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Now this is why The Japanese educational system is so great

Posted: Mon Mar 10, 2014 5:02 am
by dellstart ... 4/?image=1

Finally is revealed ,secret to their success!

Re: Now this is why The Japanese educational system is so g

Posted: Wed Mar 12, 2014 3:10 pm
by boballab
dellstart wrote: ... 4/?image=1

Finally is revealed ,secret to their success!
I think this is more like it:

or that real life imitates an anime/manga plot in that they have highschool/junior high girls that make up a professional Jpop/metal fusion band:

You will never look at metal the same way ever again
The Japanese sometimes have a something very unusual for our culture taste. The newest craze of the Japanese metal scene is the girl band Baby Metal. Only the names of the three singers read somewhat obliquely: Su-Metal Death Metal Death Yui and Moa Metal Death.

Their recipe for success: Short skirts, school girl charm and squeaky voices - just like in the manga comics. But they mix the whole thing with Metal. ... japan.html

Re: Now this is why The Japanese educational system is so g

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2014 9:09 pm
by Catgodify
Sadly it's just one school that does that, but it's still a pretty awesome idea.