A quick begging Note to Fel

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A quick begging Note to Fel

Post by rick »

Fel. I understand the the next Tarrin book is supose to be the last one about him and I can accept that ( I`m not crazy about it ) .But I hope you will contune to write in the Sennadar universe. I enjoy the stories set there as welll as feel it has a lot of potental for a lot more stories to be told.For example a series about the Blood war would be something I would look forward to as well as stories about the different races .
My mind is a terrable thing to leave empty, It comes up with weird things to fill the empty places.
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Re: A quick begging Note to Fel

Post by thisandthat »

Well that sounds like a plan.

If I had the skills to do it I would.
But I dont so I wont.

"Molon labe!" ("Come and get them!")

—King Leonidas of Sparta,
when asked to lay down his force's arms.