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Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:33 pm
by Shadowhawk
I wonder whether Tarrin has learned the Druidic way to cut the Sorcerer off the Weave. IIRC he used Druidic magic to reach the Weave (fight with red dragon).

And what nonlethal spells Tarrin could use to take Spyder. Sleep wouldn't work because of charm. Chaos/Confusuin is only temporary measure. Binding/Paralysis/Petrification - how long would it work. Word of Stun? Or perhaps carefully crafted Illusion?

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 10:42 pm
by Lochar
You have to remember the effect on the Gate as well. It slows down time for anyone coming through, giving the Guardian a chance to get ready.

Tarrin's going to either have to come barreling through, or be very sneaky about it. Send through another shadow tarrin type of thing, built to not win against Spyder, but give Tarrin enough time to get past the time barrier without having Spyder completely ready for him.

Ohh.. Create a shadow, arm it with one of those demon weapons.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2005 11:20 pm
by Shadowhawk
I wonder if Tarrin could wear Spyder with doubles (shadows, duplicates) with non-magic fight. Create duplicate and hide it, fight and when things are getting rough transfer to duplicate. Well, overwhelming with duplicates would work: the only requirement would be getting the weapins for them.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Fri Sep 23, 2005 12:58 am
by Lochar
He's going to give up his godhood, so he won't have the ability to make duplicates and transfer himself to them. Actually, I'm not even sure if he'd be able to make the shadows now.

He put all of the Firestaff Godhood into the sword, then broke it. Then he'll remove the pure faith that Dolanna put in him.

He'll be totally mortal again.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 5:36 pm
by Saetan
I don't think shadowhawk meant creating a shadow (as in demon's bane) but duplicates (the trick he used to evade the deva) so he can definately currently do what shadehawk's talking about, the only question is: how feasable would it be to do it that way

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sat Sep 24, 2005 9:24 pm
by Lochar
Saetan wrote:I don't think shadowhawk meant creating a shadow (as in demon's bane) but duplicates (the trick he used to evade the deva) so he can definately currently do what shadehawk's talking about, the only question is: how feasable would it be to do it that way
That's one of the abilities he gave himself as a God with Dolanna's belief. He stops her belief to become mortal again, he won't have that ability.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sun Sep 25, 2005 12:10 am
by J-Man5
Ah! But the question will be in what order will Tarrin have to act.

1) Have Dollana lose faith. Tarrin not God. Fight Spyder. Do something on Sennadar. Take something from Solar. Fight One. Destroy Demon. Make Changes as Entropic.


2) Fight Spyder. Do something on Sennadar. Take something from Solar. Have Dollana lose faith. Tarrin not God. Fight One. Destroy Demon. Make Changes as Entropic.


3) Take something from Solar. Fight One. Fight Spyder. Do something on Sennadar. Have Dollana lose faith. Tarrin not God. Make Changes as Entropic. Destroy Demon.

The only thing I see as a constant is that Tarrin must make changes as an Entropic before fighting the Demon and destroying him. Note the name of the Book - Demon's Bane. ALL Demons will not be happy with the changes that Tarrin will create when he does what he does. Tarrin is a remarkable forward thinking WereCat in that he can actually plan when he needs to be sneaky and mischevious.


Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 5:20 am
by TheHighestJoker
what makes us so sure that terrin can give up his godhood. he put all of his godly powers into the sword but he cant change his soul. and another thought that just came to mind is that if the only time demons, deva, and gods all work together is to stop entropics. what would happen if tarrin combined his godly power with his entropic abilities. the only things that could hold his power in check would be the restrictions of his mortal body, but that no longer exists...


Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 7:33 pm
by Mark_Reed
Joker said:
what would happen if tarrin combined his godly power with his entropic abilities. the only things that could hold his power in check would be the restrictions of his mortal body, but that no longer exists...

Ehhhhh.... I think the entropic side of things might be getting too much air time here.

Yes, Tarrin is an entropic being, but that doesn't mean he has any additional special powers other than what we've known he's had since a good ways back: the ability to extend beyond himself magically to do incredible things. Learning that he can do that *because* he's an entropic being doesn't grant him any aditional powers. It just provides an explanation to something we've all been shrugging and thinking "he can do it because he's Tarrin" ever since the topic first came up in discussion.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sat Oct 01, 2005 9:14 pm
by Lochar
Mark_Reed wrote:Joker said:
what would happen if tarrin combined his godly power with his entropic abilities. the only things that could hold his power in check would be the restrictions of his mortal body, but that no longer exists...

Ehhhhh.... I think the entropic side of things might be getting too much air time here.

Yes, Tarrin is an entropic being, but that doesn't mean he has any additional special powers other than what we've known he's had since a good ways back: the ability to extend beyond himself magically to do incredible things. Learning that he can do that *because* he's an entropic being doesn't grant him any aditional powers. It just provides an explanation to something we've all been shrugging and thinking "he can do it because he's Tarrin" ever since the topic first came up in discussion.
It may not change what he can do, but remember, Tarrin was trying to learn the basis behind the wizard and priest language. Knowing how to do something in wizard casting is one thing. Understanding why it is doing it would make it able to be powered up, etc.

I'd assume that knowing the why behind his Mi'Shara abilities would give Tarrin a bit more finess with the abilities. Before, it's all been raw force.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sun Oct 02, 2005 5:00 pm
by Solarstorm
An entropic being has the power to rewrite the laws of the universe as we found out with spider inprisoning Val. The trick was Spider thought the Gods were responsible for the change working through her. Tarin knows that he has the power himself now. If you thought he was powerful before watch out now. The Gods really do have something to fear of him now he can rewrite how they can interact with there powers now. He can place huge limitation on them. Something which any god would fear.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 8:42 pm
by Shadowhawk
If Tarrin has touched the relic which allowed Stragos Bane (shado of Val) to nulify all hostile magic, including Sorcery and Druidic gifts like Were strength and regeneration. He could Summon it for the fight with Spyder.

I also remembered that Spyder cloak (Cloak of Shadows, see "Axe of the Dwarven King", chapter 22) which can cause much problems in this fight, as it protects Spyder from physical attacks, and she is more experienced in magic than Tarrin...

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2005 11:58 pm
by sOmeone
Shadowhawk wrote:If Tarrin has touched the relic which allowed Stragos Bane (shado of Val) to nulify all hostile magic, including Sorcery and Druidic gifts like Were strength and regeneration. He could Summon it for the fight with Spyder.
Ahh but it blocks all magic. It takes magic to summon. I think it would block the summon.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Sun Dec 04, 2005 8:02 am
by Shadowhawk
sOmeone wrote:
Shadowhawk wrote:If Tarrin has touched the relic which allowed Stragos Bane (shado of Val) to nulify all hostile magic, including Sorcery and Druidic gifts like Were strength and regeneration. He could Summon it for the fight with Spyder.
Ahh but it blocks all magic. It takes magic to summon. I think it would block the summon.
It blocks hostile magic. Other Stragos Bane's magic items (armor, shield, gauntlets, sword) did function. Besides, I think it is turends off in storage...

Well, that is moot point.

Re: Tarrin vs. Spyder in nonlethal fight

Posted: Thu Dec 08, 2005 5:23 am
by 2p1k3
Because of her cloak I don't think its going to be a real fight because I still see Spyder as beating Tarrin in a magic dual. Not to mention Niami's warning not to push her to use her Mi'Shara abilities. Her cloak makes a physical fight extremely problomatic. Though once he hits Sennadar soil, I don't see why he can't teleport out of the gate room... not that I think he would with Spyder chasing him, otherwise there would be some rearranging of some geography somewhere on Sennadar... I don't know but I am sure that Fel has it figured out and it should be interesting.

I wish to point out that Chapter Four stated that he is stealing the thing from the Solar (which is why he asked Niami not to fight him when he got to Sennadar) and then going to Sennadar before going to fight the One. All of this after he finds where the One is from a Mortai... isn't that those talking heads like in Planescape: Torment.?. I am not too concerned about the Spyder fight though even despite Kikkali's prediction because I supremely doubt that Mother Wynn would be 'stearing' Tarrin towards killing her ElderGod pantheon on Sennadar.