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New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 12:35 am
by Fel
As promised, I finished a new chapter in Subjugation.  I've gotten a bit burned out on Sword, so I wrote up some on Subjugation as a break.

I've sent it to uni and Weresmilodon, so I'm sure a link to it will appear around here sometime soon.

Hope you enjoy it.

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 12:42 am
by canisd
Ask And you shall recieve  :P

At top of page

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 2:23 am
by J-Man5
Ok.  Great!  Read it!  Want more!!!! Where is the next one?  

Just  kidding.   But it was a good chapter!  Hope it helps you relax a bit.  If you want do some more of this series.  I really like the direction it's going.  

Thanks again for a good read.


Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 5:30 am
by Spec8472
Alternate download link, incase Geocities decides to block access...

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 10:44 am
by zedd
One more great chapter.  :D

Keep up the good work. I hope RL will run as good as you want it (and let you lot of hours to write many more great chapters)



Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:18 pm
by Shadowhawk
Great chapter 5 of "Subjegation". The story shapes nicely.

I wonder whether there are some human devised mind-machine interfaces (they are more EEG-and-likes to machine interfaces). There are some work on it now. Each interface need training though. It might be only lab projects, never entering the mass production stage...

P.S. Please, no spoilers here. There is FAQ section for spoiler questions and ideas.

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 1:49 pm
by straechav
Finally. I like Tarrin and all but the storyline is already overdue an final ending. There's only so much good thing you can have before it gets old.

Hopefully you'll be working on Subjugation more in future. Although the storyline seems to promise to be rather damn complex, at least to write. Good luck on that one.

I'd like to fancy that my comments about Jason's sudden drop of his ideals in favor of Jyslin had some effect in turning out these stories. But I doubt you remember them, anyway so I don't hold any illusions. Nevertheless I am pleased to see that the story actually took the direction I thought would be more logical...

So, keep the writing on. I enjoyed this chapter immensely. There's great many things that Jason promises to become, especially that damn resourcefulness of his might cause more than little problems if anyone tried to hunt him down.

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 3:28 pm
by Shadowhawk
fel wrote:As promised, I finished a new chapter in Subjugation.  I've gotten a bit burned out on Sword, so I wrote up some on Subjugation as a break.
straechav wrote:Finally. I like Tarrin and all but the storyline is already overdue an final ending. There's only so much good thing you can have before it gets old.
I think that the break from Tarrins Chronicles is a good idea. I can understand that one gets attached to the character(s) and don't want to part with them... but maybe it is a time for break, to return to "The Sword of Fire" with fresh mind. I certainly would like to read more about Tarrin and friends' adventures, but I'm willing to wait for the sake of quality.

I wonder when Lochar will put new Subjegation chapter on it's backup site I'm also thinking about translating Subjegation to HTML (anyone knows good Linux tool to convert MS Word files to HTML 4.01?) an putting it on my sporadical backup site :)

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sat Apr 03, 2004 7:27 pm
by borsic
yep, try wvHtml
Nice chapter, btw!
I am very curious how it will turn out.

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2004 2:25 pm
by Hearly
Fel, You can write as many chapters to Subjugation as you want, Honestly I think it's a very interesting story.

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 2:18 am
by Lochar
shadowhawk wrote: I wonder when Lochar will put new Subjegation chapter on it's backup site I'm also thinking about translating Subjegation to HTML (anyone knows good Linux tool to convert MS Word files to HTML 4.01?) an putting it on my sporadical backup site :)
Right about now.

Thanks for the great new chapter as well.

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 7:38 am
by Shadowhawk
New chapter is available at Yahoo Group : FelBooks. What is strange that all other chapters there are in doc (MS Word) format, while chapter 5 is in HTML format. I'd like to know what tool Uncle Rand uses to convert the files... the results are very nice visually and have nice, clean code.

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:03 am
by Uncle_Rand
I basically write it myself. When I first decided to start doing this, I went looking for a web page that I liked. I then saved it and now use it as a template for the stories. As long as they have the tab at the beginning of each paragraph, I just use the replace option to trade it with the necessary line of code. The biggest problem doing it that way is finding all the italics and putting the code in for that.

As for why the other chapters are in doc format, just before I started the group I lost all my files and had to download them again and I decided to get the doc formats so I could do them all as I read them again. Unfortunately I haven't read it again yet, and as it's a little like work, I'm waiting until I do to convert them to html.

Uncle Rand

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 9:14 am
by Uncle_Rand
By the way Fel, another great chapter. I had a thought though. I know it would be the shortest book you've put out, but this looks like a good spot to mark the end of book one, and make book two about how he starts to set himself up while on the run. Just a suggestion.

Uncle Rand

Re: New NON-SWORD chapter.

Posted: Mon Apr 05, 2004 11:15 am
by Lochar
It wouldn't actually be all that short, considering if you broke it down into Firestaff sized chapters it'd be several chapters longer.  But then again, quality is better than quantity.