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Story Author Disappearing

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2014 6:10 pm
by Kendog
The author of Thor's Child is closing down his Yahoo! Group and pulling down all of his stories where they are available. If you want to get any of his stories, you have until Saturday, June 14, 2014 to download his stories, Friday to be safe. I haven't seen anything about it posted on the forums here so I am posting it for general information.

Re: Story Author Disappearing

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 4:18 pm
Just for your information, I'm tired of the world and the idiots in it- especially those in Yahoo groups and Yahoo itself, but I have no intention at the present time of killing the stories on this group. In fact they may continue, however I don't know when I will be able to continue them.
You see I wake up to pain, I go to bed with pain, my back aches constantly and if I kill the pain with painkillers, I lose the ability to concentrate, so I find writing extremely hard to do at the present time. Not only that, but I am gradually losing the ability to type - I have arthritis in my hands and particularly in my fingers, so I am down to using three fingers and my thumbs to type. I have a low voice and a drawl, so speech to text programs simply don't like me, they make more errors than I do with my flailing fingers. As a result I grow extremely frustrate and when I am dealing with self-entitled or self-indulgent idiots who want instant gratification I find I get judgmental and lose my temper very easily.

BTW, I love Fel's writing, so I don't plan to disappear totally either, but my comments may be few and far between and my postings may be rare and quite widely spaced.

K Pelle aka dotB aka GBLW

Re: Story Author Disappearing

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 6:25 pm
by stoneguard
Sorry to hear that. I found the story line interesting and engaging.
Don't worry about finishing the story I filled in the gaps with my own limited creativity.
Wasn't as interesting but kept me from going crazy with anticipation. :)

May you find improved health and happiness.


Re: Story Author Disappearing

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:27 pm
by zedd
My best wishes to your health GBLW. While it saddens me that your stories might not be continued, your health and piece of mind are more important. Please keep visiting and saying "hi" to us from time to time.

Best regards

Re: Story Author Disappearing

Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2014 8:53 pm
by gesit
real sorry to hear that m8,
i really enjoyed your work
please take care, all the best,
