Coffee Discussion (Split from original thread)

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Coffee Discussion (Split from original thread)

Post by Were_Fan »

afrigeek wrote:Hmm, anyone else noticed Ahiriya's peculiar interest in Tara and Rina in Axe chapter 12? I wonder what plans she has for them? The fact that she ignored everyone else seems significant to me.

Hmm, anyone else noticed Ahiriya's peculiar interest in Tara and Rina in Axe chapter 12? I wonder what plans she has for them? The fact that she ignored everyone else seems significant to me.
"Coffee does not make you nervous. your own inadequacies do that. Coffee merely increases your perception of your own inadequacies."
I just HAD to reply to your sig. Don't know who came up with that bit about coffee but it is incorrect. More specifically, it is the caffeine in coffee that can cause problems. Been there, done that! :-) Coffee (caffeine) overdose is unpleasant. Jitters and nervousness are just a few symptoms. That is why the military uses good old amphetimines instead of caffeine as a stimulant. :-o

Side effects from: ... 02105.html
More common
Diarrhea; dizziness; fast heartbeat; hyperglycemia, including blurred vision, drowsiness, dry mouth, flushed dry skin, fruit-like breath odor, increased urination, ketones in urine, loss of appetite, nausea, stomachache, tiredness, troubled breathing, unusual thirst, or vomiting (in newborn babies); hypoglycemia, including anxious feeling, blurred vision, cold sweats, confusion, cool pale skin, drowsiness, excessive hunger, fast heartbeat, nausea, nervousness, restless sleep, shakiness, or unusual tiredness or weakness (in newborn babies); irritability, nervousness, or severe jitters (in newborn babies); nausea (severe) ; tremors; trouble in sleeping ; vomiting

Abdominal or stomach bloating; dehydration ; diarrhea (bloody); unusual tiredness or weakness

Symptoms of overdose
Abdominal or stomach pain; agitation, anxiety, excitement, or restlessness; confusion or delirium; convulsions (seizures)—in acute overdose ; dehydration; faster breathing rate; fast or irregular heartbeat; fever; frequent urination; headache; increased sensitivity to touch or pain ; irritability; muscle trembling or twitching; nausea and vomiting, sometimes with blood; overextending the body with head and heels bent backward and body bowed forward; painful, swollen abdomen or vomiting (in newborn babies); ringing or other sounds in ears; seeing flashes of “zig-zag” lights; trouble in sleeping; whole-body tremors (in newborn babies)
The symptoms that hit me very hard the one time I overdosed were the anxiety/excitement, fast heartbeat and muscle trembling.
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Re: Coffee Discussion (Split from original thread)

Post by afrigeek »

I am actually not partial to coffee myself. I prefer to drink tea. I must be one of the few out there who does not spend the night overdosing on coffee while writing code or troubleshooting some application all night :)
The comment was made in a conversation some time ago by Rob Austein and I found it to be quite interesting. I personally agree with it in terms of the fact that for coffee to make you nervous, you must already have something to be nervous about in the first place and all it does is act as a catalyst to the whole situation imho.
To get back to the point, I just wondered why she would ignore Jasana and Eron and particularly focus on those two.
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Re: Coffee Discussion (Split from original thread)

Post by Were_Fan »

afrigeek wrote:I am actually not partial to coffee myself. I prefer to drink tea. I must be one of the few out there who does not spend the night overdosing on coffee while writing code or troubleshooting some application all night :)
The comment was made in a conversation some time ago by Rob Austein and I found it to be quite interesting. I personally agree with it in terms of the fact that for coffee to make you nervous, you must already have something to be nervous about in the first place and all it does is act as a catalyst to the whole situation imho.
Unfortunately, you were "informed" told incorrectly about coffee (caffeine) since Rob's comment does not agree with known medical fact. Note that bad symptoms are generally from more than just a few cups of coffee but instead more like a few pots within a few hours. However, in a few instances, caffeine can kill. Usually occurs when a person already has some kind of heartbeat irregularity. That is one reason why my 79 year old mother is on a caffeine restricted diet. Pregnant mopthers should avoid or strictly limit caffeine, especially in the first trimester.

Caffeine is a drug. It is a central nervous system stimulant. You don't need to have something to be nervous about since caffeine will induce tremors. You don't hallucinate or anything but a severe caffeine overdose is quite unpleasant. Rapid and/or irregular heartbeat, increased respiration, muscle twitching and confusion are just a few symptoms. If you get all those and don't get nervous, most doctors would probably want to lock you up for observation. ;-)

Google caffeine overdose for the medical facts from many sources.

Sorry to have gone on about this but for those like my mother with an otherwise minor heart problem, caffeine can be a danger. Nuff said.
To get back to the point, I just wondered why she would ignore Jasana and Eron and particularly focus on those two.
Ahiriya apparently has some special interest in the twins. Maybe it has to do with the story behind Kimmie's turning. However, I think it has more to do with the them being Tarrin's children. Whether that is because they will be powerful or simply a "maternal instinct" on Ahiriya's part, only Fel knows and he hasn't told ... yet. :-)
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Re: Coffee Discussion (Split from original thread)

Post by Finn »

afrigeek wrote: I personally agree with it in terms of the fact that for coffee to make you nervous, you must already have something to be nervous about in the first place and all it does is act as a catalyst to the whole situation imho.
I'd have to disagree at this point. I quite enjoy coffee, but more for the smell and taste, than for the effects of caffiene, since those effects can be somewhat detrimental to me if I drink too much (read: more than one cup within a short period of time)

If I have more than a couple of strong cups of coffee, I find myself with jitters and heart palpitations at times. Not particularly comfortable, but it's still a purely physical effect, not an extension of any 'worry' I may have psychologically. I would still get those jitters and problems no matter what my mental state, it's merely my body reacting to the stimulant.
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Re: Coffee Discussion (Split from original thread)

Post by Fiferguy »

Being a music major, there are times that I NEED the stimulant to keep going.. when you have a concert the night before untill 11:00 or so, then practicing at 6:00a, rehearsal at 8:00a, 1:00p, 5:00p, and 8:00p.... coffee helps. :D
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Re: Coffee Discussion (Split from original thread)

Post by Were_Fan »

Fiferguy wrote:Being a music major, there are times that I NEED the stimulant to keep going.. when you have a concert the night before untill 11:00 or so, then practicing at 6:00a, rehearsal at 8:00a, 1:00p, 5:00p, and 8:00p.... coffee helps. :D
Yup! Coffee surely does help. Been there, done that when a large programming project comes up that is due yesterday. ;-) However, don't guzzle coffee for a few hours before any concerts. It is considered impolite to pee your pants during a concert.

Moderate coffee drinking has even been shown to be a factor in a lower heart attack rate. However, like any drug, overuse can have bad effects. :-o
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Re: Coffee Discussion (Split from original thread)

Post by Fiferguy »

Were_Fan wrote:It is considered impolite to pee your pants during a concert.
But sometimes the dancing helps... :twisted: