government screwing EVERYTHING up. Seriously. I'm gladder every day now that I'm not American, except for the fact that Canada is so closely economically tied to the US (partly thanks to OUR current government being a bunch of ass-lickers sucking up to the Bush Administration.), that if/when the US economy goes down in flames, we will too. Which is part of the reason I'm seriously considering moving to Brazil when my dad moves there, which he is fairly certain he wants to do, because when the US goes down in flames (which I strongly suspect it will in the not-to-distant future), Brazil may well become a better place to be economically then here. I am almost positive that the US economy is headed for a crash that will make the Great Depression look like a minor blip.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Sat Sep 27, 2008 2:29 pm
by Journeywoman
Come to Australia. No language barrier and the government is trying to convince us that China is a strong enough presence in our economy that the US crash won't hurt us. I think they are missing the 'as much' on the end of that statement.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 9:30 am
by wyrmking
The unfortunate thing about all this is that a bailout MUST happen. How big it needs to be still needs to be determined. Most Americans are clueless how the economy works. Even Japan knows that this bailout needs to happen and they did their part by buying all the European/Asiatic assets of Lehman Bros.

Those who state that all the world needs to do to bring down America is to pull out their money from the American economy show that they do not know economics. It would be a domino effect. Lets start with a big one. China. Say China decides to call in all their debts and stops buying America's exports. Who are they going to sell their exports to? Where are they going to put their money? What goods are they going to buy? Lets look at another. Japan. Same thing. Only they have another issue. Who is going to help defend them? What is going to happen to Mexico when America falls? What happens to those countries who get grain from America when America can't get the oil to make the fuel to ship it? On and on. Sometimes you have to look at both the forests and the trees.

It would be very easy to state broad, sweeping plans. The last time someone made a broad, sweeping plan America started a war that never should have happened in the first place. The political landscape has changed. Unfortunately it happened after America climbed into the handbasket and started towards hell. I won't get started on the current president because you should try to avoid politics and religion though if someone wants to discuss either one I would be happy to oblige.

Do not think that because of what I have stated that I like the bailout. I really don't. But it must happen. Just like a doctor must amputate an infected limb. You don't want to, you do everything you must to try to avoid it, but sometimes things must occur.

You know it is bad when the leaders of "anti-regulation" are calling, no screaming, for more, tighter regulation and oversight.


Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 1:56 pm
by Spec8472
wyrmking wrote:The unfortunate thing about all this is that a bailout MUST happen.
Okay, lets state for a fact that a bailout must happen ... Why focus on bailing out the companies that are the cause of the issue? Isn't bailing out a company which has deliberately made highly risky decisions with vast amounts of money just signalling that things are okay and can continue as before?

Perhaps it might be a better thing to nationalise all home loans and mortgages into a single federally controlled institution. And then let all these other companies which have fudged the numbers around (and have no doubt: Will continue to do so if permitted) collapse -- yes, you lose some jobs in the banking industry, but that can be rebuilt (and there's sure to be replacement jobs for many of the medium/lower-end employees with this central federal homeloan company.

'course, Mentioning words like "nationalise" around most americans seems to always conjur images of the commies invading.

Re: Will Write For Room And Board (incoming rant)

Posted: Sun Sep 28, 2008 3:11 pm
by Mac The Knife
It was not just the business,,,, Politicians are the ones that got the ball rolling in 1999. ... A96F958260 And then there is this article that shows that an attempt was made in 2005 to avert this crisis, but was blocked by democrats and a few republicans ... KSoiNbnQY0.