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Inception, Chapter 2 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Dec 28, 2013 7:17 am
I still see Karrine house attracting the telepathic members of other races for a new home. So help build bridges between the races.

If the empress controls their king, she can use that to influence the whole region, so one day in the future, that whole region would regain their independance and join the imperium.

While the other empires are gaining real time jumping, the karrine still have hyperspace probes, ftl sensors and the other advanced gear. THEy have the consortium communications jammed, but i wonder if they can sett it up to allow it, but able to monitor it all.

WIth all the races eventually getting advances in tech, karrine will need to advance so study the tech they gained from the consortium, then addapt and advance it every way they can. THe syndicate tech has no agreements, so anything they have they can keep to themselves.
The deal was it all consortium tech, or just everything on their ships. THey could avoid sharing consortium tech that cant be traced to the ships, the catapult tech and stuff, they could claim it as karrine created tech.

We know they have battle mechs, when will they have iron man armor. The nanites may help here.

Since syndicate tech, is mostly a lesser version of consortium tech, the methods already used against their will be still relevent. THey might need to be enlarged to deal with the greater ship sizes involved.

Re: Inception, Chapter 2 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Dec 30, 2013 11:56 pm
by dellstart
I agree with Syed , the field has indeed closed with the Faey and the other soon able to jump in real time.Nevertheless they indeed still do have a cutting edge over the others.
It an intriguing point , just what would happen if Jason( or Rann ) are taken out.WE all know the entire deck of card would fold.Jason is and remains the personal focal point of his Empire. There isn't an ' established Icon or focal point' developed yet enough, to hold it all an established Monarchy or Ruling House.That Shaman is wise in advising preparing for the future.

Re: Inception, Chapter 2 [Spoilers]

Posted: Wed Jan 01, 2014 12:28 am
by lapland
Battle Mech and Iron Man are similar but Battle Mechs are MUCH bigger. As for technology, Kerrines are so far ahead of the others anyway Jason isn't concerned about them getting to be able to do real time jumps. Kerrines still have the ability to stay in a jump longer. They have better engines so they could jump faster perhaps. Non telepaths as well as telepaths will all be able to directly link to computers, which no other race can do. Jason is about to visit Kemdory Prime. Will he gleen any advancements while there. Kemdory seem masterful at advanced tech, but Kerrines seem to be able to advance it better and to combine different technology. I don't think Kerrines will have any problems staying ahead of the game. Every time Jason commission's another ship the empress nearly wets her panties.

Re: Inception, Chapter 2 [Spoilers]

Posted: Thu Jan 02, 2014 8:56 pm
by Blyker
Bit of inconsistency:

Chapter 2:
“They’ve been intensely jealous of the Imperium for over a thousand years, mainly due to the fact that telepathy is so incredibly rare among their species.”
That was true enough. They were almost as rare as talented Zagya were, with only some .004% of the Prakarikai exhibiting any form of telepathic or psionic ability. And nearly all of them were employed by the Prakarikai to deal with the Imperium, to pit telepaths against telepaths.

Chapter 1:
The Prakarikai as a race had a much higher than average number of people with telepathic or empathic ability, approaching 14%, so they were major players in the intelligence and espionage game in their sector

Re: Inception, Chapter 2 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Jan 20, 2014 2:18 am
by dellstart
Lets play Devils advocate, and assume with all this foreshadowing .Little Rann unfortunately goes the way of his namesake, and is killed.Which besides, showing us how the Faey Mourn their dead . will leave us with the question , who exactly from his children is really most worthy to be the next Heir?

Re: Inception, Chapter 2 [Spoilers]

Posted: Fri Apr 18, 2014 11:45 pm
by Seastallion
Blyker wrote:Bit of inconsistency:

Chapter 2:
“They’ve been intensely jealous of the Imperium for over a thousand years, mainly due to the fact that telepathy is so incredibly rare among their species.”
That was true enough. They were almost as rare as talented Zagya were, with only some .004% of the Prakarikai exhibiting any form of telepathic or psionic ability. And nearly all of them were employed by the Prakarikai to deal with the Imperium, to pit telepaths against telepaths.

Chapter 1:
The Prakarikai as a race had a much higher than average number of people with telepathic or empathic ability, approaching 14%, so they were major players in the intelligence and espionage game in their sector
It sometimes happens, but Fel is so good that isn't enough to detract from enjoying the story.