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Star Trek Online

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 9:24 am
by Spec8472
Any of you folks play the Star Trek Online MMO?

It went Free to Play on the 2nd of Feb, so there's no cost (other than time, computer resources, etc) associated with it.

I just made Captain (Level 30) after starting on the 3rd of Feb (approx). If you want to spend money, you can probably advance a bit faster.

If you're interested, I'd recommend installing it via Steam, as the native downloader on their site installs Pando Media Booster, which redistributes the game to other users using your internet connection.

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Mon Feb 13, 2012 7:38 pm
by miraborn
I've been playing, off and on, since go-live. I do not have as much time to play much of anything nowadays, however I do like to drop in from time to time and take on a few missions,

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 3:47 pm
by flash
Star Trek Online was one of those games whose releases I had highly anticipated, so it's no surprise that I was eager to play in their closed and public beta. In the end, the state of the game back then was a huge let-down and I wasn't willing to pay for it. In the past month, I've downloaded the game again and taken a few deeper looks ... and it's better, up to a point. With the introduction of the foundry came player-created content (read: stories and missions), which raises the replay value of the game a lot. It's a bit like reading fan-fiction, though, and all the good and bad that comes with it ;)

The game does need that content desperately, because after you have finished with the main storyline and have reached vice admiral at level 50, there is not all that much left to do. Of course there is some end-game content in form of a few re-playable team missions (STF) where you'll meet the Borg again, but even that will not save the day. For one thing, it's rather easy to craft items that are only a bit short of the best in the game - which makes doing endless repeats of those missions a boring chore - and for another, some of those six missions (3 space, 3 ground) can be finished in less than 10 minutes and don't provide much variety.

There's one good thing about STO and that's the current game design for free players, because you don't need to become a gold member, or ever to pay a single penny at all, to be successful and have fun in the game. Even as a free player you'll get ship tokens for the ranks of Lt. Commander, Commander, Captain and Rear Admiral the same as those players with a subscription. The ships for the highest rank of vice admiral are nice to have (especially on the Klingon side), but not everyone will be inclined to spend between 20 and 25 bucks on a virtual starship that's only slightly better than those you get for free at level 40. Paying a monthly fee gets you a few advantages, but none of those are game changers: free character re-skills with every new rank (4 in total, i believe), priority login if the server is full (only happened on weekends so far), veteran rewards (completely useless if you're only beginning now), one additional character slot, access to the Foundry (creating your own custom story-lines and missions) and a small stipend of Cryptic points for the cash store (400/month).

So, my take on this new and improved free to play Star Trek Online is to go out and try it. There's no cost involved, the game doesn't have any strict limitations for free players and you'll get a glimpse of the future of Star Trek. The game itself plays in the year 2409 and is set a number of years after anything you were able to see on the big screen (last TNG episode played in 2370, DS9 in 2375, Voyager in 2377, the Nemesis movie in 2379).

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 9:37 pm
by Spec8472
Theres also mention of events only created for the JJ Abrams Star Trek movie.

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Tue Feb 14, 2012 11:50 pm
by dellstart
sounds good. busy playing D&D online , so used to the whole f2p and p2p biz(free to play and pay to play). It does sound promising so maybe ill have a look.
Was really bored and checked out a play through of the SWTOR (Star wars the old Republic) on u tube , and to be honest it looked pretty good as well.

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 7:18 am
by abysmalblade
I've heard about Star Trek Online just does not seem to peak my interest.
Currently playing SWTOR and Enjoying it immensely, it has some of the Best if not the best story line of any mmo I've ever played.

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Wed Feb 15, 2012 8:23 am
Woah! Sennadite fleet!

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Fri Feb 17, 2012 7:48 am
by Spec8472
TLGG wrote:Woah! Sennadite fleet!
I already registered the USS Sennadar :-)
Also the USS Tasman, Oceanic, and Pacific (latest).

Trying to think up a name for my next ship which I should have in a few hours.

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:17 am
by firedrake3
So where is the Sennadite Fleet? I checked yesterday and there is no such fleet.
Is someone going to create one?

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:55 am
by Spec8472
firedrake3 wrote:So where is the Sennadite Fleet? I checked yesterday and there is no such fleet.
Is someone going to create one?
I can create it, but I need five other people online and in-game with me to do so.

My character: Murray@spec8472au - if you're going to send me a friend request, let me know in here (with your character/handle)...

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 9:01 am
by firedrake3
My character: Marcus Trax@SparxxZ
My ship U.S.S. Cintra

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 1:39 pm
USS Perseverance

Let's make a fleet!

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:01 pm
by Blyker
I downloaded and played last night sadly i cant get on anymore im getting an error that says Cryptic Launcher Autoupdate Trying to update the launcher and been getting that since earlier this day, i even reinstalled it but no help.

If i am ever gonna be able to get back on its blyker@blyker USS Spinner

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 7:47 pm
by firedrake3
Try adding it to the exeptions in the firewall or your router.

Re: Star Trek Online

Posted: Sat Feb 18, 2012 8:54 pm
by firedrake3
Maybe we should call it the House of Karinne?