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Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 4:40 pm
by somni
first off...I loved the chapter! Thank you. But I was a little surprised that there was so little detail on what happened in the six days between the two time frames(battle then conference start). I figured that would have some major things happen for Jason's people in the time frame. Playing with all the tech would be awesome and telling, even in such a short time period. What did they learn about the enemies after their debriefing? How many of the survivors claimed asylum? What was the reaction of their leader? What was the reaction of the rest of the people in that sector? Did Dahnai really just forget about the incoming attack on Jason? or is she actually letting it go and ignoring it?

I figure a lot of this will be coming in the next chapter or few. I am just insanely curious! Thanks again Fel!

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 5:45 pm
by Catawk
I think that has to do with the changes Jason made in his office. Now that he isnt making every decisions, with it not being critical he's wont get a report till there's a problem or everything is done.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 7:37 pm
by nicolai
Kumi having her daughter made me think. Is she going to copy Myleena and have Jason father her second child?

And Rahne ... is she going to have a child by Jason? It would make sense to me.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:16 pm
by The Thing
My opinion:
nicolai wrote:Kumi having her daughter made me think. Is she going to copy Myleena and have Jason father her second child?
Based on how fanatical Kumi was to have sex with Jason and along with being on the strip, where most women have had kids with Jason, I agree with you that she'll try to jump onto that bandwagon.
nicolai wrote:And Rahne ... is she going to have a child by Jason? It would make sense to me.
Hmmm...probably not. Because of Jason's mentality towards Generations (especially since he considers them like sisters/brothers, like the case of Myleena), he will be quite sqirmy about having sex with her. But since Rahne has a Faey mentality when it comes to sex, she might chase some other Generation to father her kids.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 9:39 pm
by MartinK
nicolai wrote:Kumi having her daughter made me think. Is she going to copy Myleena and have Jason father her second child?

And Rahne ... is she going to have a child by Jason? It would make sense to me.
I'm wondering about Rahne. She got no memories remaining about where she came from, how she lived, any friends she had.... she had to reinvent herself. Now, if it where me, i would be very interested in my past. My first action would have been to move back to earth, in the approximate region that would have been identified from her speech pattern and start traveling around hoping that someone who knew me asks where the heck i have been the last few years.

Well, there might be more efficient methods, perhaps one of those pictures on milk cartons, you know "have you ever seen this woman?" or something like that. How can she boldly go into the future when her past is an empty darkness with so many open questions. Apart from her personal feelings, House Karinne may have other lost sheep out there in the backlands of nowhere.

Or did that already happen and i just missed it or forgot about it in the general excitement?

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 10:16 pm
by Fel
somni wrote:first off...I loved the chapter! Thank you. But I was a little surprised that there was so little detail on what happened in the six days between the two time frames(battle then conference start). I figured that would have some major things happen for Jason's people in the time frame. Playing with all the tech would be awesome and telling, even in such a short time period. What did they learn about the enemies after their debriefing? How many of the survivors claimed asylum? What was the reaction of their leader? What was the reaction of the rest of the people in that sector? Did Dahnai really just forget about the incoming attack on Jason? or is she actually letting it go and ignoring it?

I figure a lot of this will be coming in the next chapter or few. I am just insanely curious! Thanks again Fel!
Hate to tell you this, but the next chapter jumps months ahead in time. The reason I don't get involved with the aftermath of the battle is because the Hrathari very wisely just shut up and retreat back to their space and give the Karinnes no reason to come after them.

The Hrathari emperor may be a megalomaniac, but after he sees what's left of his fleet when it gets back and hears the horror stories from the crew, even he's not stupid enough to press the issue.

The next chapter jumps ahead around six months or so, and deals with the new CBIM and a few other subjects.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Jun 21, 2014 11:10 pm
by somni
interesting! Can't wait for more. Thank you for all the hard work!

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:04 pm
by Evodavich
Can enbody email me a copy of the ch 11 file plz.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 1:17 pm
by Taliesin
Hi Fel,

Another great chapter in the ongoing saga.

I do have a question regarding the disposition of the Hrathari Admiral and any other Hrathari prisoners that end up requesting asylum.

Is it really a good idea for Jason and Miaari to place the Hrathari on Terra? If the Hrathari end up on Terra wouldn't the secret of who they are and where they are from eventually become known?

Just previously in Chapter 10, Jason's response to Dahnai's question as to why he has kept the RK sector and the polities within it a secret from the Confederation is "To protect them from the Confederation, he answered honestly. If you or the Verutans or the Skaa knew about them and knew where they were, you’d try to conquer them." Has his concern moderated or changed in someway or do Jason and Miaari have a sneaky solution to prevent the spread of this information that you have yet to reveal?

My impression is that Terra has become the ultimate intelligence gathering location for all of the empires with students at the Academy. Mainly because Terra has become the Sectors crossroads meeting place and has both the Academy and the primary headquarters the Confederation Military. As such, keeping the Hrathari as unknowns on Terra would be an extreme challenge if they are going to have freedom of movement of any kind.

Thanks again for sharing your creative efforts.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sun Jun 22, 2014 5:32 pm
by Wolfee
Fel wrote:Hate to tell you this, but the next chapter jumps months ahead in time. The reason I don't get involved with the aftermath of the battle is because the Hrathari very wisely just shut up and retreat back to their space and give the Karinnes no reason to come after them.

The Hrathari emperor may be a megalomaniac, but after he sees what's left of his fleet when it gets back and hears the horror stories from the crew, even he's not stupid enough to press the issue.

The next chapter jumps ahead around six months or so, and deals with the new CBIM and a few other subjects.
Looking forward to it! Was wondering when you where going to start jumping ahead, give the amount of time between now and when the enemy arrives. Not to say we aren't interested in Jason and family and all the others, but a jump had to happen sooner or later.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 5:24 am
Am i the only one imagine an interstellar underground railroad to get people out of that empire into friendly space? It starts with the family of the crews that do not want to return. Then it grow, potentially including telepaths who do not want to mind bend their own people in the name of the the guy incharge.
I wonder if the other five nations could agree to oeace, if the sixth was death with. what would be easier building new ships or simply upgrading a captured fleet?

Earth is an important place, so it will have a population increase very quickly. I am imagine undergound cities, arcologies, mega cities, under water habitats, possibly even orbital towers or even an orbital ring. So to prepare for the increaseo f system use, prepare plans to make as many planetary bodies in the system habitable. We know that they have the technology, and it would be a great show case of the academy ability. They could use shields to dampen radiation, and use forms of life to remove radiation from a region, due to them adapting to feed of it.
Gas planets would be a great place to create orbital elevators and orbital rings to colonise them.

I hope they might inflate some asteroids, and make micro worlds.

Which species is asking to join the farguut? It is amazing they made a decision like this and the kimdori were unaware. I dont really remember them, any chance some one could post what is known about them.

The hyperlight engine, is there as ship size or power limitation for which crafts are able to have it install? Are fighters faster with it, or are the largest ships fastest? Does the statndard chande in sub ftl speed or in ftl? Seeing as hyperlight engines are known would they be usable as system defence ships in indicted regions.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Mon Jun 23, 2014 1:51 pm
by somni
Taliesin wrote:I do have a question regarding the disposition of the Hrathari Admiral and any other Hrathari prisoners that end up requesting asylum.

Is it really a good idea for Jason and Miaari to place the Hrathari on Terra? If the Hrathari end up on Terra wouldn't the secret of who they are and where they are from eventually become known?

Just previously in Chapter 10, Jason's response to Dahnai's question as to why he has kept the RK sector and the polities within it a secret from the Confederation is "To protect them from the Confederation, he answered honestly. If you or the Verutans or the Skaa knew about them and knew where they were, you’d try to conquer them." Has his concern moderated or changed in someway or do Jason and Miaari have a sneaky solution to prevent the spread of this information that you have yet to reveal?

My impression is that Terra has become the ultimate intelligence gathering location for all of the empires with students at the Academy. Mainly because Terra has become the Sectors crossroads meeting place and has both the Academy and the primary headquarters the Confederation Military. As such, keeping the Hrathari as unknowns on Terra would be an extreme challenge if they are going to have freedom of movement of any kind.
I was very curious about this as well.

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 2:13 am
I wonder just how unhappy the Hrathari are? WOuld they welcome a confederation fleet to remove their boss? They are the enemy of the karrines, so could be a justified act. It would be a great way to test out the fleet in a live combat, give their crews and ships experience. ion tech mess with ship systems, so advanced ion tech would be great. imagine used against the comming fleet. How vulnerable would other races be to the advanced ion tech?

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Tue Jun 24, 2014 10:43 am
by The Thing
SYED wrote:It would be a great way to test out the fleet in a live combat, give their crews and ships experience. Ion tech mess with ship systems, so advanced ion tech would be great. imagine used against the comming fleet. How vulnerable would other races be to the advanced ion tech?
I agree that advanced ion tech might/would improve Karrine's military arsenal. Would be interesting to see if their research will divert towards that side.
SYED wrote:I wonder just how unhappy the Hrathari are? Would they welcome a confederation fleet to remove their boss? They are the enemy of the karrines, so could be a justified act. It would be a great way to test out the fleet in a live combat, give their crews and ships experience.
My reply to this is a bit political, so, to avoid any political flaming wars on this nice forum, I will reply to you in a PM. If anyone's interested in knowing my reply, please ask for me to PM it to you too. :|

Re: Inception, chapter 11 [Spoilers]

Posted: Sat Jun 28, 2014 3:55 am
I bet house karrine could cheaply, or at least cheaper than others, produce the jump catapults. Off them to the empires, if all their systems had catapults, it would either force a peace, or push a war to start. easy access could force them to stop war as they are all at risk, or simply too costly. currently war is difficult with transport issues and limited to the colonies. It would be a way to cause the area to quickly deal wit h their conflict issues.