What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

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What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Fel »

Okay, I know I was going to work on the Shattered Rainbow next, but I've decided to another "fun" story.

This story will contain the hinted at confrontation between Eron and Jasana, but it's going to involve much more, since I'm also going to fold the ideas I had about a new book set in the "future" of Sennadar, focusing on Dolanna's granddaughter.

And so it will.

Here's how this is going to work:

The story will be open-ended and written mainly for fun, done much in the way that Subjugation was done. It won't be deeply planned and executed the way Firestaff/Pyrosian was, so I'm sure there's going to be some major whoppers of continuity errors in it. I'll just be banging away at the keyboard, and when I think it's done, it's done. I'll have no idea when that'll be or how long it'll take. I may be breaking from the story from time to time to work on other projects, as well, just like I did with Subjugation.

The plot? Well, read on.


Three hundred years after the mythical hero Tarrin Kael destroyed the Firestaff, and the world of Sennadar is changing. The Wikuni and the Tellurians are spreading technology throughout the world, amazing technology, powerful technology. Wikuni steam engines have evolved into massive steel transports that run on rails, and steam-driven ships with iron hulls that roam the seas and rule it. Steam engines have become so small they have been fitted into wagons, powered horseless carriages that ferry the rich and elite of Wikuna about the cities and countrysides. The Wikuni mastery of the steam engine is changing Wikuna, and changing the world, for the rest of the world cannot compete with the amazing speed of the Wikuni fleets or the raw ability of the Wikuni to move goods and tradestuffs from point to point. And steam engines are not the only technological marvels they have developed, for the Wikuni have discarded their traditional disdain for magic and have been combining magic with technology, using magic to power their technology. A radical change is taking place on Wikuna, as technology revolutionizes every aspect of Wikuni society, from the production of goods to the technology of war.

Where the Wikuni work with steam, the Tellurians experiment with electricity, magnetism, and other forms of natural power. They are starting to harness this power and trying to develop it into something that can be used to drive motors without steam, and are working feverishly to beat the Wikuni at their own game of technological supremacy and become a world power.

The rest of the world has taken notice of this change, this move away from magic and the embracing of technology, and they are beginning to fear it. Ancient magical kingdoms like Sharadar, Sulasia, and Zakkar are fearful of this strange new force in the world, a force that might challenge the power of magic, a force that might change the entire world.

Amara Dareth is the granddaughter of the legendary Dolanna Casbane, a Sorceress with high standing within the order of the katzh-dashi and a resident Sorceress in the service of King Faalken Eram to power the fearsome Wikuni Skyships. She lives in a world between two worlds, with heritage and tradition of her magical ancestry competing with her curiosity about the Wikuni technology and how it is changing their society, and also the world. But her position is changing, as elements within the magical orders are beginning to move against the march or technological advancement, and she fears that there may come a day when the the forces of magic come into direct conflict with those who embrace technology.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Hearly »

Wow, I can't wait to see more.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Weresmilodon »

Another Great from Fel, huh? One more thing to look forward to.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Mizriath »

OOoooh.....! in anticipation.... bought 3 giant pack of tacos... wonder whether that will last until the story from Fel comes out.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by mbeau »

Fel wrote: <snip>

Three hundred years after the mythical hero Tarrin Kael destroyed the Firestaff,
Has the world already forgotten about Tarrin Kael, or am I reading too much into this?
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Wicketklown001 »

mbeau wrote:
Fel wrote: <snip>

Three hundred years after the mythical hero Tarrin Kael destroyed the Firestaff,
Has the world already forgotten about Tarrin Kael, or am I reading too much into this?
Probably not forgotten really, but humans being as short lived as we are the stories of the firestaff and Tarrin are probably regarded as myths.

I wonder though if the characters from the original stories will make appearances, most of them were sorcerers and non-humans that wouldn't die of old age and to them 300 years would hardly be significant. Tarrin and Triana especially I don't see dieing any time soon, so I wonder if they will make an impact on the story or will they simply hover in the background and let the "new generation" handle things. All in all I'm glad to be returning to the world of sennadar and will be eagerly anticipating the first chapter.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Fel »

That's basicly right. Most of the humans are long gone from Tarrin's era, and since he's so reclusive, his name only exists now in history, myth, and legend. Few who see him know who he is, and that's the way he prefers it.

Some characters you'll see again, but others, like Azakar, Camara Tal, Miranda, Phandebrass, Tarrin's parents, Jal, Tomas and Janine, Rallix, Ulger, and Sarraya, they've passed away over the years.

Their passing affected Tarrin, and now he understands the weight of the thousand years pressing on Triana's shoulders, where cherished friends fade over the marching of the years. But, since he's Were, his Were tendency to live in the moment prevents him from brooding. Departed friends are remembered with warmth and love, but their loss isn't allowed to dominate him.

Many that are still alive aren't in the circles of the power players anymore.

Dolanna and Haley are still alive, but they're not in the mainstream anymore. Dolanna retired from the katzh-dashi and lives a quiet life running the festhall and businesses with Haley.

Miranda's and Rallix's deaths hit Keritanima hard. She stepped down as Queen of Wikuna and lives the life of a recluse, unable to let go of the past, and slowly wasting away as each year passes by. At the time the story begins, she's very frail and is soon to pass on herself, as two centuries of grief has ravaged her body and decayed her mind. Keritanima is a stark lesson in the price of immortality, when the world you know and love does not share your lifespan.

Allia crossed over along with Allyn, and the two of them serve the Selani in a new way, maintaining a permanent settlement under the Cloud Spire, both to communicate with the Aeradalla and to provide a solid anchor for the entire Selani nation. Allia and Allyn are no longer part of any clan, a neutral and independent pair that host emissaries of other clans so they can negotiate on neutral ground.

Jenna is still the Keeper, but now she's called the High Keeper, and she rules all seven towers from her seat in Suld. She still serves as the Keeper of the Tower of Six Spires, though. There are also seven towers again, and each one is ruled by a sui'kun. The new towers are in Wikuna, Telluria, Yar Arak, Zakkara, and Chu Lung, capital of the Eastern empire of Shen Lung.

Yes, Zakkara. The Sharadi and Wikuni allied and destroyed the Witch King and the ki'zadun once and for all, and while Zakkar is still a kingdom of powerful magic, they are no longer an enemy to the rest of the world. They're currently enjoying a strong alliance with Telluria, their closest neighbor.

Triana, well, nobody knows what happened to her. Though Tarrin knows she's not dead, she's been missing for nearly a century.

Miranda is dead, but...you know you can't keep a good avatar down. She does reappear in the story as a ghost, a spiritual being unfettered from her body and serving the will of Kikkalli directly.

Tarrin's children are typical Were-cats, up to a point. Tara and Rina live in Suld. Tara is a katzh-dashi, and Rina is a Wizard teaching at the Wizard Academy. Eron still just wanders around. Jasana bounces between duties as a third Guardian, defending the gate, and her own wandering. Jula has also retired from daily life, and lives a quiet life of domesticity in the Frontier, currently raising her new son.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Halcyon »

I'm so freakin' excited!! This looks like it will be awesome! I'm going to sit at my computer and hit refresh until it pops up...
On second thought, I'll just check back every day instead.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Mizriath »

OMG... typical of Fel to just lay the whole background of the scene... getting all the juices up... I wonder how I am going to stop myself from salivating for the next installment.

I saw the words Shen Lung.... it was brief before maybe thats where the bad guys are going to come up from?? I was thinking Telluria but maybe not. I just wait patiently. Even though I do not understand the word patience.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Texfire »

Sounds like a story that's really got your juices flowing. I look forward to reading it.

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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by gesit »

great stuff m8
can't wait
c u

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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Fel »

Mizriath wrote:OMG... typical of Fel to just lay the whole background of the scene... getting all the juices up... I wonder how I am going to stop myself from salivating for the next installment.

I saw the words Shen Lung.... it was brief before maybe thats where the bad guys are going to come up from?? I was thinking Telluria but maybe not. I just wait patiently. Even though I do not understand the word patience.
There won't be a "bad guy" element in this one really, at least not at first. It's not going to be an epic quest like the Firestaff, the beginning will be more of a period piece studying how technology can change a world built upon magic, and the conflict and strife such change can create in those unwilling to let go of the past. Think of the first half of Subjugation or the first few chapters of Axe...it's just gonna follow Amara around for a while and give you, the readers intimate with Sennadar, a window into how things have changed, and how some are reacting to that change.

But as the story goes, who knows. Maybe some malevolent force will rear its head and challenge Amara in some way. ;)

And yes, Amara was named in part after Camara, just dropping the C, continuing the inner circle tradition of naming children after others in the circle.
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Mizriath »

Fel wrote:There won't be a "bad guy" element in this one really, at least not at first. It's not going to be an epic quest like the Firestaff, the beginning will be more of a period piece studying how technology can change a world built upon magic, and the conflict and strife such change can create in those unwilling to let go of the past. Think of the first half of Subjugation or the first few chapters of Axe...it's just gonna follow Amara around for a while and give you, the readers intimate with Sennadar, a window into how things have changed, and how some are reacting to that change.

But as the story goes, who knows. Maybe some malevolent force will rear its head and challenge Amara in some way. ;)

And yes, Amara was named in part after Camara, just dropping the C, continuing the inner circle tradition of naming children after others in the circle.
Hmm.. You're the writer Fel. :| Amara will be the main character then. :) The so-called heroine and would that not called for a love interest when it develops into a full blown story.. then the malevolent force will make its appearance... :) :D :o But maybe we will know all that Fel, one day. Who knows :lol:
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by Mistra »

Sounds like an excelent story idea, btw, might we expect Amara to have some...wolf-like tendencies?
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Re: What's next: Surprise! Another Sennadar tale.

Post by joshzharris »

I can't wait to read this. Please Fel, don't make us wait too long.
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