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ok new Star Trek Into Darkness (spoilers/plot holes)

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 1:55 am
by Hearly
Ok, so when Kirk and Khan go over to the Vengeance, Spock decides to call his older self to ask about Khan.., but there pretty much in Earth Orbit and Can't contact Star Fleet Command for help?

I mean wouldn't someone in HQ be like, Why is the Enterprise being attacked by an Unknown ship?
Now granted it's Captained by Admiral Marcus but don't you think, someone in HQ should be wondering why the Enterprise is being attacked?

other than that and some other stupid plot holes (Neutral Zone warping to Earth in under 20 seconds..) I thought it was an ok movie, I think it tried to borrow way too much though from Wraith of Khan..

Re: ok new Star Trek Into Darkness (spoilers/plot holes)

Posted: Sun May 19, 2013 4:29 am
by Fel
Someone has to say it.


Re: ok new Star Trek Into Darkness (spoilers/plot holes)

Posted: Fri Jun 14, 2013 5:11 am
by Spec8472
After watching the first Star Trek 90210, I had no real interest in seeing the second one.

Reading the Into Darkness FAQ on io9 really drove home how JJ Abrahams is a dick who doesn't give a shit about Trek at all. Him and Michael Bay can go jump off a cliff.