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Yahoo groups

Posted: Fri Sep 06, 2013 10:59 pm
If anyone wants to know what happened to my Yahoo group -- don't ask me, because I don't know. It just evaporated.

K Pelle aka dotB

Re: Yahoo groups

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 12:03 am
by gnume
? its there.
but the design was greatly changed.

Re: Yahoo groups

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 2:32 am
gnume wrote:? its there.
but the design was greatly changed.
Yeah, it's back. :roll: Yahoo is busy playing games :(

It ain't my fault they hire idjits to redo something that worked well without change and in so doing they forgot the old maxim;
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it!" :?


Re: Yahoo groups

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 3:09 am
by boballab
If you look at the link in gnume's post you will see the word "neo" and that is the name of the new system Yahoo put in place for SOME people the last I looked. It started back on Aug 8th for the first group of involuntary Beta testers, yes neo was only a "beta" release and yes they didn't ask anyone to try it they just forced it onto some people and I happened to be one of them. Once that occurred I couldn't view discussions, post or do any of the moderator functions of the group I am a moderator of. They have made it better in the last week or so but I still haven't tried to post anything since early August when they bounced all my posts back at me.

Re: Yahoo groups

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 4:41 am
boballab wrote:If you look at the link in gnume's post you will see the word "neo" and that is the name of the new system Yahoo put in place for SOME people the last I looked. It started back on Aug 8th for the first group of involuntary Beta testers, yes neo was only a "beta" release and yes they didn't ask anyone to try it they just forced it onto some people and I happened to be one of them. Once that occurred I couldn't view discussions, post or do any of the moderator functions of the group I am a moderator of. They have made it better in the last week or so but I still haven't tried to post anything since early August when they bounced all my posts back at me.
Oh I lost functions as well, but every time I found something that didn't work, I fired off a complaint - 31 of them over about four days. Actually I thought they had gotten tired of my bellyaching and shut down my group to silence me, then I discovered that none of the other groups I occasionally frequent worked either. :lol: (laughing at myself for being a tad anal.)

As it is now I just said forget it for a few days - I don't need the aggravation. I'll look it over next week and if it hasn't improved from the crap we have now, I'll go hunting for a php expert who can help me transform an info site written in .html into an info and forum website.

Re: Yahoo groups

Posted: Sat Sep 07, 2013 6:55 am
by gnume
what about google groups ?